



埃及石油部长Tarek al-Molla周二表示,埃及将在西部沙漠以及苏伊士海湾的11个区块进行新一轮石油勘探。并且,埃及还计划今年开启两轮天然气勘探。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com





来自/RigZone 4月19日消息  编译/张弘引

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CAIRO, April 19 (Reuters) - Egypt plans to launch a new oil exploration round next week, offering 11 blocks in the Western desert and the Gulf of Suez, Petroleum Minister Tarek al-Molla said on Tuesday.

He said that Egypt also plans to launch two gas exploration rounds this year.

Egypt, which used to be a net energy exporter, has become a net importer in recent years as consumption has increased while production has fallen.

The government has been on a drive to lure back foreign investors to its energy sector in an effort to address a squeeze on public finances.

Egypt owes about $3 billion to international oil companies for oil and gas they have supplied.

Attracting exploration investment has become increasingly difficult as global oil prices have tumbled over the past two years, though a huge gas find by Italy's Eni off the Mediterranean coast in August has reinvigorated interest in offshore Egypt.





Norwegian Petroleum Directorate(NPD)授予Statoil Petroleum AS公司位于北海的30/11-13号井的钻井许可。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

根据第035号生产许可证,30/11-13号井将使用 Songa Delta 公司的钻井设备。Statoil Petroleum AS公司是该许可证的运营商,持有50%股权,Det norske oljeselskap AS持有剩余的50%的股权。


来自/RigZone 4月19日消息  编译/张弘引

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The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted Statoil Petroleum AS a drilling permit for well 30/11-13, located in in the North Sea.

Well 30/11-13 will be drilled from the Songa Delta (mid-water semisub) drilling facility in production license 035. Statoil Petroleum AS is the operator of the license with an ownership interest of 50 percent. Det norske oljeselskap AS is also a licensee, holding the remaining 50 percent stake.

Production license 035 was awarded in the 2nd licensing round on Nov. 14, 1969. This is the thirteenth exploration well to be drilled within the license area. The permit is contingent upon the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to commencing drilling activities.




4月19日,Hammerfest市召开了Barents Sea会议。会上,Statoil公司技术、工程和钻井常务副总裁Margareth Øvrum展示了Statoil研发的一项新技术。这项新的水下技术名为Cap-X。
Margareth Øvrum表示:“我们再次计划与合作伙伴在挪威大陆架开发水下技术。这项技术将会提升效率、降低成本,从而成为下一代水下钻井基盘的标准。有了Cap-X技术,Statoil离海底‘即插即用’又近了一步。”
Cap X研发项目启动于2013年,目的是提升Barents海潜在能源的商业价值。
Statoil挪威、英国勘探工程高级副总裁Jez Averty表示:“作为勘探人员,我们需要寻找低成本、低排放的油气资源。Cap-X将会对Barents海和其他拥有浅海油藏的地区的资源开发产生重大影响。”
来自/oilvoice 4月19日消息  编译/赵宁
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At the Barents Sea Conference in Hammerfest today, a new subsea concept developed by Statoil was presented by Margareth Øvrum, executive vice president for technology, projects and drilling in Statoil.
The new subsea solution is called Cap-X.
'Once again we aim to drive subsea technology development on the Norwegian continental shelf together with our industry partners. The potential for increased efficiency and reduced costs can make this the next standard within subsea templates,' says Margareth Øvrum.
'With Cap-X, Statoil is one step closer to a 'plug and play' solution on the seabed.'
Cap-X is a combination of existing and new technology. It is ¼ the size of today's subsea templates and enables more operations from vessel instead of rig.
The technology increases the efficiency of horizontal drilling in shallow reservoirs. The main structure of the technology can be produced in shorter time by a larger number of suppliers, with potential for local production.
The development of Cap X was initiated in 2013 to increase commerciality of potential resources in the Barents Sea.
'We as explorers need to find resources that can be developed at a lower cost and with lower emissions. Cap-X can potentially have a significant impact on developing the resources in the Barents Sea and in other areas with shallow reservoirs', says Jez Averty, senior vice president for the exploration Norway and UK cluster in Statoil.

