雪佛龙周三宣布其在东加里曼丹海上印尼深水项目(IDD)第一阶段Bangka气田开发项目投产。该项目设计能力为日产天然气1.1亿立方英尺、凝析油4000桶。雪佛龙拥有该项目62%股份,Eni持有20%股份,Tip Top持有18%股份。(Rigzone,9月1日消息)
壳牌周三宣布其在埃及西部沙漠Alam El-Shawish许可区块取得新的天然气发现。壳牌董事会主席兼首席执行官Eden Murphy说,初步估算该天然气发现有5000亿立方英尺。该发现的产量能够达到Badr el-Din Petroleum公司总产量的10%到15%。Badr el-Din Petroleum公司是壳牌与埃及石油总公司组建的合资公司。(路透社,Rigzone,8月31日消息)
埃克森美孚最近使用无人机(UAV)帮助监控海上作业对鲸鱼的影响。这只是上游油气公司如何持续利用无人机为上游作业带来效益的一个例子。3月,埃克森美孚利用带有照相机和卫星接收设备的无人机执行位于加利福尼亚Santa Barbara海上双周研究计划:寻找鲸鱼。通过测试这些先进的遥控探测技术,埃克森美孚目标是改善目前监测体系,提高效率,降低成本。油气公司使用无人机已经有六年了,使用领域包括健康与安全等,比传统检查方法有很多优点。(Rigzone,8月31日消息)
近日,海上钻井承包商Diamond Offshore失去了“Ocean Valor”号钻井平台合同。8月30日该公司发布声明称,已收到巴西石油巨头Petrobras关于解除“Ocean Valor”半潜式钻井平台合同的通知。双方曾于2014年延长该合同期限,合同本应于2018年10月到期。
Diamond Offshore表示:Petrobras提前终止合同没有正当合法的理由。因此,Diamond将依据合同条款与Petrobras据理力争,保护其子公司的权益。
Ocean Valor是一座超深水半潜式钻井平台,2008年由Sembcorp Marine在新加坡Jurong船厂建造,2009年投入使用。平台采用Friede & Goldman ExD Millenium设计,可容纳164名工作人员,作业水深为1万英尺,最大钻探深度达4万英尺。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月1日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Offshore drilling company Diamond Offshore has lost its contract for the Ocean Valor offshore drilling rig. In a statement on Friday the company said that it on August 30, received notice of contract termination from the Brazilian oil giant Petrobras for the semi-submersible drilling rig. The drilling contract, which was extended in 2014, was estimated to conclude in October 2018.
“The company does not believe that Petrobras had a valid or lawful basis for terminating the contract, and the company intends to defend the rights of its subsidiary under the contract,” Diamond Offshore said.
The Ocean Valor is an ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig built by Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong Shipyard in Singapore. It was built in 2008 and entered service in 2009. It is an ExD Millenium model designed by Friede & Goldman. It can accommodate 164 crew members and can operate in a water depth of 10,000 ft and drill as deep as 40,000 ft.
以色列能源公司Delek Group首次收购英国北海油田资产目前已进入尾声。2016年7月18日,该公司宣布与EnQuest PLC协商,计划收购英国北海Kraken油田勘探与生产许可证区域20%的经营权益。随后双方签署了不具有约束力的谅解备忘录。目前,两公司正就签订具有约束力的协议进行最后谈判。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月31日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Israeli energy company Delek Group is closing in on acquiring its first acreage in the UK sector of the North Sea.On July 18, 2016, the Company announced that it is conducting negotiations with EnQuest PLC, for acquiring a 20% working interest in the exploration and production licenses in the Kraken Field located in the UK North Sea. The Company has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding and currently is in advanced negotiations to sign a binding agreement.
The Kraken field is spread over 42 km, at a depth of 1,300 meters below sea level and contains about 147 million barrels of heavy crude oil in the 2P probable reserves category. Production from the field is expected to start in the first half of 2017, and will take place using 25 wells (14 for production and 11 for injection) using a floating production and storage offload – FPSO.
伊朗计划提高South Pars天然气产量至卡塔尔本年水平。伊朗副总统Mohammad Shariatmadari在伊朗通讯社报道中谈及South Pars行政事务时表示:伊朗该气田石油产量为27万桶/天。伊朗当前石油产量为380万桶/天,出口230万桶/天。此前,伊朗投资50亿美元于石化领域,计划在全国建设12家石化工厂。伊朗国家石油公司(National Iranian Oil Company)总经理Ali Kardor表示:South Pars地区一处油田2017年3月将开始生产。参与South Pars第一期开发的伊朗公司目标原油产量为3.5万桶/天。
来自/TradeArabia 8月31日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Iran is planning to increase gas extraction from South Pars Gas Field to the same level extracted by Qatar this year. Iran is extracting 270,000 bpd of oil from the joint oilfields, added , vice president for executive affairs at South Pars, according to the report, which cited Irna.The country is now producing up to 3.8 mbd of oil and is exporting 2.3 mbd, he revealed. Iran has begun investing $5 billion in the petrochemical sector and aims to build 12 more petrochemical complexes across the country, he said.Meanwhile, Ali Kardor, managing director of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) state that production from an oilfield of the South Pars complex will begin by March 2017, the newspaper reported. Iranian companies involved in the development of the first phase of the South Pars aim to produce 35,000 barrels of crude oil per day, he added.
