



1. Halliburton第二季度业绩超出预期


2. Aasta Hansteen一工人意外死亡

一名Hyundai Heavy Industries的韩国工人因从脚手架上摔下来而意外身亡。

3. 2020年阿尔及利亚石油生产将增长30%

据阿尔及利亚能源部长Nouredine Bouterfa称,该国计划提高石油产量来弥补因油价暴跌而损失的收入。

4. ExxonMobil股价现黄金交叉


5. Anadarko Too现黄金交叉期

并不是只有ExxonMobil才出现了黄金交叉,Anadarko Too也出现了黄金交叉期。

6. Petronas Names Vestigo成为Bertantai油田的运营商并开始钻井作业

Petronas已任命其全资子公司Vestigo Petroleum Sdn Bhd代表其去经营和维护Bertantai油田。

7. Aramco签署价值130亿美元Fadhili天然气项目协议


8. 墨西哥开启二轮招标进程


9. Canadian Natural Resources推迟Ivory Coast投资项目Canadian

Natural Resources在Ivory Coast投资的价值为3亿美元到4亿美元的项目因官员关注油价暴跌而搁置。

10. 伊拉克第二季度成为印度石油的最大进口国

6月,伊拉克的Saudia Arabia将成为印度的第一大石油供应商。这也表明欧佩克最大产油国将继续失去全球市场份额。

来自/OilPro 7月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Halliburton 2Q Beats Expectations. Chairman and CEO of Halliburton said second quarter results for the company showed “resilience in the face of another challenging quarter.”

Aasta Hansteen Worker Falls to Death. A South Korean worker died after falling off a scaffold at Hyundai Heavy Industries.

Oil Production to Increase by 30 Percent in Algeria by 2020. According to Algerian energy minister Nouredine Bouterfa, the country plans to boost oil production to make up for lost revenue due to crashing oil prices.

ExxonMobil’s Golden Cross. Back in mid-March, the world's largest oil & gas company and fourth largest by market capitalization, bore what investors refer to as the "golden cross."

Golden Cross for Anadarko Too. ExxonMobil isn’t the only company boasting this development.

Petronas Names Vestigo As Bertantai Field Operator; Starts Drilling Operations. Petronas has appointed its wholly-owned subsidiary, Vestigo Petroleum Sdn Bhd to operate and maintain the Berantai Field on its behalf.

Aramco Signs Deals for $13 Billion Fadhili Gas Project. State oil giant Saudi Aramco signed four major engineering contracts related to its Fadhili gas processing project, the company announced.

Mexico Opens Round 2 Tender Process. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Mexican government launched its second round of oil auctions. Round 2 has on offer 15 exploration and production blocks in shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Canadian Natural Resources Postpones Ivory Coast Investment. A $300 million to $400 million investment by Canadian Natural Resources in its Ivory Coast assets is on hold as officials keep an eye on tumbling oil prices.

Iraq becomes India’s top source for oil in second quarter. OPEC’s top oil producer is continuing to lose ground in a number of global markets, evidenced by Iraq besting Saudia Arabia to become India’s number one oil supplier during the June quarter.










沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)首席执行官说,沙特阿美的油气生产和钻井活动没有受到原油价格的影响。沙特将长期保持投资油气项目,向东亚出售原油,并为保持市场份额而战。(Worldoil.com,7月20日消息)









来自/Rigzone 7月20日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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July 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. units of Enbridge Inc reached a settlement under which the pipeline company will pay $177 million after a 2010 oil spill that released crude oil in Michigan and Illinois, Enbridge said on Wednesday.

Enbridge Energy Partners will pay $62 million in fines and around $120 million to prevent future spills, it said in a statement.

The July 2010 spill dumped 800,000 gallons of oil and affected 38 miles (61 km) of the Kalamazoo River after a rupture of its Line 6B pipeline due to corrosion fatigue. It was one of the largest onshore oil spills in U.S. history, affecting 4,435 acres (1,795 hectares) of nearby shoreline.

The subsidiary of Enbridge, Canada's largest pipeline company, last year reached a settlement with state officials to pay $75 million over the incident.


美原油库存持续减少 20日油价上涨


7月20日,国际原油期货价格上涨。油价上涨的主要原因是美国原油库存连续第九周减少,部分缓解市场对供应过剩的担忧。美国能源情报署(EIA)公布的数据显示,截至7月15日该周,美国原油库存减少230万桶,和分析师预计的减少210万桶接近。纽约能源对冲基金Again Capital合作伙伴John Kilduff称,尽管原油库存数据与预期基本一致,但降幅足以对油价提供支撑,且炼厂原油需求仍高企。不过,美国汽油期货价格触及四个月低点。数据显示,尽管预期今夏驾驶出游的美国人将创纪录高位,但上周美国汽油库存意外增加91.1万桶,预估为持平,同时,尽管炼厂日炼油量增加31.9万桶,但汽油日产量减少16.8万桶。8月交货的WTI原油期货上涨0.29美元/桶,收盘价报每桶44.94美元;9月交货的布伦特原油期货上涨0.51美元/桶,收盘价报每桶47.17美元。布伦特与WTI价差为2.23美元/桶,较前一日扩大0.22美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为3.73美元/桶,较上一日扩大0.22美元/桶。