多哈会议无果而终 俄罗斯或增加石油产量及出口量



俄罗斯官员周二表示,由于多哈会谈没有取得实质性结果,俄罗斯不再需要就石油输出量与OPEC成员国保持一致,因此,俄方可能会提高石油生产和出口量。据能源部副部长Kirill Molodtsov称,2016年原油产量每日增长100000 桶,总产量增至10.81MMbopd。


在莫斯科举行的国际油气峰会上,Kirill Molodtsov表示俄方很有可能提高油气产量与出口量。同时,能源部副主席Alexey Teksler表示,俄罗斯向独联体以外的国家原油出口量可能会增长4.3%,达到2.55亿吨,即5.11 MMbpd。外界猜测中东生产商也可能提高供应量以保持市场份额,这意味着每日将新增300000 桶原油涌入国际市场。

来自/WorldOil 4月19日消息  编译/张弘引

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MOSCOW (Bloomberg) -- Just two days after the collapse of international oil-supply talks in Doha, Russia signaled it isn’t afraid to play a game of chicken.

Freed from a plan to coordinate output with OPEC members, Russian officials said Tuesday that the country may boost both production and exports. Output could grow by 100,000 bopd to 10.81 MMbopd in 2016, according to Deputy Energy Minister Kirill Molodtsov.

“And why not?” he said at the National Oil and Gas Forum in Moscow. “It’s possible.”

A proposal between major producers to cap oil output unraveled at talks on Sunday after Saudi Arabia said an agreement wasn’t possible without the participation of Iran. A freeze deal would have marked the first collaboration between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia in 15 years as a global glut keeps oil prices 60% below their 2014 high.

Russian crude exports to countries outside the Commonwealth of Independent States could grow as much as 4.3% to 255 million metric tons this year, or 5.11 MMbpd, First Deputy Energy Minister Alexey Teksler said at the forum. That would mean an extra 300,000 bopd flooding international markets amid speculation that Middle East producers may also boost supply to keep market share.




Saipem与Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG公司签署合同,Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG由BP公司、SOCAR公司、Snam S.p.A.公司、Fluxys公司、Enagas公司和Axpo公司联合经营。
该EPCI(工程设计、采购、施工和安装)合同主要内容包括:跨越Adriatic海建设从阿尔巴尼亚沿海地区至意大利沿海地区的天然气管道。具体内容包括:进行海洋调查,安装36" 105km长的海底管道,提供并安装海底光缆,进行预调试活动以及在阿尔巴尼亚和意大利地区建设相关设施。该管道西至意大利Puglia区的San Foca,该地的管道着陆点建设将采用微型隧道技术。
此海底管道最深处达海平面以下820米,管道建设工程将于2016年开始,届时将启用Castoro Sei 号半潜式铺管船和Castoro 10号驳船式铺管船。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/oil & gas observer 4月19日消息  编译/赵宁
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The contract has been awarded by Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG, a joint venture between BP, SOCAR, Snam S.p.A., Fluxys, Enagas and Axpo.
The EPCI contract (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) involves the installation of a gas pipeline between the coastlines of Albania and Italy, across the Adriatic Sea. Specifically, the activities envisaged by the contract include marine surveys, the installation of a 36" 105 km offshore gas pipeline, the supply and installation of an offshore fiber optic cable, pre-commissioning activities and civil works at the landfalls in both Albania and Italy. The landfall in Italy will be located at San Foca in Puglia and will be carried out using micro-tunnelling technology.
Offshore installation works, which at their deepest point will reach 820 meters below sea level, will be carried out using Saipem's semisubmersible pipelay vessel Castoro Sei and the trench/pipelay barge Castoro 10. Works will commence in 2016.

