



为了应对越来越依赖石油进口的问题,印度计划将该国第一个战略石油储备(SPR)上线。SPR的第一阶段包括印度南部的三个地点(Visakhapatnam,Mangalore和Padur),总产油量达到3910万桶。位于东部海岸的Visakhapatnam设备厂已于去年夏天开始填充地下井洞。根据FACTS Global Energy提供的消息,Mangalore和Padur设备厂预计将在2016年底完工。一旦填充完成,这三个设施厂将提供一个为期约13天的基于2015的消费和生产数据而得出的净石油进口覆盖率。



来自/OilVoice 7月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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In response to India's increasing reliance on petroleum imports, India plans to bring online the country's first strategic petroleum reserve (SPR). The first phase of India's SPR includes three locations (Visakhapatnam, Mangalore, and Padur) in southern India with a combined capacity of 39.1 million barrels of crude oil. The Visakhapatnam facility on the eastern coast began filling its underground caverns last summer. The Mangalore and Padur facilities are expected to be completed in late 2016, according to FACTS Global Energy. Once filled, these three facilities would provide an estimated 13 days of net oil import coverage, based on 2015 consumption and production data.

India's ultimate goal is to have an SPR that provides 90 days of net import coverage. The Indian government unveiled plans to add another 91 million barrels of SPR capacity in a second phase by 2020, although these facilities are still in the planning phase. The Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Limited (ISPRL), a special-purpose legal entity owned by the Oil Industry Development Board, would manage all of the SPR facilities.

The significant drop in international oil prices since mid-2014 provides India with an incentive to speed up construction and filling of its SPR. India is seeking to finance the second phase of its SPR partially through commercial agreements with foreign oil producers who can lease storage. India is currently negotiating with the United Arab Emirates' national oil company, ADNOC, to lease 5.5 million barrels of the Mangalore facility. Two-thirds of this volume would be available for India, and ADNOC could store the remaining volumes or sell the oil in the domestic market.




墨西哥近日宣布,包括15个海洋区块的第二轮油气招标工作将于2017年第一季度进行。这些区块分布在Tampico、Misantla和 Veracruz沿海及墨西哥湾东南部地区,面积约为8908平方千米。投标和授标时间定于2017年3月。



来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月20日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Mexico said the upcoming Round 2 bidding round, covering 15 offshore blocks, is to be held in the first quarter of 2017.  The blocks are located along the coasts of Tampico, Misantla, Veracruz and southeastern Gulf of Mexico area, covering a surface of around 8,908 square kilometers. The bidding and the awards of the offshore blocks are scheduled for March 2017.

Successful bidders for the blocks located in shallow water of the Gulf of Mexico will sign a production sharing contract for 30 years with two possible extensions of five years. As for the deadlines set within a production sharing contract, the oil companies will be given four years for the initial exploration period, plus an additional time of up to two years. After that, subject to an oil and gas discovery, the license owner will be given up to two years after the discovery for evaluation. Following a potentially successful outcome of the discovery evaluation, a development period of 22 to 32 years will begin.

Regarding the local content requirement, Mexico’s national hydrocarbons agency said it would be set at 15% to 35%, based on the project maturation.



为支持里海油气勘探活动,俄罗斯石油公司Lukoil已启用三艘冰区船舶:Bumi Uray、Bumi Pokachi和Bumi Naryan-Mar。三艘船均由Bumi Armada公司交付,将在里海Vladimir Filanovsky油田投入使用。

Bumi Naryan-Mar是一艘救援船,船上装有溢油应急反应系统和消防设备,执行救援任务时可一次性承载125人。Bumi Uray和Bumi Pokachi是供应船,主要负责货物和人员运输,兼能清理生产生活垃圾。这些冰区船的技术特性能使其顺利通过Volga-Caspian运河,在冰区全年作业。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月20日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Russian oil company Lukoil has put into service three ice-class vessels in support of its Caspian Sea oil and gas activities. The vessels Bumi Uray, Bumi Pokachi and Bumi Naryan-Mar, delivered by Bumi Armada, will be used at the Vladimir Filanovsky field in the Caspian Sea.

According to Lukoil, Bumi Naryan-Mar is a standby/rescue vessel equipped with oil spill response equipment and fire fighting system, which can take up to 125 people on board during rescue operations. Supply vessels Bumi Uray and Bumi Pokachi will deliver cargo and personnel as well as remove industrial and household waste. Technical characteristics of the vessels allow them passing through the Volga-Caspian canal and their ice-class makes them suitable for year-round operation, Lukoil said.



