伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)工程发展部副主任Gholam-Reza Manouchehri说,中石油可能被授权开发North Azadegan项目第二阶段,而中石化被授权开发Yadavaran项目第二阶段。他称中石油和中石化拥有大量财政资源有利于North Azadegan和Yadavaran油田的开发,并且这一决定与德黑兰促进与北京经济往来的战略一致。
伊朗正在与来自挪威、荷兰和英国的石油公司谈判有关里海油气资源的合作研究事宜。据报道,NIOC-作为在里海执行油气资源勘探的公司已经为国际石油公司提供了很多投资项目。该公司副部长Gholamreza Manouchehri称,在伊朗北部的海上SardarJangal油田将有可能探明更多储量,因为在里海储集层的第二口井已经安装了钻井平台。
伊朗邀请国际石油公司投资四个新的炼油厂项目。四个项目分别为Kirkuk(150,000 bpd),Kut(100,000 bpd),Samawa(70,000 bpd)和Basra(100-150,000 bpd)。并表示BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)和BOO(Build-Own-Operate)的合同形式将会予以考虑。另外,新的石油部部长Jabbar al-Luaibi称石油部在近期会公布更多的项目。
伊朗—巴基斯坦管道所供天然气价格极具吸引力,是当前的第一要务。巴基斯坦前财务部长Hafiz Pasha在《论坛快报》采访中表示:该项目应尽早得到回复,因其对巴基斯坦最为可行。和其他像是土库曼斯坦—阿富汗—巴基斯坦—印度(TAPI)天然气管道那样的能源项目相比,伊朗—巴基斯坦管道对巴基斯坦最为有利。该管道将达1900千米长,将天然气从伊朗运往巴基斯坦。初始阶段,管道运量为7.5亿立方英尺/天。之后将增加到10亿立方英尺/天。
来自/TradeArabia 8月29日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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The price of gas to be supplied by the Iran-Pakistan pipeline is very attractive and it should be the top priority."This project has to be revived at the earliest because it is the most viable and feasible one for Pakistan," said Hafiz Pasha, Pakistan's former finance minister, according to the report, which cited Express Tribune.Comparing IP with other energy projects such as Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline,Pasha called IP the most suitable for Pakistan.The pipeline aims to cover 1,900km and bring natural gas from Iran to Pakistan. Initially it will bring 750 million cu ft of gas per day, and this will later be increased to one billion cu ft per day.
如果同库尔德自治区的石油收入分配协议谈判失败,伊拉克政府将考虑通过伊朗销售原油。伊拉克石油部副部长Fayadh al-Nema表示:伊拉克国家石油营销组织(SOMO)计划可能于下周同库尔德地区政府谈判伊拉克石油通过土耳其运输的问题。如果该谈判未达成共识,他们将通过伊朗或其他国家销售石油,因为他们需要钱。
来自/TradeArabia 8月29日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Iraq's government would consider selling crude through Iran should talks with the autonomous Kurdish region on an oil revenue-sharing agreement fail.Iraq's State Oil Marketing Organisation (Somo) plans to hold talks with the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), possibly next week, about Iraqi oil exported through Turkey, Deputy Oil Minister Fayadh al-Nema said in an interview."If the negotiations come to a close" without an agreement "we will start to find a way in order to sell our oil because we need money, either to Iran or other countries", he said by telephone.
The Kurdistan region produces around 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) on its territory and exports those volumes via Turkey. Baghdad would not be able to reroute those volumes to Iran but could order shipments of some 150,000 bpd via Iran that are being produced in the nearby province of Kirkuk.An agreement between Iran and Iraq could function in a similar fashion as oil-swap deals Tehran has had with Caspian Sea nations. Iran would import Iraqi oil to its refineries and export an equivalent amount of its own crude on behalf of Baghdad from Iranian ports on the Gulf. Iraq has ports on the Gulf but they are not linked to the northern Kirkuk fields by pipeline.