Seventy Seven Energy公司申请破产保护


4月19日消息(路透社)--- Seventy Seven Energy油田服务公司称:公司计划在5月26日或之前根据破产法第11章申请破产保护。在当前油价长期持续下跌的情况下,该公司是最新申请破产保护的公司。
Chesapeake Energy公司曾是Seventy Seven Energy的母公司,Seventy Seven Energy于2014年从母公司中分离出来。Seventy Seven Energy称公司已经和某些贷款方达成协议,这些贷款方可以使Seventy Seven Energy11亿元的债务转变成股权。Seventy Seven Energy的法律顾问为Baker Botts律师事务所,财政顾问为Lazard Freres & Co公司,公司重组顾问为Alvarez & Marsal公司。
低迷的油价已经迫使石油生产商大幅缩减开支,降低对类似于Seventy Seven Energy公司所提供的油田服务的需求。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
上周一,Chesapeake Energy称其贷款方虽然对公司的资金状况表示担忧,但允许公司贷款额达到40亿美元,这令公司投资人惊讶不已。
来自/rigzone 4月19日消息  编译/赵宁
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April 19 (Reuters) - Oilfield services company Seventy Seven Energy Inc said it intended to file for a prepackaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy on or before May 26, the latest energy company to seek bankruptcy protection amid a prolonged oil price slump.
The company, which was spun off from Chesapeake Energy Corp in 2014, said it had entered into a restructuring agreement with certain lenders that would allow it to convert about $1.1 billion of its debt into equity.
A more than 60 percent fall in global oil prices since mid-2014 has forced about 50 North American oil and gas producers to seek bankruptcy protection.
Weak oil prices have also prompted oil producers to severely curtail spending, weighing on demand for the oilfield services provided by companies such as Seventy Seven Energy.
Chesapeake Energy Corp, the company's former parent, surprised investors last Monday, when it said lenders had allowed it to keep its $4 billion borrowing base, despite concerns about its liquidity position.
Baker Botts LLP is Seventy Seven Energy's legal counsel and Lazard Freres & Co LLC is the financial adviser. Alvarez & Marsal is the company's restructuring adviser.



MELBOURNE 4月19日消息(路透社)--- Chevron同意从2020年起每年向Western Australia州的Alinta Energy公司出售20,000兆焦耳的天然气,该部分天然气占Wheatstone工程家用天然气年度总产量的四分之一多。
Chevron澳大利亚总经理Roy Krzywosinksi发布声明称:“该合同的签订是Chevron在Western Australia州开拓家用天然气市场所迈出的重要一步。”
Wheatstone工程耗资290亿美元,将在2017年生产并出口LNG,并从2018年开始向Western Australian州供应家用天然气。
Chevron公司持有该工程64%的股权,而Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co (KUFPEC)公司、Woodside Petroleum公司、日本Kyushu Electric Power公司和Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO)公司则持有剩下的股权。
Chevron还持有North West Shelf工程的股权,Chevron通过向Western Australian州供应North West Shelf工程所生产的天然气,已经占有Western Australian洲10%的家用天然气市场份额。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自rigzone 4月19日消息  编译/赵宁
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MELBOURNE, April 19 (Reuters) - Chevron has agreed to sell 20 petajoules a year of gas from its Wheatstone project to Alinta Energy in Western Australia starting in 2020, securing a customer for more than a quarter of the domestic gas output from Wheatstone.

The contract, lined up at a tough time for producers looking to seal long-term deals amid a gas supply glut, is for seven years, Chevron said on Tuesday.
"This agreement is an important step in Chevron's rapidly expanding domestic gas business in Western Australia," Chevron Australia managing director Roy Krzywosinksi said in a statement.
The $29 billion Wheatstone project is due to start producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export in 2017 and start supplying the Western Australian domestic market from 2018.
At full tilt, the project will have a capacity of 8.9 million tonnes a year of LNG and 200 terajoules a day of domestic gas, with the gas being marketed separately by each of the project partners.
Chevron has a 64 percent stake, with the remainder owned by Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co (KUFPEC), Woodside Petroleum and Japan's Kyushu Electric Power Co and Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO).
Chevron already supplies about 10 percent of the Western Australian market with gas from its share of the competing North West Shelf project.

