

Claxton获得Statoil Huldra平台油井报废合同


(英国,GREAT YARMOUTH)Claxton与Statoil签订合同,为其位于挪威大陆架Huldra平台的7口费弃井提供无修井机报废作业。


导管和套管分离作业将利用Claxton最新的回收井架和磨料切割系统,SABRE。该系统单元和所有辅助设备为NORSOK兼容Z-015,回收井架的安全工作负载为300 Te,模块化系统最大限度地减少装配的时间和复杂性。

来自/World Oil 7月28日消息 编译/徐建鹏
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GREAT YARMOUTH, United Kingdom -- Claxton, an Acteon company, has been awarded a contract with Statoil to provide ‘rigless recovery’ of seven abandoned wells on the Huldra platform on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The contract was finalized in July, and work is scheduled to commence in December with the project due for completion within 21 days. Claxton is responsible for a full scope of decommissioning work, includingproject planning, severance and full multiple string recovery.

Conductor and casing severance for the Huldra project will be performed using the latest Claxton recovery tower and its abrasive cutting system, SABRE. The SABRE unit and all ancillary equipment are NORSOK compliant to Z-015, with the recovery tower having a safe working load of 300Te with a modular system footprint design that minimizes rig-up time and complexity.




1. 美国供给增加 油价继续下跌


2. 英国推出新的油气勘探开发许可


3. Hess第二季度财务亏损


4. FERC允许Constitution天然气管道建设延期


5. 受恐怖袭击影响尼日利亚损失700000桶原油


6. Statoil大幅度削减开支


7. 美国监管机构探测水下油井螺栓失败


8. 壳牌从乌克兰页岩气勘探中撤出

随着壳牌从乌克兰分裂活动地区中撤出,Yuzgas B.B获得一份页岩气勘探合同,区块毗邻亲俄罗斯分裂分子势力范围。

9. 南非石油工人罢工蔓延至炼油厂


10. Anadarko发布第二季度亏损


来自/Oilpro 7月28日消息 编译/徐建鹏
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1. Oil falls from three-month low as supplies at US hub swell.

Mationwide stockpiles of crude slid by 827,00 bbl as oil fell from the lowest close in three months amid increases in petroleum inventories and faltering demand. [WorldOil]

2. Britain offers new oil and gas licenses amid exploration drought.

Companies will be able to apply for cheaper, more flexible licenses (with a 90 percent fee cut) in Britain as the country attempts to attract new companies in the hunt for more oil and gas fields.[Reuters]

3. Hess reports losses in second quarter.

Hess reported a net loss of $392 million in the second quarter of 2016 and revenues dropped to $1.269 billion, down from $1.935 billion last year. [Offshore Energy Today]

4. FERC grants extension for Constitution’s pipeline.

A contested $683 million natural gas pipeline from Pennsylvania to New York has been granted a 2-year extension by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as the company continues to appeal a decision made by New York officials. [Law360]

5. Nigeria missing 700,000 bpd of oil output from militant attacks.

Nigeria continues to feel the pressure from the militant group Niger Delta Avengers as the nation’s oil production drops significantly. [Reuters]

6. Statoil slashes spending with unexpected losses.

Norway’s biggest oil producer had anunexpected loss in the second quarter which had been heavily affected by weak oil and gas markets. [Bloomberg]

7. U.S. Regulators Form Group to Probe Subsea Oil-Well Bolt Failures.

Federal officials are looking into why metal bolts used to connect subsea oil equipment keep breaking, signaling that such issues may be growing. [Wall Street Journal]

8. Shell withdraws from Ukrainian shale gas exploration.

As Royal Dutch Shell PLC pulls out of Ukrainian separatist violence, Yuzgas B.B., a company set up by Emerstone Energy, moves in on a contract for shale gas exploration in areas bordering territories seized by pro-Russian separatists. [Reuters]

9. South Africa oil workers’ strike could hit refineries.

A union representing South African energy workers say around 23,000 employees are expected to strike indefinitely from Thursday over pay disputes. [Reuters]

10. Anadarko posts second quarter loss.

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation reported of a loss of $692 million in the second quarter opposed to a profit of $61 million during the same time period last year. [Offshore Energy Today]