随着原油产量增加,伊拉克南方港口石油8月出口量上升至323万桶/天,7月时为320.2万桶/天。产量增加主要来自于埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)开发的西古尔纳一号(West Qurna-1)油田、南方石油公司(South Oil)的Luhais油田及Artawi油田。伊拉克是OPEC第二大产油国,仅次于沙特阿拉伯。伊拉克主要出口南方油田所产原油。产量增加导致全球原油供过于求,石油价格面临下行压力。
来自/TradeArabia 8月31日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Iraq's oil exports from the southern ports rose to 3.230 million barrels per day (bpd) in August, from 3.202 million bpd in July, as crude production increased.The West Qurna 1 field, developed by Exxon Mobil, and South Oil's Luhais and Artawi fields contributed most to the increase, they said.Iraq, Opec's second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia, exports most of its crude from the southern fields. Increased supply is adding to a global glut of crude, putting pressure on oil prices.
Opec's oil output is likely in August to reach its highest in recent history, a Reuters survey found on Wednesday, as extra barrels from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf members make up for losses in Nigeria and Libya.Exports from Iraq southern ports reached a record 3.37 million bpd in November last year, but was the result of an accumulation of crude that could not be exported in the previous month.
本周三,沙特阿美石油公司(Aramco)董事长Khalid Al-Falih(同时担任沙特能源部长)在阿拉伯卫星电视台表示:公司正同中国石油天然气集团(CNPC)进行先期沟通,计划在中国建设云南炼油厂。公司希望今年能签订协议。他对中国的石油需求预期乐观。沙特并未对石油产量规定具体指标,产量取决于国内外消费者需求。石油市场如今供过于求,沙特在短期内不需达到最大产能。Khalid Al-Falih同沙特副王储Mohammed bin Salman共同对中国进行正式访问以促进双边关系。中国是能源消费大国及其重要贸易伙伴。
来自/TradeArabia 8月31日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Saudi Aramco is in advanced negotiations with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to build the Yunnan refinery in China, its chairman said on Al Arabiya TV on Wednesday. Khalid Al-Falih, who is also Saudi Arabia's energy minister, said: "We hope to reach an agreement this year." The minister added that he is optimistic on demand for oil. "We in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia do not have a targeted number to reach. The kingdom's production meets the requirements of the customers, whether they are outside or inside the kingdom," Al-Falih told the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya television channel in remarks broadcast on Wednesday."The market now is saturated with oversupply and we don't see in the short term a need for the kingdom to reach its maximum production capacity," he told the TV channel.The minister is part of an official Saudi visit headed by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman aimed at bolstering relations with China, a top energy customer and trade partner.
8月30日,Statoil表示:公司计划于2017年对巴伦支海进行主要勘探活动,并通过收购其他公司股份提高自身当地影响力。Statoil挪威大陆架勘探主任Jez Averty表示:公司计划勘探Goliat地区的Blamann、Stappen High地区PL718的Koigen Central及PL859的Korpfjell。Korpfjell在第二十三轮授权中获得许可。
近几个月,Statoil与挪威独资Point Resources公司、德国DEA公司、澳大利亚OMV公司及康菲(ConocoPhillip)公司签订合同,由此获得巴伦支海挪威部分五处地区勘探许可。Statoil未表明多少新勘探将针对天然气资源。8月初,Statoil表示:公司不久将重新使用首个于2007年建成位于Snohvit气田的生产井,以继续向公司附近的路上液化工厂供应天然气。
来自/Natural Gas Europe 8月31日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Statoil aims to conduct a major exploration campaign in parts of the Barents Sea in 2017 and is looking to bolster its position there by acquiring interests from other companies, it said August 30.“We want to explore the Blamann prospect in the Goliat area, Koigen Central in PL718 on Stappen High and the Korpfjell prospect in PL859 that was awarded in the 23rd licensing round,” said Jez Averty, Statoil’s head of exploration on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
During recent months Statoil has entered or increased its share in five licences in the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea by a number of agreements with Norwegian independent Point Resources, Germany-based DEA, Austria's OMV and ConocoPhillips.Statoil did not say how much of its new exploration campaign would be gas-directed; however in early August it said that it will shortly drill its first production well on the Snohvit gas field since 2007, in order to maintain feed gas supplies to its nearby onshore liquefaction complex.