科威特石油工人结束罢工 19日油价应声回落



Husky Energy 公司在Edam东部热采项目运行投产


Husky Energy公司在Saskatchewan省Edam东部的Lloyd热采项目已投产运行,项目分为三期开发,第一期计划在今年上线。


首席执行官Asim Ghosh表示:持续增加的稠油热采项目将引领Husky公司逐步过渡到低投资业务。东Edam项目是另一个快速产能提升的案例,其运营成本已居同行业中最低。




来自/Worldoil  4月19日消息  编译/吴海君

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CALGARY, Alberta -- Husky Energy has started production at its Edam East Lloyd Thermal Project in Saskatchewan, the first of three thermal developments scheduled to come online this year.

First oil at the 10,000 bpd development was achieved about seven weeks after the startup of steaming operations.

"Our growing portfolio of heavy oil thermal projects continues to lead Husky's transition into a low sustaining capital business," said CEO Asim Ghosh. "Edam East is another example of the quick ramp ups that we've come to expect from these developments, which have operating costs amongst the lowest in the industry."
Husky's operating costs for its Lloyd thermal product line averaged about $7/bbl, including energy, in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Two additional Lloyd thermal projects are expected to begin production in the third quarter: the 10,000 bopd Vawnproject and the 4,500 bopd Edam West project. Husky's total thermal production is expected to reach approximately 80,000 bopd by the end of 2016.

Husky's thermal projects are supported by the Lloyd Value Chain, which originates with the company's extensive resource in the Lloyd area and includes the Saskatchewan Gathering System, the Upgrader and asphalt refinery, and oil storage capacity at Hardisty.



Repsol Sinopec同挪威和巴西国家石油公司合作共同建设完成了Gavea A1 超深井,该井位于巴西海上Campos 盆地的BM-C-33区块,属盐下层系。



该井为公司所钻的第四口具有许可协议的评价井,前三口分别为在2013-2015年进行钻进和测试的Seat-2, PdA-A1 and PdA-A2 评价井。

Gavea A1评价井的完成标志着该公司已经完成在BM-C-33区块的评价任务,现正着手于地下数据和高效开发的评估工作。

Repsol Sinopec Brasil (份额占35%)是BM-C-33的运营商,挪威国家石油公司(份额占35%)和巴西国家石油公司(份额占30%)是其合作伙伴。


来自/worldoil  4月19日消息  编译/吴海君

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RIO DE JANEIRO -- Repsol Sinopec, with partners Statoil and Petrobras, has completed the Gavea A1 well in the ultra-deep pre-salt Block BM-C-33 in the Campos basin, offshore Brazil.

The well encountered a hydrocarbon column of 175 m in a good-quality reservoir of silicified carbonates of the Macabu formation.

The well reached a total depth (TD) of 6,230 m and was tested successfully, producing around 16 MMscf of gas and 4,000 bopd on a 32/64 in. choke, Statoil said in a statement.

This is the fourth appraisal well in the license, which comprises the Seat, Gavea and Pão de Açucar (PdA) discoveries. In 2013-2015, the consortium drilled and tested the Seat-2, PdA-A1 and PdA-A2 appraisal wells.

With Gavea A1, the consortium has finalized the appraisal activities in BM-C-33 and will now evaluate the sub-surface data and assess lean and cost-effective development concepts.

Repsol Sinopec Brasil (35%) is operator of BM-C-33. Statoil (35%) and Petrobras (30%) are partners.

Statoil is to take over operatorship of the license, a transition which is expected to take place in the third quarter.




早在凌晨4点钟,休斯顿的石油生产商阿帕奇公司通过电子邮件、短信和电话的方式发出了紧急通知,提醒员工在Galleria地区的办公室已被关闭。阿帕奇公司女发言人Castlen Kennedy说道,现在就说该公司在墨西哥湾地区的原油产量是否受到影响还言之过早。

Shell公司的当地业务是在周一开放,但该公司表示,它正在鼓励员工们周一在家中上班。Shell公司发言人Curtis Smith说到“公司将持续监测天气状况,安全仍然是首要任务”。


Chevron公司维持其市中心的办公室在周一开放,但表示建议它们的员工如果决定来工作的话,要非常谨慎小心。许多可能选择留在家中,雪佛龙公司发言人Cam Van Ast说。

来自/fuelfix 4月19日消息  编译/任伟伟

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Some oil companies in Houston said they don’t expect disruptions to their businesses from Monday’s storm and flooding, but at least one closed its offices.