据报道,今年十月,埃尼集团(ENI)将与韩国三星重工(Samsung Heavy Industries)签订浮式液化天然气(FLNG)项目合同,该项目位于莫桑比克海岸。据悉,本次FLNG项目总值将达54亿美元,其中三星重工可获利25亿美元。

去年,法国Technip和日本JGC等公司组成名为Reef的财团,该财团率先提出与埃尼签订合同,双方就埃尼集团在莫桑比克海岸Area 4地区发展计划中的FLNG项目展开合作。

Eni负责人Claudio Descalzi曾在今年三月表示,公司在将在今年之内决定Coral油田发展项目的最终投资计划,明年将决定莫桑比克Mamba项目的最终投资计划。同时,埃尼集团计划在Coral油田开发多个FLNG项目,并减少公司在该油田的上游许可证持股份额。

埃尼集团开发运营技术总监Roberto Casula表示,今年三月,三家公司投标,为Coral浮式液化天然气项目提供船舶运输支持,提高运载能力,从250万吨/年提升至340万吨/年,从而节约成本。他表示,FLNG船运输100万吨FLNG需花费成本13亿欧元,因此每年总开支不到50亿美元。

来自/Upstream 7月18日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Eni is closing in on an order for a floating liquefied natural gas unit in South Korea, according to reports, with its likely destination to be off Mozambique.

The Italian major will in October firm up an order at Samsung Heavy Industries for a total project cost of $5.4 billion, Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.

The FLNG contract is going to a consortium including France’s Technip and JGC of Japan, the report said.

Upstream reported last year that the consortium – called the Reef Consortium – was the front runner to land the contract for the FLNG unit for Eni’s planned Coral development in Area 4 off Mozambique.

Yonhap’s report said the order will be worth $2.5 billion to Samsung, with a total value of $5.4 billion.

Eni chief executive Claudio Descalzi had said in March this year that the company would take a final investment decision on Coral in 2016, with another on the Mamba onshore liquefaction project in Mozambique planned for next year. Eni is also planning on more than one FLNG on the Coral field and is looking to reduce its stake in the upstream licence there.

Eni’s development, operations and technology officer Roberto Casula said in March that the three consortia bidding to supply the Coral FLNG vessel managed to increase its capacity from 2.5 million tonnes per annum to 3.4 million tpa, while controlling costs.

He said the cost of the FLNG vessel stands at €1.3 billion ($1.44 billion today) per million tpa — equivalent to just shy of $5 billion.


美元上涨叠加全球供应过剩 19日油价下跌


7月19日,国际原油期货价格下跌。油价下跌的主要原因是美元上涨和全球供应过剩,抵消了预期上周美国原油库存减少对油价的支撑。路透调查显示,预计上周美国原油库存将减少220万桶,连续第九周减少。不过,市场焦点放在适逢驾驶旺季,燃料供应过剩这一异常现象上。近几周,陆上储存收紧,燃料价格下跌,促使交易商利用海上储存设施储存柴油用于未来的交割。即使原油产出下降,但一些人士表示,因供过于求,价格持续反弹的势头可能难以持续。ION Energy油市顾问Kyle Cooper表示,无论API和EIA数据显示上周美国原油库存降幅有多少,成品油库存都可能会增加。不过,因工人就薪资问题进行罢工,利比亚东部哈里加石油出口港关闭,迫使日产能达10万桶的Sarir油田运营商暂停生产,扶助抑制油价跌幅。8月交货的WTI原油期货下跌0.59美元/桶,收盘价报每桶44.65美元;9月交货的布伦特原油期货下跌0.3美元/桶,收盘价报每桶46.66美元。布伦特与WTI价差为2.01美元/桶,较前一日扩大0.29美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为3.514美元/桶,较上一日扩大1.17美元/桶。












据英国《金融时报》报道,美国已开始向能源丰富的中东地区出口液化天然气,标志着美国页岩革命正在颠覆全球资源流向。最近几个月,钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy)在路易斯安那州的工厂生产的液化天然气已被出口到科威特和迪拜,以满足当地迅速增长的能源需求。(7月19日消息)



该公司周一说,其正在商谈将北海Kraken油田20%股份出售给以色列的Delek集团,交易价值1.62亿美元。该油田预计生产周期为25年,2017年开始投产,EnQuest拥有该油田70.5%股份,Cairn Energy拥有29.5%股份。该油田估算有1.47亿桶石油。(路透社,Rigzone,7月18日消息)

PPL在巴基斯坦Hadi X-1A勘探井发现油气


巴基斯坦石油公司(PPL)周五报道,其已经在巴基斯坦信德省桑加尔县Gambat South区块Hadi X-1A勘探井发现油气。经测试,该井日产天然气85万立方英尺。(Rigzone,7月18日消息)




土耳其政变失败 地中海-黑海油轮运费下降





沙特的Arab Petroleum Investment Corp和NationalShipping Co.将成立合资公司组建世界最大的油轮船队以支持王国增加原油出口的计划。沙特能源部长法利赫如是说。双方投资15亿美元以增加15艘大型油轮,最后达到拥有46艘此类大型油轮的船运公司。(彭博社,Rigzone,7月18日消息)