2. OPEC减产谈判至石油悲观者退出
4. Indian Oil Corp大量采购液化天然气
由于印度对于液化天然气需求持续上升,在过去七天天然气进口量加倍之后,印度石油公司(Indian Oil Corp)正在扩大液化天然气现货采购。
5. Woodside计划重新开始Browse项目
7. 科罗拉多可能投票决定是否禁止使用压裂法
8. 墨西哥湾热带低气压可能发展成热带风暴
来自/Oilpro 8月29日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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China, India Win In "Refinery Wars." China's rising export rates of refined fuels have cut profit margins for Asian refiners, but according to Reuters countries like South Korea, Japan and Singapore are feeling the pinch more than others. [Reuters]
Oil Pessimists Exit Amid OPEC Cap Talks. Analysts say oil speculators are cutting wagers on lower West Texas Intermediate crude prices by over 40 percent amid the possibility of an output freeze by OPEC members. [Bloomberg]
Sinopec Posts Lower Operating Profit. Asia's largest refiner posted a decline in operating profit during the first half of the year due to issues with the economy and the current oil glut. [UPI]
Indian LNG Refiner Goes On Buying Binge. Indian Oil Corp. is looking to boost spot LNG purchases as the nation continues its drive for LNG, after doubling its imports over the past seven years. [Bloomberg]
Woodside Aims To Restart Browse LNG. Woodside is exploring options to restart its abandoned Browse LNG project in Australia. [Australian Mining]
Iraq, Kurds To Discuss Oil Dispute. An ongoing dispute in revenue sharing will be the major topic of discussion Monday as Kurdish authorities and Iraqi officials hold talks in Baghdad. [Reuters]
Decision Coming In Colorado For Anti-Fracking Measures. Colorado voters might learn today whether or not they'll be voting on too anti-fracking ballot measures this November. [The Denver Post]
GOM Tropical Depression Could Be Upgraded To Tropical Storm. Some more intense storms may be on the way in the Gulf of Mexico.
Oil Becoming Major Part of East African Markets. The rush is on to get East Africa's oil and gas to the global market as nations court exploration and extraction firms. [All Africa]
China, Saudia Arabia Exploring Deeper Energy Cooperation. Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince is preparing to visit China, as the two nations hold talks regarding strengthening economic ties, particularly in the power sector. [Global Times]
8月24日周三,据外媒援引熟悉情况的消息人士称,美国油气公司Silver Hill Energy Partners正在寻求出售机会,包括债务在内该公司估值或将超过20亿美元。这可能成为今年石油行业的最大一笔交易。Silver Hill拥有4万英亩(16190公顷)油田,每日产油18000桶。(中石油新闻中心,8月29日消息)
尽管目前欧佩克在应对原油价格低迷情况,阿联酋能源部长Suhail bin Mohammed Al-Mazroui表示:虽然人们对于市场观点不同,欧佩克石油市场占有率处在良好水平。对于石油市场的进一步决定需要所有欧佩克成员国及其他主要产油国的参与。我们承认市场中存在许多挑战,但是我认为我们有能力快速克服困难并保持稳定。9月26日至28日,欧佩克成员国将于阿尔及利亚在国际能源论坛正式议程外同其他产油国及进口石油国进行会谈。上周,沙特能源部长Khalid Al-Falih对路透社表示:他不认为现在有必要对石油市场进行重大干涉。
来自/TradeArabia 8月28日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Opec's share of the oil market is at a good level, United Arab Emirates Energy Minister Suhail bin Mohammed Al-Mazroui said as the producer group continues to contend with low crude prices."Regardless of the different views on the oil market" Mazroui said.Al-Mazroui also said he believed that any future decision on oil production would require full participation from all members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries plus other major producers."We acknowledge and understand the market challenges, but in my view our sector is resilient to overcome it and achieve stability soon," Al-Mazroui added.Opec members will meet on the sidelines of the International Energy Forum (IEF), which groups producers and consumers, in Algeria from September 26 to 28.
Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih told Reuters last week that he does not believe significant intervention in oil markets is necessary at this time.