As early as 4 a.m., Houston oil producer Apache Corp. sent out emergency notices through emails, text messages and phone calls to warn employees its local offices in the Galleria area were closed. It’s too early to say whether the company’s crude production in the Gulf Coast area has been affected, Apache spokeswoman Castlen Kennedy said.

Royal Dutch Shell’s local operations were open Monday, although the company said it is “encouraging” employees in areas with heavy rain or flooding to work from home on Monday. Shell says its employees should use “their best judgment” before venturing to the office. The company will keep monitoring weather conditions, Shell spokesman Curtis Smith said. “Safety remains the first priority,” he added.

BP says its Westlake campus in West Houston is still open on Monday, but the British oil company also has encouraged employees to work from home and avoid the roads, if possible, BP spokesman Brett Clanton said.

Chevron Corp. kept its downtown offices open on Monday but said its employees were “advised to use extreme caution” if they decided to come in to work. Many likely chose to stay home, Chevron spokesman Cam Van Ast said.



1. 沙特阿拉伯对石油冻产犹豫不决

周日,多哈会议各参会方未能就石油动产达成共识。Allen Brooks建议我们不要让铺天盖地的新闻报道掩盖当前全球石油市场的发展趋势。

2. 美国钻井平台数量将会下降
3. OPEC在卡塔尔分崩离析了吗?
Vagif Sharifov认为确实如此。他表示:多哈会谈失败“并非因为OPEC成员国和非OPEC国家之间存在分歧,而是因为OPEC各成员国意见相左”。
4. “施压策略”曝光
5. 周一早晨 西得克萨斯中级原油(WTI)期货下降4%以上 
6. 伊朗拒绝参会 成为会议失败主要原因石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
7. 加蓬欲再次加入OPEC
8. 巴西国会通过Dilma Rousseff总统弹劾案
周五至周日晚,巴西众议院进行了激烈的投票会议,众议院513名议员中的大部分议员投票通过Dilma Rousseff总统弹劾案。
9. 科威特工人罢工 石油产量降低一半
10. 2015年美国天然气产量创历史新高
来自/oilpro 4月19日消息  编译/赵宁
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Saudi Arabia Agrees To Disagree About Production Freeze. The parties attending the oil conference in Doha on Sunday failed to reach a consensus on freezing their production at their January levels. Allen Brooks advises that we don't let the cloud of media reports obscure the global oil market trends that are already underway. [Oilpro]
Anything, Even The Ramshackle US Rig Count, Can Always Fall 100%. Oilpro explores the impact of the Doha failure on U.S. onshore drilling. "In the weeks ahead, non-OPEC operator resolve will be tested. With no producer accord, oil prices could fall to levels that jeopardize the ramshackle US onshore drilling that remains." [Oilpro]
Did OPEC Die In Qatar? Vagif Sharifov thinks so. The Doha negotiations failed- "not due to a lack of consensus between OPEC and non-OPEC countries...but due to the fact that there was no agreement within the cartel." [Oilpro]
"Jawboning" Exposed. Zerohedge writes, "Following yesterday's meeting in Doha which ended in total failure...oil crashed and with it so did the strategy of jawboning for the past 2 months had been exposed for what it was: a desperate attempt to keep oil prices stable and "crush shorts" while global demand slowly picked up." [Zerohedge, Oilpro]
WTI Down +4% Early Monday. Oil prices tumbled 5% after the meeting. Brent crude futures were trading at $40.86 per barrel early on Monday, down 5.2% since their last settlement. US crude futures were down 5.7% at $38.06 a barrel. [Upstream Online, Oilpro]
Iran's Pre-Meeting "NO" Was A Key Bellwether. "Considering Iran's plan to revive its share of the global crude oil market after full annulment of unfair sanctions and the fact that this issue has been discussed in bilateral and multilateral meetings with oil and energy ministers of OPEC and non-OPEC producers...the Iranian oil minister will not take part in this meeting," a key official said Friday. [Oilpro]
...And While All This Is Going On, Another Former OPEC Member Wants Back In. After a two decade hiatus, Gabon wants to rejoin OPEC, according to two OPEC sources who spoke to Reuters. The African nation is the second former member in a year to seek a return to the 13-member group. Indonesia officially rejoined OPEC in December. [Oilpro]
Brazilian Congress Votes To Impeach Dilma Rousseff. In a rowdy voting session that started on Friday and went on through Sunday evening, the majority of the 513 deputies in the Brazilian lower house of Congress voted to impeach embattled President Dilma Rousseff. [Oilpro]
Kuwaiti Oil Strike Cuts Output In Half. Kuwaiti oil workers began striking on Sunday after rejecting an offer from the state oil company to suspend the implementation of public sector pay reforms. Oil output fell by more than half on Sunday as a result. [projects.zawya.com, Oilpro, MarketWatch]
U.S. Natural Gas Production Hit Record High In 2015, EIA Says. In its daily energy briefing on Friday, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that U.S. natural gas production reached a record high level of 79 Bcf/d last year, representing an increase of 5% from 2014. [Oilpro]