美国原油和汽油库存增加 27日油价下跌


7月27日,国际原油期货价格下跌。油价下跌的主要原因是美国原油和汽油库存意外增加,因夏季驾车出游高峰期需求疲弱。EIA公布的数据显示,上周美国原油库存增加167.1万桶,创下4月底以来最大周度增幅,市场预估为减少225.7万桶,汽油库存增加45.2万桶,市场预估为增加3.6万桶。此外,美元走强也令油价承压。美联储保持利率不变,称美国经济前景面临的短期风险减弱,为年内升息埋下伏笔。路透数据显示,WTI和布伦特原油期货逼近200日移动均线。交易商称,一旦跌穿,油价可能进一步走低。EIA数据还显示,上周炼厂开工率下降0.8个百分点,至92.4%,日炼油量减少27.7万桶,至1659万桶。纽约原油船货跟踪公司Clipperdata分析师Matt Smith表示,在夏季驾车出行高峰期炼油量下降,表明由于炼油利润率下降,炼厂在减产。也有部分市场人士认为,市场供应过剩忧虑过度。9月交货的WTI原油期货下跌1美元/桶,收盘价报每桶41.92美元;9月交货的布伦特原油期货下跌1.4美元/桶,收盘价报每桶43.47美元。布伦特与WTI价差为1.55美元/桶,较前一日缩窄0.4美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为2.385美元/桶,较上一日缩窄0.845美元/桶。






印度政府正在讨论将13家石油公司整合成一家大型集团的可能性。《新闻报》称,新公司收入可能超过美国雪佛龙公司Chevron(2015年为1290亿美元),市值则与俄石油公司(Rosneft Oil)相当(在莫斯科交易所的市值约为540亿美元)。《新闻报》援引《经济时报》消息称,计划在该国主要的印度石油天然气公司(Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd)的基础上成立新的集团,其中将包括印度最大的石油加工企业印度石油公司(Indian Oil Corporation Limited),以及印度巴拉特石油公司(BharatPetroleum Corporation Limited)、印度斯坦石油公司(Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited)、印度天然气公司GAIL (Indian) Limited、班加罗尔炼油与石油化学品公司(MRPL)、金奈石油有限公司Chennai Petroleum Corp. Ltd (Indian Oil)、印度炼油与石油公司(Numaligarh Refinery Limited)。其中6家公司的总市值为770亿美元。(7月27日消息)






美国地质调查局(USGS)周一报道,其与印度、日本一起在孟加拉湾发现了一大型的、高丰度的天然气水合物矿藏。这是在印度洋的首次发现,更是印度天然气水合物探索计划 02(INGHPR-02)取得的成果。该计划由印度国有企业石油与天然气公司(ONGC)主导,印度、美国、日本科学家共同参与。此次计划在147天里完成42个钻孔,水深1519米到2815米,孔深海底以下239米~567米。(USGS,7月19日消息;Rigzone,7月26日消息)

Pilot Energy收购Murphy西澳海上WA-481-P许可区块


Pilot Energy Ltd周三报道其已经与Murphy签署协议收购后者在西澳大利亚海上北帕斯盆地WA-481-P勘探许可区块100%权益。(Rigzone,7月27日消息)

印尼总统任命Archandra Tahar为能源部部长


周三,印尼总统任命ArchandraTahar为新一任的能源与矿产资源部部长,取代现任的Sudirman Said,以加强执政能力,应对全球经济挑战。当地日报《Jakarta Globe》报道。对于印尼油气工业,Archandra 并不是一个陌生者,他是国有企业PT Pertamina Hulu Energy的顾问。(Rigzone,7月27日消息)



南非石油部门15000多名雇员在与雇主就薪水谈判破裂后将于本周举行罢工。Talk Radio 702周二报道。报道中提到,CEPPWAWU(化学、能源、纸张、印刷、木材联合工会)透露工人们将于周四上午开始罢工。(路透社,Rigzone,7月26日消息)







Canacol Energy宣布Oboe评价井储量


Canacol Energy有限公司近日发布VIM 5区块的Oboe评价井储量,该井的测试时间为2016年3月。

Oboe-1井经Cienaga de Oro ('CDO') reservoir储层中的三种不同的砂岩测试。三项测试的流量峰值分别为1300万、2600万、2600万标准立方英尺/天。该井将被连接到Clarinete流线,预计2016年9月1日开始永久性生产。Clarinete 1和2ST目前的天然气产量为3500万标准立方英尺/天。Oboe-1进一步评价了Clarinete气田结构并为Canacol现有的4190亿标准立方英尺的3P天然气储量增加了380亿标准立方英尺的额外天然气储备。

Canacol目前正在钻探位于马格达莱纳河谷盆地底部Esperanza区块的Nispero 1探井。Nispero 1一旦完工并进行井测后,公司会进行钻探作业、进行评价井跟踪测试或钻探Nelson 6号井以测试Porquero地层浅层天然气储量。

来自/OilVoice 7月27日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Canacol Energy Ltd. (TSX:CNE) (OTCQX:CNNEF) (BVC:CNEC) is pleased to report reserves for its Oboe appraisal well tested in March, 2016 on the VIM 5 block.

