Maersk的Highlander号钻井平台即将投入使用,平台在苏格兰Invergordon举行命名仪式后,即将应用于北海Culzean气田为Maersk Oil、BP和JX Nippon服务。该平台将执行一个为期5年、价值4.2亿美元的合同,包括900万美元的动迁费。(Rigzone,8月19日消息)
海底钻探设备维护和服务供应商PSW Group已与挪威钻井承包商Songa Offshore签订协议,为Songa的海上钻井平台提供维护服务。
根据挪威一家网站Offshore.no发布的消息,双方合约期为三年,另有两个一年备选延期。合同规定,PSW Group须对Songa Offshore所有钻井平台的海水隔管和其它相关海底设备进行检查、维护和修理。目前各项工作已开始进行。大部分工作将在PSW Group设在Mongstad的海底钻探工场完成,该工场专门负责油气勘探设备的操作与维护。
PSW Group首席执行官Oddbjorn Haukøy表示:Mongstad的工场位于Songa Offshore后勤基地附近,方便双方保持密切沟通,从而保证能够安全、及时地交付设备。除了Mongstad工场,PSW Group还将在Songa的钻井平台上直接进行设备修理与维护。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月19日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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PSW Group, a maintenance and service provider to the Norwegian subsea and drilling industry, has signed a deal with Songa Offshore. The deal is reportedly for the maintenance of subsea and drilling equipment on the company’s offshore drilling rig fleet.
According to a report from Offshore.no, a Norwegian-language website, the contract is for three years with two one-year options. The contract entails inspection, maintenance, and repair of marine risers and other related subsea equipment for all Songa Offshore drilling rigs. Work being done under the contract has already begun. Most of the work will be done in PSW’s Subsea and Drilling workshop in Mongstad, suited for handling and maintenance of equipment for the oil and gas industry.
The company’s CEO Oddbjorn Haukøy said that the Mongstad facility is close to Songa Offshore’s logistics base and that it will ensure easy interaction between the parties with a focus on security and timely deliveries. Apart from the work which will be done in Mongstad, PSW Group will also perform maintenance directly aboard Songa’s rigs.
新任伊拉克石油部部长Jabar Ali al-Luaibi在8月17日表示,伊拉克意欲与欧佩克按照一定配额进行合作来增加伊拉克原油储量估算值与出口量。伊拉克目前在欧佩克中所占份额为14%,但是从目前的市场行情来看,份额体系在发生变化,尤其是在伊朗重返市场之后,就需要对各国所占份额进行重新校正。Luaibi还指出,我们将草拟稳定政策并实现组织内部的平衡。
在通过增加原油产量来提高伊拉克原油出口量取得巨大成功以后,石油部开始致力于伴生气投资项目。2016年8月14日,石油部副部长Fayadh H. Niema先生表示,Maysan石油公司(MOC)拥有的三个油田- Bazirgan, Abu Gharb和Fakka-将减少伴生气的燃烧。MOC总经理Adnan Nooshi表示这些项目也只是天然气投资项目迈出的第一步,我们也有其他类似的项目以确保我们的天然气量可以达到250千标准立方英尺。
据报道,IPO(Iran Privatization Organization)将在今年9月4日出售Damavand石化公司80%的股份(10000股)。这些股份将以每股1,369,491,520里亚尔(39128美元)的价格进行拍卖,这10000股总值为13,694,915,200,000里亚尔(3.913亿美元)。IPO将代表国家石化公司(NPC)对这些股份进行销售,其中股份的10%以现金方式交付NPC,剩余股份通过八年的分期付款来结清。
据报道,埃及总统Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi在上周启动了Ethylene and Derivatives公司新项目,据估计投资达19亿美元。据了解,埃及在石油领域拥有八个大型石化项目,投资价值74亿美元,每年产量达450万吨,这八个项目位于四个区,分别是Port Said, Suez, Damietta和Alexandria。
泰国国家石油公司麾下的勘探和生产分公司PTTEP 、中海油和阿尔及利亚国家石油公司日前在阿尔及利亚的HassiBirRekaiz区块进行钻井作业时发现了油气,试油结果显示井日均获得大约2406桶原油。Sonatrach和他的合作伙伴自2011年开始就陆续在10口井中发现了油气。在这个项目中,Sonatrach持有51%的股份,泰国国家石油公司和中海油各持有24.5%股份。
据阿联酋通讯社报道,在2016-2021年计划中,ENOC将通过扩展精炼厂和服务站体系、建立终端储备库以及增加在柴油、喷气燃料和液化石油气市场中的份额来满足迪拜的能源需求。该项目包括使ENOC Jebel Ali精炼厂产量增加50%,达到210000桶/天,以及在2018年底以前修建可以通到Al Maktoum机场去的长达19公里的喷气燃料管道。ENOC还表示将于未来五年扩大其零售网络,作为ENOC在中东地区扩展计划的一部分,ENOC计划在迪拜建造54个新加油站以及在沙特阿拉伯建造11个新加油站。
受严峻市况影响,独立石油生产商Tullow Oil已决定售出挪威境内所有勘探与开发许可证,退出挪威市场。这意味着该公司将关闭挪威事务处,并解雇50名员工。