11月,卡塔尔Barzan天然气项目将开工。为了准备主办2022年世界杯,卡塔尔努力满足国内上升的能源需求。该项目价值100亿美元,由拉斯拉凡天然气公司(RasGas)运营,是卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)同埃克森美孚公司(Exxon Mobil)共同投资的。原本计划于2014年开工。2017年上半年投产之后,该项目将使天然气产量增加20亿立方英尺/天。
卡塔尔是主要液化天然气出口国。由于在世界杯举办前要进行2000亿美元的基础设施升级、外加卡塔尔航空公司扩张,卡塔尔面临国内上升的能源需求。RasGas表示:位于卡塔尔海岸North Field 气层的Barzan天然气项目所产天然气将主要用于水电部门。2005年,卡塔尔公布同伊朗签订的North Field开发备忘录,并取得时间研究快速增加产量对该气层的影响。
来自/TradeArabia 8月28日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Qatar will begin operations at its Barzan gas project in November, as the Gulf state strives to meet rising domestic energy demand as it prepares to host the soccer World Cup in 2022.The $10 billion project, a RasGas-operated joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil, was originally expected to come online in 2014.It will boost Qatari gas production by up to 2 billion cu ft per day when it reaches capacity in the first half of 2017.
Qatar, the world's leading LNG exporter, faces growing domestic energy needs as it pursues a $200 billion infrastructure upgrade ahead of the World Cup tournament as well as expansion of its national airline Qatar Airways.Much of the production from Barzan, located in the North Field gas reservoir off the coast of Qatar, will be directed to the power and water sector, RasGas has said.Qatar declared a moratorium in 2005 on development of North Field, which it shares with Iran, to give Doha time to study the impact on the reservoir from a rapid increase in output.
Jabar Ali al-Luaibi在赴南部石油城市Basra访问期间,再次呼吁当地石油公司和伊拉克国际石油巨头鼓足干劲,实现石油增产。Luaibi还宣布了实现该国南部出口油库原油存储量翻一番的计划。当前存储能力为1200万桶,未来几年将增加到2400万桶。
Luaibi本月刚就任石油部长。他表示伊拉克支持OPEC实现石油市场的平衡,但他对于石油增产的所做所言表明该国不希望参与签订“石油冻产协议”。 OPEC成员国将于下月在阿尔及利亚会面,参加国际能源论坛(IEF)非正式会议。
来自/Trade Arabia 8月28日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Iraq is willing to play an active role within Opec to support oil prices but will not sacrifice its goal of expanding market share and will continue to ramp up output, its oil minister said on Saturday.
Jabar Ali al-Luaibi, on a visit to the southern oil city of Basra, renewed calls for local and international oil companies in Iraq to increase production and announced plans to double crude storage capacity at the country's southern export terminals to 24 million barrels in the "coming years" from 12 million barrels currently.
Luaibi, who became oil minister this month, said Iraq wants to "strengthen Opec's role in achieving a balance in the oil market," but his comments on continuing to increase output suggested it was not looking to take part in a possible agreement to freeze output. Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries are due to meet informally in Algeria next month on the sidelines of the International Energy Forum (IEF).
近日,Goliat油田又发生一起事故。Eni Norge是挪威海域巴伦支海巨型浮式生产储卸油轮Goliat的运营商。该公司发布消息称:Goliat油田周五晚间由于供电中断停止生产。
Goliat油田的供电系统通过海底电缆获取陆上水力电能。发生供电故障后,Eni开始用直升机向Hammerfest撤离非必要人员。 Goliat油田位于Hammerfest西北方向85公里处。几小时后供电恢复,人员停止撤离,一切开始恢复正常。但Eni没有说明油田目前是否重新开始生产作业。Goliat据称是世界上最北部的油田。油田还未投产,便事故频发。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月27日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Another day, another problem for Goliat. Eni Norge, the operator of the giant Goliat FPSO in the Barents Sea, off Norway, has informed that the production from the namesake oil field was stopped on Friday night.
The field is supplied with hydro-generated electricity from the mainland by means of a subsea cable. Following the power outage, the company started sending non-essential personnel to Hammerfest by helicopter. The Goliat is located 85 kilometers northwest of Hammerfest. The evacuation was stopped after the power returned a few hours later, and the situation normalized. Eni did not elaborate if this means that the production is now back online. The Goliat development, dubbed the world’s northernmost producing field, has been plagued with problems even before the output began.