

Qatar Petroleum计划参与Exxon Mobil在在莫桑比克气田项目


据路透社近日报道,卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)有意购买意大利石油集团埃尼公司在莫桑比克气田的股份,同时也可能加入埃克森美孚石油公司(Exxon Mobil)在莫桑比克气田的投资合作项目。
位于莫桑比克鲁伍马盆地的4号区块是最近发现的最大天然气区块,天然气储量高达85万亿立方英尺。埃尼石油公司总裁Claudio descalzi曾表示将出售该公司在4号区块持有的25%股份,他本月初表示,相关协议已经达成。2013年,埃尼公司将其在4号区块持有的20%股份售卖给了中国石油公司,合同金额高达42亿美元。此后,国际市场石油和天然气价格一路下跌,下跌幅度达50%。银行家估计,埃尼再次出售的25%股份,金额将高达20亿欧元。

ONGC Videsh签署协议增持俄油油气区块股权


据道琼斯9月16日消息,印度onGC Videsh已经签署一份协议计划增持俄油的一个油气区块的股权。此举是印度努力收购海外油气资产以帮助弥补国内能源短缺的最新例子。
印度国有油气公司(ONGC)在公告中称,公司旗下海外投资子公司onGC Videsh和其子公司onGC Videsh Vankorneft已经联合与俄国油签署了收购JSC Vankorneft另外11%股权的最终协议。JSC Vankorneft是俄罗斯东西伯利亚Vankor油田的作业者。去年ONGC斥资13亿美元收购了该油田15%股权。



据彭博社报道,荷兰当局为减少地震风险,欧洲最大天然气油田格罗宁根气田产量将被限定低于该气田之前四年产量的一半。周四,大多数议员支持经济部长Henk Kamp 5年后输出建议,从10月1日开始,格罗宁根东北部的天然气油田年产量要低于24 BCM(847 BCF)。政府可通过审查2012~2013年报,进一步将年产53 bcm减产到超过欧盟年消费量的10%。
伊普斯威奇、英国的UX能源服务顾问Craig Lowrey评论:”在担忧地震的背景下,此次年审报告是一个新的举措,但也是慎重和能被理解的,通过观察过去两年限定减产范围的措施,五年求稳计划可能会受市场欢迎。



1. 海上钻井平台数量降到最低


2. 今日油价升高

继上周石油价格持续回落之后,委内瑞拉总统Nicolas Maduro发布声明称OPEC成员国与其他石油生产国之间将达成协议,贸易商闻言纷纷抬高油价。

3. 陆上钻机数量减小


4. Petronas与SOCAR达成协议


5. 美国DUC数量持续增加


6. 伊朗要求提高油价


7. 阿曼上月石油产量增加5%

八月,瑞典石油公司Tethys Oil在阿曼的石油产量增加了5%。Tethys Oil是阿曼最大的陆上许可证持有商。

8. 加纳向Pan Andean Resources提出修订后的收购方案

为促成合作,加纳官员向Petrel Resources、Clontarf Energy和一家加纳合作商提供了修订后的深水Tano Basin区域收购方案。

9. Eni公司突尼斯油田投产


10. Cheniere Energy人事变动

Cheniere Energy宣布已顺利组建新的行政领导团队。

来自/Oil Pro 9月19日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Offshore Drillers Bump Along Bottom. Operators and drilling contractors in agreement that offshore rig counts have finally bottomed out. The Energy Information Administration forecasts oil prices could see beginnings of a rebound about the same time.

Oil Down Last Week, Headed Up Today. Last week saw a decline in commodity prices but today traders buy into Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro's statement that a "deal is close".

Fewer Land Rigs Turning to the Right. The US rig count took a downturn after two consecutive weeks of gains, while Canadian and International counts continued their slide.

Petronas and SOCAR Ink Deal. Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOCAR and Malaysia’s Petronas signed a memorandum of understanding on exploration, development and production concerning the Goshadash structure.

DUC Count in US Continues Rise. Drilled but uncompleted wells continue to climb in the US creating nat gas and oil price concerns.

Iran Wants Fair Oil Price. With production up, Iran begins messaging the market that it would like higher prices. Industry verterans are shocked.

More in the Middle East. Oman's output apparently increased by 5 percent in August per Tethys Oil onshore updates. The company is the largest onshore license holder in the country.

Ghana Offers Sweetens Deal for Pan Andean Resources. Petrel Resources and Clontarf Energy, with a Ghanaian partner, have been offered revised deep water Tano Basin acreage by Ghanaian officials.

Eni Toasts to Tunisia Find. Italian energy company Eni said Monday it notched a success in Tunisia, where oil has started to flow out of a discovery prospect in the Sahara desert.

Cheniere Energy Welcomes Aboard New Execs. Congratulations to the new US team members at Cheniere Energy.