本周早些时候,Tullow位于加纳海上的TEN (Tweneboa、Enyenra and Ntomme) 油田投产,第一批石油的产出使用浮式生产储油轮(FPSO)Prof. John Evans Atta Mills。公司希望能不断增产,在2017年之前实现日产8万桶,达到该浮式生产储油轮的日加工量。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月19日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Independent oil exploration and production company Tullow Oil has decided to sell its exploration and development licenses in Norway and exit the country due to a challenging market. This means that the company will shut down its Norwegian office and lay off around 50 employees.
The company’s spokesperson said that Tullow has already submitted notifications to the relevant authorities and has started a consultation process with its staff. “This difficult decision has been made in response to the ongoing challenges presented by a low oil price and the need to prioritize our investment in our core portfolio in Africa and South America.” The oil company has 34 licenses in Norway and planned to drill four exploration wells in the country in 2016. The spokesperson further added: “We will, of course, fulfill all our commitments on our existing licenses and honor all our obligations to staff.”
Earlier this week, Tullow produced first oil from the Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme (TEN) fields, located offshore Ghana, to the FPSO Prof. John Evans Atta Mills. The company expects oil production to ramp-up gradually towards the FPSO capacity of 80,000 bopd through the remainder of 2016.
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月19日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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The government of Israel has approved the delineation of new offshore oil and gas exploration sites to be offered to international oil and gas community. According to Israel’s energy ministry, a recommendation to open Israel’s waters to exploration was reached after 4 years during which the sea was closed for drilling, and following the direction of the Minister of Energy to renew exploration activity within Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone.
According to the recommendation of the petroleum council to the Ministry of Energy, the initial stage will include the marketing of 24 blocks in an international competitive process that calls oil and gas companies to take part in Israel’s first bid round and the renewed explorations of natural gas and oil in Israel’s economic zone.
The petroleum council chose 24 blocks as to which the seismic and geological data indicate a high potential for promising geological structures. The size of each block is no more than 400 sq.km, and some are adjacent to the substantial deep water gas discoveries in Israel’s EEZ, such as Leviathan and Tamar fields.
The council’s recommendation was based on an independent study recently carried out for the Ministry by an international consulting company that determined there is a potential equivalent to 6.6 billion oil barrels and about 2,137 cubic meters of natural gas yet to be found offshore Israel. Seismic data and drilling data will be available to companies interested in examining the potential of the licensing areas, the energy ministry said.