Cox Oil Offshore获得Chevron公司墨西哥湾资产


Cox Oil Offshore公司是一家私有化的独立石油天然气公司,该公司今天宣布已经成功收购Chevron公司在墨西哥湾的资产,主要包括19个油气田和分布在Louisiana州水域GOM外大陆架上的相关资产。

Cox Oil公司的创始人兼董事长Brad E. Cox表示:“今天的收盘进一步证明了Cox Oil公司在墨西哥湾以及外大陆架的重要作用。我们十分欢迎Chevron公司的100余名员工加入我们的团队。此次收购符合我公司在油气行业的长期战略,我们感谢Chevron及其专业人员的奉献和努力。”


来自/OilVoice 4月18日消息  编译/张弘引

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Cox Oil Offshore, L.L.C., an established, privately owned, independent oil and gas company today announced they have successfully completed a transaction in which Cox Oil acquired a number of assets in the Gulf of Mexico from Chevron. The acquisition includes 19 fields and associated assets located primarily on the GOM Outer Continental Shelf and in Louisiana state waters.

Today's closing further demonstrates Cox Oil's dedication to the Gulf of Mexico and the Outer Continental Shelf. We look forward to welcoming the more than 100 Chevron employees that will be joining our team,' said Brad E. Cox, Chairman and Founder of Cox Oil.

'This transaction contributes to our long term, strategic focus in the oil and gas industry. We are grateful to Chevron and their professional staff for their dedication and efforts in this process,' said Craig Sanders, CEO of Cox Oil.

The asset acquisition package includes 170 active wells, 70 platforms, 70 caissons and other offshore structures. The financial aspects of the deal will not be disclosed. The closing date for the transaction is April 15, 2016.







意大利南部的Basilicata是唯一选民投票率超过50%的地区,该地区是意大利现有的陆上石油主要产区。根据商业日报Il Sole 24 Ore报道,该地区的投票率是50.1%。而在西西里岛和Adriatic海沿岸地区,由于存在许多有争议的石油和天然气勘探区块,因此没有达到50%的投票率。

来自/natural gas Europe 4月18日消息  编译/张弘引

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A referendum held in Italy on April 17 on whether oil and gas exploration should be banned within 12 miles (20km) of the coast failed to muster enough of a turnout.

Only 31.19% of eligible voters turned out, according to the national press. The threshold required to make the referendum binding was 50% of voters plus one vote.

Four months ago the government extended all existing 30-year concessions within 12 miles until their resources were depleted, while at the same time banning all future exploration and drilling in territorial waters. Voters had to decided if they wanted to revoke the extension.

Basilicata, the southern region between the heel and toe of Italy, was the only region where voter turnout topped 50% - but only just. According to business daily Il Sole 24 Ore, voter turnout there was 50.1%. The region is home to much of Italy's existing onshore oil production. Thus Sicily and all the regions along the Adriatic coast, where many of the contested oil and gas exploration licences are located, failed to muster the 50% voter turnout.