英国脱欧加剧产出忧虑 北海油田关闭攀升


北海油田关闭的步伐正在加快,因为英国脱欧所导致的不确定性投资环境给市场造成冲击。据英国石油和天然气行业组织(Oil & Gas U.K.)表示,预计英国石油行业停止运作所需花费的资金将在直至2024年的这十年时间里升至224亿美元,较2014年的十年预期值高出16%。据WoodMackenzie Ltd咨询公司表示,国际原油价格跌破50美元/桶已经致使世界上石油产出成本最高的地区之一的英国北海石油产出下降30%左右。(彭博社,Rigzone,7月19日消息)












美国Silica Holdings Inc将以2.1亿美元现金与股票交易方式收购New Birmingham Inc旗下的NBR Sand。该交易将拓展Silica向不断增加的区域沙市场供沙能力和产品,提高公司满足客户需求的能力。Silica总裁兼首席执行官Bryan Shinn如是说。(Rigzone,7月19日消息)




Radio Holland与ALP签订十艘拖轮服务合同


航海电讯服务公司Radio Holland获得了ALP Maritime Services一份十艘拖轮的管理服务合同。Radio Holland周三称:合同服务项目包括海上拖曳航行、海洋定位和专业系泊。

ALP隶属于Teekay Offshore集团。2011年9月,ALP联合Ulstein Design共同开发“ALP Future Class”远洋拖轮,该拖轮配备约300吨的系柱拉力,具备动态定位功能。ALP首席运营官、公司创始人之一Leo Leusink表示:早在“ALP Future Class”远洋拖轮设计之初,ALP便要求Radio Holland为拖轮安装航海通讯设备。

被Teekay Corporation收购后,ALP于2014年2月与新泻造船厂(Niigata Shipbuilding and Repair)签署了建造四艘拖轮的合同。前两艘预计分别于2016年8月和12月交付,其余两艘2017年交付。Leusink称:除了新泻造船厂交付的四艘新拖轮,2015年ALP从Harms Offshore接手的六艘传统拖轮也在该合同服务范围内。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月20日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Radio Holland, a NavCom and service & management company, has been awarded a 10-vessel managed service agreement (MSA) from ALP Maritime Services. Radio Holland announced the contract signing with the ocean towing, offshore positioning and mooring specialist on Wednesday.

ALP is part of the Teekay Offshore group. ALP, together with Ulstein Design, started designing the ‘ALP Future Class’ – anchor handling and tugboats with a bollard pull of around 300 tons and Dynamic Positioning capability – in September 2011. ALP Chief Operating Officer, Leo Leusink, one of the founders of the company, said: “When we started designing the ALP Future Class we requested Radio Holland to equip the vessels with NavCom equipment.”

In February 2014, with the help of its new owners Teekay Corporation, ALP awarded Niigata Shipbuilding and Repair a contract to build four Future Class vessels. The first two are expected to be delivered in August 2016 and December 2016, and the following two in 2017. Leusink added that six traditional-style tugs ALP took over from Harms Offshore in 2015, as well as the four newbuilds, are also covered by the agreement with Radio Holland.



1. 壳牌钻井平台受工人罢工影响


2. 中石油员工从南苏丹撤离


3. Det Norsk安装Ivar Aasen钻井平台

7月18日,Det Norske Oljeselskap公司成功安装Ivar Aasen钻井平台。

4. 亚洲公司抢占市场 巴西又一造船厂倒闭


5. Ineos加快英国页岩气项目发展


6. Magseis与Sonardyne签订声波定位装置协议


7. Front Puffin FPSO试运行顺利结束

Panoro Energy顺利完成Front Puffin FPSO的试运行工作,由于一些设备故障,尼日利亚管理当局尚未批准,目前还没有达到稳定生产率。

8. 利比亚石油恢复供应 油价回稳


9. Cara油井开钻

7月18日,ENGIE E&P Norge开始在北海PL636区块开始Cara勘探井的钻井工作。

10. KrisEnergy开始3D地震记录调查

KrisEnergy有限公司开始884平方千米海域的3D地震调查项目,该地区位于泰国湾 G10/48合同区域,该项目预计持续41天。

来自/Oilpro 7月19日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Shell Platforms To Be Hit By Strike. Hundreds of members of Unite and RMT unions working under Wood Group are blaming a dispute over a 30 percent cut in pay and changes to allowances as the impetus behind strikes across eight Shell oil and gas platforms in the North Sea. [Oilpro]

Chinese Oil Company Evacuates Employees In South Sudan. Less than 100 workers have been left at a South Sudanese oil field Tuesday following the evacuation of staff by China National Petroleum Corp. as fighting continues in the African nation, the company announced. [Oilpro]

Det Norsk Installs Ivar Aasen Platform. Det Norske Oljeselskap lifted and installed the Ivar Aasen platform on July 18.[Oilpro]