The Oboe-1 well was completed and tested in 3 of 11 different sandstone reservoir intervals within the Cienaga de Oro ('CDO') reservoir. The 3 tests flowed at peak rates of 13, 26 and 26 million standard cubic feet per day. The well is in the process of being tied-in to the Clarinete flow line where it is expected to commence permanent production by September 1, 2016. Clarinete 1 and 2ST are currently producing 35 mmscfpd of gas. Oboe-1 further appraises the Clarinete gas field structure and adds 38 billion standard cubic feet of additional gas reserves to Canacol's existing portfolio of 3P gas reserves of 419 bscf.

Canacol is currently in the process of drilling the Nispero 1 exploration well in the Esperanza block located in the Lower Magdalena Valley basin. Upon completion and testing of the Nispero 1 well the Corporation will either drill and follow up with an appraisal well, or will mobilize the drilling rig to drill Nelson 6 well, which will test the shallow gas bearing Porquero formation.


MX Oil任命新非执行董事


MX Oil,AIM提名的石油和天然气投资公司近日宣布将任命Richard James Carter先生为新的非执行董事,任命即时生效。

Carter先生(ACMA),35岁,毕业于赫特福德郡大学,获得会计(荣誉)学士学位。他的职业生涯开始于Mouchel Parkman Group公司,该公司是工程和政府基础设施供应商,在伦敦股票交易所上市。



2014年九月,Carter先生加入Gate Ventures公司,该公司是一家专注于媒体和娱乐项目的投资公司。作为首席财务官,Carter先生负责公司所有的投资交易,他同时也是投资子公司Infinity House Productions, Ensygnia IP Ltd,和Playjam Holding Ltd董事会的一员。

来自/OilVoice 7月27日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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MX Oil plc, the AIM quoted oil and gas investing company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Richard James Carter as a Non-Executive Director with immediate effect.

Mr Carter (ACMA), aged 35, graduated from Hertfordshire University with a BA (Hons) in Accountancy and began his career at Mouchel Parkman Group plc, a London Stock Exchange listed engineering and government infrastructure provider.

In 2004, Mr Carter moved to International Publishing Company Limited (now Time Inc. UK Limited), a UK publishing company where he worked closely with publishing editors to help drive revenue and reduce costs as well as developing and improving management information. Mr Carter was also involved with new product revenues such as telemarketing, competitions and online subscriber acquisition plans.

In 2007, Mr Carter joined AIM quoted technology and telecommunications start up, Avanti Communications Group plc. Mr Carter was responsible for setting up the company's financial function, operations and processes and internal and external reporting procedures. He also worked directly with the CEO on the company's commercial strategy. Mr Carter was also the Investor Relations Manager and assisted with fundraisings involving the issue of equity, debt and high yield bonds.

In September 2014, Mr Carter joined Gate Ventures plc, an investment company focused on media and entertainment projects. As Chief Financial Officer, Mr Carter oversees all investment transactions of Gate Ventures plc and also serves on the boards of its investee companies Infinity House Productions, Ensygnia IP Ltd, and Playjam Holding Ltd.


挪威石油管理局将油井7220/6-2 R钻探许可权授予Lundin Petroleum


挪威石油管理局近日根据资源管理条例第八条相关规定,将油井7220/6-2 R的钻探许可权授予Lundin Norway AS 。

Leiv Eiriksson钻探设备将对该油井展开钻探作业,作业的位置在北纬72°34'13.1'',东经20°58'19.66'' 。

此次钻井项目与2015年钻探的许可证号为609的初探井7220/6-2有关。Lundin Norway AS作为运营商拥有40%的股权,Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS作为持证人拥有30%的股权,剩下的30%则为DEA Norge AS所有。


初探井7220/6-2 R是对生产许可证为609的第六探井的延伸。


来自/OilVoice 7月27日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted Lundin Norway AS a drilling permit for well 7220/6-2 R, cf. Section 8 of the Resource Management Regulations.

Well 7220/6-2 will be drilled from the Leiv Eiriksson drilling facility at position 72° 34' 13.1' north and 20° 58' 19.66' east.

The drilling programme for well 7220/6-2 R relates to an extension of previous wildcat well 7220/6-2, drilled in 2015 in production licence 609. Lundin Norway AS is the operator with a 40 per cent ownership interest, and the licensees are Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS with 30 per cent and DEA Norge AS with 30 per cent.