Wood Group近日被DONG Energy授予新工程服务框架协议,将为其在丹麦、挪威和英国大陆架地区的油气资产提供服务。
根据该合同,Wood Group将为其海上及海底设施提供前端开发与维护、工程设计以及后期设备退役等服务。该合同的有效期为4年,并从即日起生效。
Wood Group的首席执行官Robin Watson说:“Wood Group强大而多元的技术服务覆盖了资产内产品的整个生产周期,因此对于DONG Energy来说是强有力的支持。”
“我们会利用在大陆架地区广泛的能力、渊博的知识以及多年的行业经验来满足这一客户的需求。与DONG Energy的合作将最大化地提高我们的产量与经营效率,这也是我们所明确的重点。我们期待着与这一关键客户建立合作伙伴关系,并深化我们在整个欧洲西北部的服务能力。”
来自/OilVoice 9月1日消息 编译/郑雨晴
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Wood Group has been awarded a new engineering services framework agreement by DONG Energy, to support their oil & gas assets across the Danish, Norwegian and UK continental shelves.
Front end development, maintenance and modifications, engineering, and late life and decommissioning services, for both topsides and subsea facilities, will be provided under the four year contract, which is effective immediately.
Robin Watson, Wood Group's chief executive said: 'Wood Group's strong and diverse technical services, which span the full breadth of the asset life cycle, have secured us this agreement to support DONG Energy across their oil & gas portfolio.
'We will leverage our broad capabilities, in-depth knowledge and longstanding experience working in these three continental shelves, to support this new client. Working in collaboration with DONG Energy to maximize the productivity and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations, will be our clear focus. We look forward to building our partnership with this key client and to deepening our presence and service offering across North West Europe.'
油气开发与生产公司Independent Oil and Gas plc今日已接受董事Michael Jordan的辞职申请。Mike作为非英国籍居民,因个人原因离职。作为公司的创始人之一,Mike为公司的成长与发展做出了重要的贡献。IOG将任命新的独立非执行董事,董事会正对相关人选进行讨论。
IOG董事长David Peattie说:“我们感谢Mike为公司做出的巨大贡献,他的企业家精神将永远不会被忘却。IOG正在对公司业务进行完善,我们即将开始准备3个运营开发项目,这也为加强董事会格局提供了良好的机会。我们将适时发布进一步的公告。
来自/OilVoice 9月1日消息 编译/郑雨晴
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Independent Oil and Gas plc, the development and production focused Oil and Gas Company, has accepted the resignation of Michael Jordan from the board today with immediate effect. Mike is a non UK resident and is leaving for personal reasons not related to IOG. Mike was a founder of the Company and has been instrumental in its growth and progress to date. Whilst he will be missed it is an opportunity for IOG to appoint another independent non-executive director and the board is already in discussions with certain individuals with relevant oil and gas and AIM listed experience.
David Peattie, Chairman of IOG commented: 'We would like to thank Mike for his significant contribution and we will especially miss his entrepreneurial skills. Nonetheless IOG is looking to improve all aspects of its business as we prepare to move forward with three operated development projects and this presents an opportunity to further strengthen the board. We will make further announcements as appropriate.'
Wood Group近日被Wintershall Norge AS授予新框架协议,将为其提供有关挪威大陆架地区资产的条款修改及设备维修服务。
该协议有2年的延期选项,协议即日生效并已被递送至Wood Group在各地的办事处。
Wood Group的首席执行官Robin Watson说:“Wood Group20年来一直活跃在该领域,挪威已成为我们的关键市场,我们将不断增强实力,利用专业技术来实现自身更好的发展。”
来自/OilVoice 9月1日消息 编译/郑雨晴
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Wood Group has been awarded a new frame agreement by Wintershall Norge AS to tender for provision of modification and maintenance services to assets in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
The four year frame agreement, which has two three-year extension options and is effective immediately, will be delivered from Wood Group's offices in Sandefjord, Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo and Moss.
Robin Watson, Wood Group Chief Executive, said: 'Wood Group has been active on the NCS for more than 20 years and Norway remains a key market for us where we continue to see opportunities to strengthen our presence and leverage our technical expertise across our broad portfolio of capabilities.
'We will bring our depth of knowledge of the Norwegian sector to this new contract with Wintershall Norge where our focus will be on working collaboratively with our client to deliver maintenance and modification services, which enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their assets.'