In Brazil, Another Shipyard Goes Bust as Work Goes to Asia. A Rio de Janeiro shipyard, where suspended president Dilma Rousseff once promised to employ an army of welders, electricians and engineers to make offshore oil platforms, is all but shut. Every other day, 50 workers on average hand in their helmets and are sent home jobless, according to the yard’s union. More than 5,000 were on site in late 2014, and by the end of this month they are all expected to be gone.[GCaptain]

Ineos To Accelerate Development Of UK Shale Gas Project. Ineos is reportedly preparing to accelerate its application for fracking permissions in a bid to begin drilling in early 2017. [Oilpro]

Magseis Picks Sonardyne Acoustics. Magseis has selected acoustic positioning equipment from Sonardyne Intl Ltd, UK, to support its upcoming deepwater ocean bottom seismic survey of the Red Sea. [Oilpro]

Front Puffin FPSO Ready For First Crude Lift Soon. Panoro Energy has completed commissioning of the Front Puffin FPSO. Targeted stabilized production rates have not yet been achieved due to mechanical issues and Nigerian regulatory approvals. [Oilpro]

Libyan supply setback helps steady oil prices. The shutdown of an oil terminal in eastern Libya might not mean good things for the nation and it’s attempts to recover its oil production, but the rest of the industry is reaping a small benefit. [Oilpro]

Cara Well Spudded. ENGIE E&P Norge spudded the PL 636 Cara exploration well in the northern North Sea on Mon., July 18. [Oilpro]

KrisEnergy Begins 3D Seismic Recording Off Thailand. KrisEnergy Ltd. has commenced an 884 sq. km 3D seismic acquisition program in the G10/48 contract area in the Gulf of Thailand. The CGG Amadeus is estimated to work for 41 days on this project. [Oilpro]


Matador Resources提供业务更新数据


Matador Resources公司(纽约证券交易所代码:MTDR)是一个独立的能源公司,从事勘探、开发、石油生产和天然气资源的收购。该公司着重发展石油和天然气页岩等非传统设备领域,其中位于新墨西哥东南部和德克萨斯西部的特拉华盆地是其目前关注的一个重点。该公司今日提供了其持续经营业务的更新数据,并公布计划发布其2016年第二季度的运营和财务结果的日期。

此次发布的重点包括位于特拉华盆地的Matador's Rustler Breaks 和 Wolf勘探区最近以来钻探完成的油井的初始数据,其中也包括来自两口成功测试了Rustler Breaks Wolfcamp B低处作业台的油井的数据。此次发布还强调了通过特拉华盆地的开采运营来持续改进运营效率和运营成本,同时通过其最近完工的特拉华盆地开采工作,Matador提供了一些最新的钻井、技术及鼓励性措施。

来自/OilVoice 7月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR), an independent energy company engaged in the exploration, development, production and acquisition of oil and natural gas resources, with an emphasis on oil and natural gas shale and other unconventional plays and with a current focus on its Delaware Basin operations in Southeast New Mexico and West Texas, today provided the following update of its ongoing operations and announced the date it plans to release its second quarter 2016 operational and financial results.

Highlights of this release include the initial results from a number of recent wells drilled and completed in Matador's Rustler Breaks and Wolf prospect areas in the Delaware Basin, including the results from two wells successfully testing a new, lower bench of the Wolfcamp B at Rustler Breaks. This release also highlights the continued improvements in operational efficiencies and well costs throughout the Company's Delaware Basin operations and provides an update on some of the latest drilling and completion technologies and stimulation designs being used by Matador in its recent Delaware Basin completions.


Magellan Petroleum股东批准战略外汇交易


Magellan Petroleum(纳斯达克股票代码:MPET)今天宣布,其股东已在2016年7月13日举行的股东年会和特别会议上批准了先前宣布的战略外汇交易。

2016年7月13日,公司召开了股东年会及特别会议,会上股东们批准了Magellan and One Stone Holdings II LP于2016年3月31日签署的外汇交易及外汇协议上所涉及的其他交易。

公司总裁兼首席执行官J. Thomas Wilson说:“我们很高兴,因为Magellan的股东已批准了与One Stone签署的外汇协议,这为公司正在进行中的战略方案审查过程的完成铺平了道路。我们目前正在与One Stone合作,希望能获得其余股东的同意,我们预计应在2016年七月底结束外汇交易。”

来自OilVoice 7月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Magellan Petroleum Corporation (NASDAQ: MPET) today announced that its shareholders approved the previously announced strategic exchange transaction at the annual and special meeting of the shareholders held on July 13, 2016.

On July 13, 2016, the Company held an annual and special meeting of the shareholders of the Company during which meeting the shareholders approved the exchange and the other transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement dated as of March 31, 2016, between Magellan and One Stone Holdings II LP.

J. Thomas Wilson, President and CEO of the Company, commented:'We are pleased that Magellan's shareholders have approved the Exchange Agreement with One Stone, which paves the way to finalizing the strategic alternatives review process the Company is conducting. We are currently working with One Stone to obtain the remaining consents required to permit the closing of the exchange transaction, which we expect should occur toward the end of July 2016.'