The production licence consists of blocks/parts of blocks 7220/6, 7220/9, 7220/11, 7220/12 and 7221/4. The production licence was awarded in the 21st licensing round in 2011.

Wildcat well 7220/6-2 R will be an extension of the sixth exploration well in production licence 609.

The permit is contingent on the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to commencing the drilling activity.




为油气行业提供系统性检验、整修和维护服务的Neptune Marine Services公司获得了PTTEP Australasia一份非破坏性检查/非破坏性测试(NDE/NDT)和检验服务合同。

本周二Neptune透露:除了位于Darwin的设备设施,该合同服务对象还包括PTTEP公司的“Montara Venture”号浮式生产储卸船和井口平台。各项服务工作将由Neptune具备NDT资格的技术员和检验员小组负责进行。Neptune还称:该公司设在查尔斯达尔文大学的非破坏性测试和机械测试实验室将为该项目提供材料测试服务。

Neptune首席执行官Robin King表示:获得该合同十分鼓舞人心,这也证明了公司在资产综合服务领域具备过硬的实力。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月27日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Neptune Marine Services, a provider of integrated inspection, repair and maintenance solutions to the oil and gas industry, has been awarded a non-destructive examination/non-destructive testing (NDE/NDT) and inspection services contract by PTTEP Australasia.

Neptune said on Tuesday that the contract covers PTTEP’s Montara Venture floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel and the wellhead platform, in addition to the company’s Darwin-based facilities, with Neptune’s team of certified NDT technicians and inspectors performing the various works. The company added that the contract will be supported by its NDT and mechanical testing laboratory at Charles Darwin University in Darwin, through the provision of materials testing services.

Neptune Chief Executive Officer, Robin King, said: “The award of this contract is very encouraging for our asset integrity service line and demonstrates the ever growing capability that Neptune has in this area.”



由印度政府、日本政府和美国科学家组成的联合勘探小组在印度洋发现了大规模可开发天然气水合物储集层。这一国际科学家小组由印度石油天然气公司(ONGC)代表印度石油和天然气部牵头成立,联合美国地质调查所(USGS)、日本公司Japanese Drilling Company和日本海洋科学技术中心(JAMSTEC)进行能源勘探。



来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月26日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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A research partnership between the Government of India, the Government of Japan, and U.S. scientists has resulted in a discovery of ‘large deposits of potentially producible gas hydrate’ in the Indian Ocean. The international team of scientists was led by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) of India on behalf of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas India, in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Japanese Drilling Company, and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).

The USGS said that it has assisted the Government of India in the discovery of large, highly enriched accumulations of natural gas hydrate in the Bay of Bengal, the first discovery of its kind in the Indian Ocean that has the potential to be producible. The agency explained that natural gas hydrates are a naturally occurring, ice-like combination of natural gas and water found in the world’s oceans and polar regions. The amount of gas within the world’s gas hydrate accumulations is estimated to greatly exceed the volume of all known conventional gas resources.

The scientists from India, Japan, and the United States conducted ocean drilling, conventional sediment coring, pressure coring, downhole logging and analytical activities to assess the geologic occurrence, regional context and characteristics of gas hydrate deposits in the offshore of India.



1. BP第二季度利润减少


2. Texas Oil裁员节奏放缓

从去年6月以来Texas Oil已经向1/5的员工发放解雇通知书,但最近裁员节奏在逐渐变慢。

3. 印度洋海域发现巨大天然气矿藏


4. InterOil创始人阻止埃克森美孚的收购


5. 北海壳牌员工举行罢工

受雇于Wood Group的RMT和Unite工会的员工今天早晨举行罢工,为这一代人的第一次罢工。

6. LNG产量激增势头开始减弱


7. 欧洲开发银行考虑投资天然气管道

欧洲开发银行计划为Trans Adriatic管道的建设提供资金支持,该管线预期穿过Balkans到达意大利。

8. Consol Energy报告第二季度亏损


9. 中国石油天然气集团公司收入增加


10. 延误、成本超支是项目失败的主要原因


来自/Oilpro 7月27日消息 编译/徐建鹏
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1.BP Profits Drop In Second Quarter Report.

BP has less than stellar profits in second quarter, according to the latest report.

2.Texas Oil Cuts Eased In June.

Texas drillers have handed out pink slips to 1 of 5 employees since last June, but lately, the pace of the industry’s job cuts has slowed.

3.India, US discover Major Natural Gas Deposit.