伊朗高级石油官员周一表示,伊朗将在2周内邀请符合条件的国际石油公司参加其开发油气田的招标活动。伊朗国家石油公司总经理Ali Kardor说:“并不是所有石油界的外国公司都能够参加伊朗的招标活动,只有那些满足伊朗国家石油公司标准的国际公司才可以参加”。(路透社,Rigzone,7月18日消息)



印度国有的石油天然气公司(ONGC)通过与两家服务商签署新的和扩充内容的、价值6000万美元的合同来拓展其在印度海上业务。该公司与HAL Offshore签署价值3344万美元的合同,与Fugro Survey签署价值2600万美元的合同。(Rigzone,7月18日消息)







BP授予Aberdeen Drilling Consultants全球性合同


总部设在苏格兰的钻井平台检查咨询公司Aberdeen Drilling Consultants (ADC)近日被BP授予合同,将为其提供全球性工程服务。

ADC将为全球超过14个国家提供支持服务。在运营、技术和海洋保证与审计的各个阶段,ADC将提供钻机现场评估,在Special Periodic Surveys中进行对象/事件调查,更新棕地钻井设施并监督钻机的维修和升级。

谈到此次合同授予,Douglas Hay ADC总经理说:“该全球框架协议的巩固证明了我们在该领域的经验以及客户的托付与信任。在审计过程中应用工程专业知识是对客户的承诺,正因为如此ADC的钻探设备检查才能呈现出如此高超的水平。技术创新对于商业发展是极其重要的。”


来自/OilVoice 7月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Aberdeen Drilling Consultants (ADC), a rig inspection consultancy based in Scotland, has been awarded a contract by BP to provide engineering services globally.

ADC will provide support in more than 14 countries worldwide. It will deliver rig site assessments at all stages of operations, technical and marine assurance audits, dropped object / incident investigations, oversight of brownfield upgrades to drilling facilities and oversight of repairs and upgrades to rigs during Special Periodic Surveys.

Commenting on the award, Douglas Hay ADC managing director said: 'Securing this global framework agreement is testament to our experience and the trust our clients place in us to deliver. 'Our commitment to the application of engineering expertise throughout the audit process allows ADC rig inspections to perform at the highest level. This combined with our dedication to continuous technological innovation has played a key role in securing this extremely important piece of business.'

The company also credits an ongoing commitment in training and development, despite ongoing market conditions, as a major contributing factor to this recent award. Having developed an internal training programme for employees, it has also launched a series of virtual training courses, which have been accredited by the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC).
'This is an important time for our industry,' continues Mr. Hay. 'We must work together to ensure that we continue to develop and evolve, which is exactly what our virtual training modules are designed to do.'


Pantheon Resources获得德克萨斯州东Polk县额外开采权益


Pantheon董事会近日宣布已获得德克萨斯州东Polk县8%的额外开采权益。收购完成后,Pantheon在包括VOBM#1发现井在内的两大勘探地的开采权益将从50%增长到58%,Pantheon在Tyler县勘探地的开采权益还将保持50%不变,在New Prospect E的开采权益也将保持25%不变。


此次以合适的价格收购额外开采权益是私营企业Vision Group内部重组的结果,属于双方共同达成的协议,不牵扯到第三方。此举保护了知识产权的机密性,减少了钻井中断的可能性,同时巩固了Pantheon与Vision集团之间的良好合作关系。

来自OilVoice 7月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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The board of Pantheon is pleased to announce the acquisition of an additional 8% working interest in the 'West Double A'* and 'West West Double A'** prospects (previously referred to respectively as 'New Prospect A' and 'New Prospect D'), located in Polk County, East Texas. Upon completion of the acquisition, Pantheon's working interest in these two prospects, including the VOBM#1 discovery well, will increase from 50% to 58%. Pantheon's working interest in its Tyler County prospects remains unchanged at 50% and its working interest in 'New Prospect E' remains unchanged at 25%.

Purchase consideration for the 8% working interest comprises an up front cash payment of US$6.5m, plus an additional 20% of the drilling and completion costs of the VOBM#2H and VOBM#3H wells, estimated to be between US$1.0m and US$1.25m per well. In relation to the 8% working interest acquired, Pantheon will benefit from an accelerated payback mechanism whereby it will receive a 2.5x uplift on production revenues until such time as the acquisition cost has been recouped, at which point revenues will revert back to an 8% revenue interest.

The opportunity to acquire this additional working interest at a favourable price has arisen as a result of an internal reorganisation within the privately-owned Vision group. By mutual agreement no third parties have been involved. The transaction maintains the confidentiality of intellectual property within the group, minimises mid-drilling disruption and reinforces the excellent established relationship between Pantheon and Vision.