Africa Hydrocarbons Inc.近日宣布将任命Andrew Male与Stephan Fabian为新董事,任命自2016年8月30日起生效。
Fabian先生作为一名采矿工程师,拥有超过25年的能源产业管理经验,先后担任过基金经理、矿业分析师以及众多矿业企业的首席执行官。其工作的领域包括项目分析、并购、融资、项目开发以及挖掘技术优化等。Fabian先生目前担任Aquila Resources Inc.的董事、TSX股票交易所股票发行人以及伦敦上市企业Baker Steel Resources Trust的顾问。
该公司还宣布David Antony先生已辞职,Binh Vu将接任其原职位成为公司董事,2016年8月30日起生效。公司衷心感谢Antony先生和Vu先生多年以来对AHI做出的贡献。
来自/OilVoice 9月1日消息 编译/郑雨晴
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Africa Hydrocarbons Inc. (NEX:NFK.H) is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Male and Stephan Fabian to the Board of Directors, effective August 30, 2016.
Mr. Fabian is a mining engineer with over 25 years of experience in the resources sector working as a fund manager, mining analyst and Chief Executive Officer of numerous mining ventures ranging from gold, diamonds and iron ore sectors. Mr. Fabian's experience includes project analysis, M&A, financing, project development and mining operation optimization. Mr. Fabian is presently a Board member of Aquila Resources Inc., a TSX Venture Exchange Issuer and advisor to the Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT), a London Stock Exchange (LSE) listed resources fund focusing on earlier-stage opportunities in the sector.
Mr. Male is currently a Director and Chief Executive Officer of two TSX Venture Exchange listed companies and a Managing Director of a privately held Corporate Finance & Investment entity. Mr. Male is a former CEO of a TSX Venture Exchange Top 50 Company, ranked 9th, that began as a restructured entity with a $600,000 market cap that grew into excess of $25.0 million through the financing, acquisition and development of mining assets. Mr. Male's experience includes corporate finance, M&A, turnaround and corporate transitional implementation, start-up businesses, private to public market transitions with financings and TSX / TSX Venture Exchange and AIM Exchange listings.
The Company also announces the resignation of Mr. David Antony and Binh Vu as Directors of the Company, effective August 30, 2016. The Company would like to thank Mr. Antony and Mr. Vu for their years of service to AHI.
PL 442的运营商Det norske oljeselskap ASA今日宣布北海Langfjellet勘探区25/2-18 S井的钻探工作即将完成。
作为运营商,Det norske持有PL442区块90%的开采权益。LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS持有剩下的10%的开采权益。
来自/OilVoice 9月1日消息 编译/郑雨晴
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Det norske oljeselskap ASA, operator of PL 442, announces that drilling of exploration well 25/2-18 S on the Langfjellet prospect in the North Sea is about to be completed.
The well encountered a gross oil column of 109 meters in the Vestland Group. A technical sidetrack was drilled to collect data and the well is currently being prepared for a sidetrack and welltest. Preliminary volume estimates for the discovery are in the range of 24 to 74 million barrels of oil equivalent. The licensees will evaluate the discovery with regards to a potential development together with other discoveries in the area. Following the successful drilling results at Langfjellet, the licensees have identified further prospectivity within the license.
Det norske is operator and holds a 90 percent working interest in PL442. LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS holds the remaining 10 percent.
“我们欣喜地看到,BP与中石油的战略合作伙伴关系取得了新的进展,而我们也借此深化了BP在中国的业务。此次签署的页岩气PSC是建立在今年3月签署的内江-大足区块PSC成功合作的基础之上。” BP首席执行官戴德立表示,“将中石油的作业专长与BP的技术和经验结合起来,我们期望发挥两个区块的协同效应。新近签署的PSC清楚地表明我们致力于投资在华项目的持续承诺,我们期待这些项目不仅为BP、为我们的中方合作伙伴,最重要的是为中国带来长期的价值。”
“中国对于全球能源市场意义重大,对于BP的所有业务亦是如此。我们希望借助此次签署的PSC进一步扩展BP在这一重要市场上的业务规模。” BP中国区总裁杨恒明强调,“今年签署的两个页岩气产品分成合同不仅彰显了BP对中国市场的持久信心,也重申了我们对支持中国释放潜能以实现更加可持续能源发展的坚定承诺。”
为了使用《1995年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案》(PSLRA), BP提供以下警戒性声明。本新闻稿包含一些前瞻性内容,涉及BP与中石油的合作,以及对中国未来能源生产和消费的预期。实际结果可能与该等内容有所出入,主要取决于以下因素:
来自/BP中国 9月1日消息 编辑/李倩
日本国际银行(JBIC)周一宣布,其已经签署协议向阿布扎比石油公司(ADOC)贷款3.78亿美元以开发阿联酋阿布扎比海上Hail油田。JBIC贷款给ADOC,是与其它几家银行一起合作的,其它银行包括Mizuho Bank、Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ和Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation,总计贷款额达到6.3亿美元。(Rigzone,8月31日消息)