Kimmeridge Limestone项目有望新增5600个工作岗位


英国Oil & Gas Investments公司委托EY咨询服务公司对英国Weald盆地Kimmeridge Limestone石油生产项目进行的调查显示:该项目实施过程中预计可每年新增1000到5600个工作岗位。


报告中还提到,保守预计,石油产量峰值为每天17万桶,最高可到到每天33万桶。报告中还强调,Kimmeridge Limestone油田的进一步产量测试表明该油田的产量情况远超预期。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

来自/Rigzone 4月18日消息  编译/张弘引

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Future Kimmeridge Limestone oil production projects over the UK’s Weald Basin could generate between approximately 1,000 to 5,600 jobs in the UK per year on average during their lifetime, according to a report from advisory services firm EY, which was commissioned by UK Oil & Gas Investments plc.

The report predicts that the gross value added to the UK economy as a result of the ventures could range from $10 billion (GBP 7.1 billion) to $74.6 billion (GBP 52.6 billion) and stated that future peak oil production from these projects could provide around 4 to 27 percent of the UK’s 2014 daily oil demand. Under a ‘low’ scenario, the report indicates that total production from the lifetime of the projects would be around 140 million barrels. This figure would rise to 560 million barrels in a ‘mid’ scenario, and 1.1 billion barrels in a ‘high’ scenario.

Peak oil production in the mid and high scenarios is around 170,000 and 330,000 barrels per day, according to the report, which states that its production scenarios are “conservative” and highlighted that the results of recent extended flow testing of Kimmeridge Limestone Oil were “far above expectations”.




OSLO 4月18日消息(路透社)--- 挪威石油公司和工会周一发表联合声明,呼吁尽快在北极群岛开采石油,以防海洋石油产量降低。
挪威石油管理局(Norwegian Petroleum Directorate)曾在2010年发布公告称: Lofoten群岛海域储油量达到13亿桶油当量。
来自/worldoil 4月17日消息  编译/赵宁
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OSLO, April 18 (Reuters) - Oil firms and trade unions in Norway made a joint call on Monday for the opening of a pristine Arctic archipelago to oil exploration as soon as possible to counter an expected decline in offshore production.
Oil exploration off the Lofoten islands has been suspended for the life of the current minority government since it relies on the support of two small parties, one of whose preconditions was that no oil firm can explore there.
But trade unions and energy firms, including the largest operator of platform off Norway Statoil, are keen to reopen the debate ahead of the next parliamentary elections in September 2017 to keep up existing production levels.
The seas off the Lofoten could contain up to 1.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent, according to a 2010 report by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
"These areas have a known geology, a large resource potential and are expected to be technically easy to explore and develop," said the report, released on Monday.
It was co-written by the lobbies representing the oil companies, the Norwegian industry, the shipping sector and the two biggest unions in the energy sector.
The report calls for an impact assessment of the area, which is the first formal step needed to allow firms to explore for oil and gas, to take place "as soon as possible". Environmentalist groups are opposed to oil exploration as the waters off the Lofoten are home to one of the world's largest cod stocks and to unique cold-water reefs.



周一,Statoil能源公司发布消息称:Statoil及其合作伙伴Repsol Sinopec Brasil公司和Petrobras公司在巴西沿岸Campos盆地深水区发现石油。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Repsol Sinopec Brasil持有35%的股权,是当前运营商,而Statoil也持有35%的股权,将在第三季度成为运营商。Petrobras则持有剩余的30%股权。
Repsol Sinopec Brasil由西班牙Repsol公司和中国Sinopec公司联合经营。
来自/rigzone 4月18日消息  编译/赵宁
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April 18 (Reuters) - Energy company Statoil and partners Repsol Sinopec Brasil and Petrobras have struck oil off the coast of Brazil, in a deepwater offshore area called the Campos Basin, the Norwegian firm said on Monday.
The appraisal well encountered a 175-meters hydrocarbon column and produced around 16 million standard cubic feet of gas and 4,000 barrels per day of oil, Statoil said.
Repsol Sinopec Brasil is currently the operator with a stake of 35 percent, but Statoil will take over as operator in the third quarter. It has a stake of 35 percent, while Petrobras holds the remaining 30 percent.
Repsol Sinopec Brasil is a joint venture of Spain's Repsol and China's Sinopec.