2. 北海地区原油不再供过于求
3. 乌克兰东部天然气管道遭军火破坏
4. Statoil提交北海油气田开发计划
挪威国家石油公司 (Statoil)及其合作伙伴向政府机构提交了北海油气田开发计划,主要针对Byrding石油和天然气大发现。
5. National Oil Corporation于Zueitinia港口收集石油
昨日,利比亚国家石油公司(National Oil Corporation)开始在该国东海岸的Zueitinia港口收集石油。同时,分裂主义者同石油设施警卫队之间的紧张局势不断升温。
库尔德官员表示:伊拉克已经恢复伊拉克北方石油公司(North Oil Company)多个油田管道供油。自三月开始,该管道因巴格达官员同库尔德斯坦地方政府争议停运。
7. 新加坡多家石油服务供应商债务欠款
8. Santos上半年损失惨重
来自/Oilpro 8月20日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Oil Prices Rise Again. Oil prices had another good day, rising for the sixth day in a row including and eight-week high for Brent crude. [Reuters/CNBC]
North Sea Crude Glut Giving Way. The glut of crude oil in ships in the North Sea isfinally beginning to decline, fueled in part by supply disruptions in Nigeria and other factors. [Bloomberg]
Artillery Fire Damages Eastern Ukraine Pipelines. Eastern Ukrainian officials claim forces aligned with the government in Kiev used rockets against rival positions in the region, damaging three natural gas pipelines. Russian officials, naturally, dispute this.
Statoil Submits A Plan For North Sea O&G Discovery. Statoil and its partners todaysubmitted the Plan for Development and Operation of the Byrding oil and gas discoveryin the North Sea to government authorities.
Libyan Tanker Loads Oil At Threatened Port. Libya's National Oil Corporation began to collect oil yesterday at the Zueitinia port along the country's eastern coast, as tensions continue to permeate between separatist factions and the Petroleum Facilities Guard.
Kurdish Pipeline Resumes Activity. Kurdish officials say Iraq has resumed pumping oil from North Oil Company fields in a pipeline that had been shut off since March over a dispute between Baghdad officials and the Kurdistan Regional Government. [Reuters]
Deteriorating Oil Firms In Singapore Creates Issues. The government of Singapore may have to lend more support to companies with issues meeting debt obligations in the wake of the oil price slump, as some of the country's oil-services providers take big hits. [Reuters]
Major Australian Oil & Gas Producer Posts Major Losses. Australian energy company Santos posted sizable losses in the first half of 2016 with losses totaling $1.1 billion. [UPI]
Alaska LNG Project To Be Run By State. The Alasak LNG project will be taken over by state government officials but major oil companies are saying they might not continuewith the $55 billion project amid the current market conditions.
Maine LNG Terminal Plans Dismissed. A “lack of progress” is to blame for U.S. federal officials dismissing an application to build a LNG terminal in Robbinston, ME.
印尼代理能源与矿产资源部长Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan表示,尽管政府解雇了ArcandraTahar部长职务,政府会继续作为优先项目审查日本国际石油开发公司运营的在Masela产品分成合同中的液化天然气项目,该项目位于印尼东部Arafuru海。(Rigzone,8月18日消息)
Solo Oil PLC周四宣布其已经接到Kiliwani North气田作业者Aminex PLC通知,与坦桑尼亚Kiliwani North-1井在4月和5月生产的天然气有关的收入目前已经支付到位。支付形式以美元计并符合与坦桑尼亚石油开发公司签署的天然气销售协议。为了获得最佳产量,在目前测试期间,Solo公司与坦桑尼亚石油开发公司一起工作,在此阶段也将获得全部生产的天然气。(Rigzone,8月18日消息)
由于英国公投赞成退出欧盟,导致英镑贬值,从而使得Premier Oil节约大约2.5亿美元。该公司董事长如是说。该公司周四发布上半年业绩,由于收购北海E.ON资产、降低关闭费用等方面,因英镑贬值而获益。(路透社,Rigzone,8月18日消息)