“A joint expedition by India and the U.S. discovered a major deposit of natural gas in the Indian Ocean, offering the potential to significantly expand energy production in a region that’s currently a big importer.”

4.InterOil’s Founder Balks At ExxonMobil’s Purchase.

Found of InterOil, and its third-largest investor, said the offer to buy the company was “vastly inadequate.

5.North Sea Shell Workers Go On Strike.

Members of the RMT and Unite unions employed by the Wood Group on Shell platforms walked out this morning – the first strike of its kind in a generation.

6.LNG Surge Begins To Weaken. LNG's surge is running out of gas as global trends show the market with an increasing supply that could outweigh global demand.

7.European Development Bank Considers Funding Gas Pipeline.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is looking to support financially the development of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, which plans to bring gas across the Balkans and on to Italy.

8.Consol Energy Reports Second Quarter Loss.

“Oil, gas, and coal company struggles with low commodity prices but cuts costs to compensate.”
9.China National Petroleum Corp.Boosts Income.

The company said profit rose while spending cuts boosted earnings.

10.Delays, Cost Overruns Putting Projects At Risk.

Oil and gas companies appear to have major issues with completing projects on time and on budget. 


Technip与Woodside签订Greater Enfield工程合同


周三,法国Technip公司宣布获得来自Woodside总值约为2.75亿-5.5亿美元订单。Technip将为西澳大利亚海上水深1115-2789英尺以下的Greater Enfield项目提供相关服务。


公司运营中心位于澳大利亚珀斯,该中心与位于马来西亚和印度的Technip亚太水下服务中心一起完成本次合同中规定的服务内容。Technip在马来西亚Tanjung Langsat地区的制造工厂负责挠性管制造,公司在英国Newcastle的控制管缆公司负责管缆供应,公司船队的工作船负责海上安装工作。预计于2018年完成合同中规定的全部工作。

公司亚太地区负责人Arnaud Pieton在新闻发布会中表示,很高兴能与Woodside签订合同,公司长期致力于亚太市场,服务水平一直处于行业领先地位。

来自/Rigzone 7月27日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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France's Technip announced Wednesday that it has been awarded a large subsea contract, valued at $275-$550 million (EUR 250-500 milion), by Woodside for the Greater Enfield Project located offshore Western Australia in water depths of 1,115-2,789 feet (340-850 meters).

Work on the contract includes project management, design, engineering, procurement, installation and pre-commissioning (EPIC) of carbon steel production flowline, carbon steel water injection flowline, flexible risers and flowlines totaling 51 miles (82.2 kilometers); 24.1 miles (38.9 kilometers) of umbilicals (dynamic and static); subsea structures and valves; and multi-phase pump system (transport and installation).

The firm's operating center in Perth, Australia will carry out the contract with support from Technip’s Asia Pacific Subsea Hub in the Kuala Lumpur office in Malaysia, and office in Chennai, India.

Flexible pipes for the project will be manufactured in Asiaflex Products, Technip’s manufacturing plant in Tanjung Langsat, Johor, Malaysia, while the umbilicals will be supplied by Technip Umbilicals’ facility located in Newcastle, UK. Offshore installation will be undertaken using several vessels from Technip’s fleet, with the contract due for completion in 2018.

"We are very pleased to have been awarded this large contract by Woodside in this competitive business environment, in addition to demonstrating Technip’s leadership and long term presence in Australia and Asia Pacific," Arnaud Pieton, president of Technip in Asia Pacific said in the press release.


Deep Down获价值300万美元订单


Deep Down是一家水下油田服务公司,近日该公司获得来自两家公司的悬空引线及控制管缆辅助设备订单。这两家公司的具体名称尚未公开。据Deep Down公司负责人介绍,两项订单总值超过300万美元。


Deep Down公司执行总裁表示,对于公司来说,这两项订单具有里程碑意义,公司曾与初始设备制造商签订合同,提供相关设备,但由于目前油价低迷,运营商直接与我们签订合同无疑是节约成本的范例。

来自/Subsea World News 7月26日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Deep Down, a subsea oilfield services company has received orders for flying leads and umbilical accessories, from two undisclosed operators.

According to the company, the orders are valued in excess of $3 million.

The equipment is scheduled to be delivered and deployed in the Gulf of Mexico in the first half of 2017.

Ron Smith, chief executive officer of Deep Down, said: “These awards represent a major milestone for the company.

“We have previously provided similar equipment for the same operators through original equipment manufacturers, but this is an example of the opportunities available due to the low oil prices, where the operators are realizing significant savings by coming directly to us.”