据德州劳工委员会(TWC)发布的通知显示:Seadrill Americas海洋深水钻井公司计划于5月1日在Houston裁员112人。
在West Capricorn(UDW半潜式钻井平台)海上移动式钻井平台工作的员工将会受到影响。根据通知,West Capricorn钻井平台现在由BP运营,但是BP已经和Seadrill沟通,计划延长Seadrill的钻井服务等待时间。
Seadrill人力资源总监Bill Traylor认为BP的这项决定“出乎预料、太过突然,而且完全超出了Seadrill的控制范围。”
来自/rigzone 4月18日消息  编译/赵宁
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Offshore deepwater drilling company Seadrill Americas, Inc. is planning to conduct a layoff of 112 employees in Houston May 1, according to data from a notice to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
The affected employees support operation of the West Capricorn (UDW semisub), a mobile offshore drilling unit located in the Gulf of Mexico. According to the notice, the West Capricorn rig is currently under contract with BP, but BP has communicated to Seadrill plans to extend its standby period for services on the rig.
In the notice, Bill Traylor, Seadrill’s director of human resources, described BP’s decision as “sudden, unexpected and outside of Seadrill’s control.”
Affected employees do not have bumping rights and all layoffs are expected to be completed by May 13.
In recent weeks, BP announced it would be laying off 500 workers in Houston beginning in early June as part of the company’s larger plan to eliminate 4,000 upstream jobs globally this year.

Sanders反对建设Pennsylvania—New York天然气管道


WASHINGTON 4月18日消息 --- 美国民主党总统候选人Bernie Sanders周一表示:他反对在Pennsylvania和New York之间建造天然气管道,并号召纽约官员反对此管道建设。



来自/rigzone 4月18日消息  编译/赵宁 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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WASHINGTON, April 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Monday said he opposes a proposed natural gas pipeline between Pennsylvania and New York and called on New York officials to reject the project.

"The possibility of methane leaks from the proposed Constitution Pipeline would be catastrophic to our air and our climate - and if this pipeline were approved, eminent domain would be used to seize land from farmers and homeowners," he said in a statement.

U.S. pipeline company Williams has delayed the start up of the pipeline to the second half of 2017 from the fourth quarter of 2016.

 Wood Group Kenny 的CEO加入水下技术学会理事会


Wood Group Kenny (WGK)的CEO Bob MacDonald,当选水下技术学会(SUT)理事会委员。

MacDonald 作为SUT理事会的一员,他将为SUT提供方向性的指导,从而促进未来全球海底油气行业的发展,同时进一步了解水下环境。MacDonald 已经加入SUT近15年,最近他还第一次庆祝了他在该协会的周年纪念日。




来自/Worldoil 4月18日消息  编译/张弘引

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ABERDEEN, Scotland -- Bob MacDonald, CEO of Wood Group Kenny (WGK), has been elected to the council of the Society of Underwater Technology (SUT). 

As part of the council, MacDonald will help steer the direction of the SUT to support the future success of the global subsea industry and promote understanding of the underwater environment. As a member of the organization for 15 years, MacDonald also recently celebrated his first anniversary as an SUT Fellow.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry, MacDonald joined WGK in 2003 having previously worked in various subsea sector roles across Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America. MacDonald has held a number of positions in WGK, including operations director and regional director for the North Sea before becoming CEO in 2015.

He said: “It is an honor to be elected to the SUT council and form part of the future of this society, which has brought together organizations and individuals with a common interest for the past 50 years. I look forward to bringing my experience in the subsea sector to the table, to support the SUT.”

The SUT aims to encourage the sharing of ideas between academia, industry and government, the development of new techniques and tools and further education to maintain high standards in marine science and technology and the use of resources in and beneath the oceans.