新西兰石油与矿产(NZPM)周一报道,能源与资源部部长Simon Bridges已经与该国土著人毛利人和当地就2017年区块招标举行咨询会。本次招标降涉及到2个陆上区块、1个陆上/近岸区块和4个海上区块,总面积196407平方英里。预计2017年3月发布这些对外招标区块。(Rigzone,9月20日消息)






近日,越南国家石油公司(PetroVietnam)对外表示,其2016年一至七月收入113亿美元。PetroVietnam公司副总经理Do Chi Thanh表示,今年七个月以来,共计开采原油1032万吨、天然气65.6亿立方公尺。七月,公司生产原油141万吨,天然气9.1亿立方公尺。由于七月原油价格相对于六月下降三美元至每桶47美元。因此七个月原油平均价格与去年同期相比下降18美元至每桶41.5美元。

副总经理Do Chi Thanh表示,尽管世界市场原油价格下降,公司希望能够达到今年预期的产量。为了完成本年度的计划,公司将优先实施高效低风险的项目,并梳理所有可能会影响石油和天然气生产的问题。





近日,弗兰克(Frank)为斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)提供了30“FA-1型套管坐落工具,用于墨西哥湾坎佩切湾(Bay of Campeche)的浅水区块的30“套管钻井(CwD)作业。



Frank分管拉丁美洲及北美事务的副总比利·沃克(Billy Walker)对外表示,这一里程碑标志着,Frank将自身具备的领先的工程及制造能力,与卓越的服务质量相结合,能够为客户提供更加高效优质的服务。







Steelhead LNG近日与Seven Generations Energy达成协议,双方将共同开发中游基础设施,以支持天然气液化及温哥华岛的出口项目的发展。

Seven Generations通过该协议收购了Steelhead LNG的部分开发权益。这将为Seven Generations开拓更多的潜在市场提供便利,同时也促进了Steelhead LNG天然气供应的发展。

Steelhead LNG的首席执行官Nigel Kuzemko称,“该协议为目前的油价市场创造了良好时机,一个独特的从源头到客户的液化天然气方案由此产生。我们一直致力于高产量、低成本、低排放的天然气生产模式,希望能够将加拿大的清洁天然气出口到亚洲各国市场。”

Seven Generations的首席执行官Pat Carlson表示,“此次合作旨实现长期的、可持续性的成功。这需要各国政府和监管机构、 社区、 客户、 供应商、 员工、股东等各方的共同努力。”

来自/OilVoice 9月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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A new development agreement between Steelhead LNG and Seven Generations Energy sets the stage for engaging Aboriginal groups and communities as the two companies explore the development of new midstream infrastructure to support Steelhead LNG's proposed natural gas liquefaction and export projects on Vancouver Island.

The arrangement, through which Seven Generations has also acquired a minority interest in Steelhead LNG, is expected to provide potential new markets for Seven Generations' production as well as increased certainty of natural gas supply for Steelhead LNG.

"This arrangement with Seven Generations creates an opportunity, in the current price environment, for a liquefied natural gas solution from well-head to customer that's uniquely led by Canadian companies," said Steelhead LNG CEO Nigel Kuzemko. "Our shared focus on engaging early and often with Aboriginal groups and communities, combined with our collective commitment to produce and deliver low-cost, low-emissions Canadian natural gas, positions each company to succeed in expanding Canada's exports of clean-burning natural gas to Asian markets."

"This export market development initiative aims to achieve long-term and sustainable success through the meaningful engagement of those who care about the environment, governments and regulators, communities, business partners and infrastructure customers, suppliers and service providers, employees and shareholders and capital providers," said Pat Carlson, Seven Generations' CEO.


突尼斯Laarich East-1井投产



该公司不久前在MLD许可区刚刚完成Laarich East-1井的探测活动,Eni对该区持有50%的股权,剩下的50%则由突尼斯国有企业ETAP持有。

Laarich East-1井离石油处理中心大约有5公里,该井的钻探深度为4111米。

Laarich East-1井的钻探活动始于6月,目前已投入生产。同时,Eni在突尼斯其他区域的勘探活动也从未中断。

来自/OilVoice 9月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Eni has resumed exploration activities in Tunisia's portion of the Sahara desert, approximately 700 km south of Tunis.

The company has just completed operations on the Laarich East-1 discovery well, in the MLD (Makhrouga-Laarich-Debbech) license, where Eni owns a 50% stake and the Tunisian state company, ETAP, owns the remaining 50%.

Laarich East-1, which is 5 km from the oil treatment center in the concession, reached a final depth of 4,111 m and discovered hydrocarbons in sandstone layers of Silurian and Ordovician age.

Production tests revealed a delivery capacity of approximately 2,000 bopd, confirming the upside potential of the concession identified through a recent 3D geophysical survey carried out on the permit.

The Laarich East-1 well, on which drilling started in June, has already been connected to production. In the meantime, Eni is continuing exploration in Tunisia with the drilling of additional prospects, which have already been identified on 3D seismic.





MacGregor将为其提供:甲板起重机、 舱面机械及牵引机等等。预计上述设备的交付时间将在2017年第一季度。


来自/OilVoice 9月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has won comprehensive equipment package contracts for seven specialist support vessels that will operate in the Middle East.

MacGregor will deliver: a deck crane and deck machinery, shark-jaws and towing pins to two 58-m anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels; deck machinery and a deck crane to one 45-m work utility vessel; and a deck crane and deck machinery to four 45-m maintenance utility vessels. MacGregor equipment deliveries are planned for the first quarter of 2017.

The vessels will be built in China for a leading provider of marine logistics services in the Middle East. They are planned for delivery in the third quarter of 2017 and will support the operations of a Middle Eastern NOC in the Arabian Gulf under a firmed five-year charter with a two-year extension option.




加拿大油气供应商Encana Corp.计划出售1.07亿股股票用以偿还账务及支持钻井活动的经费开支。

卡尔加里的Encana相关工作人员表示,在与Credit Suisse Group AG及JPMorgan Chase & Co.进行协调后,预计报价将于本周一确定。该公司计划给予承销商购买额外1605万股股票的选择权。


Encana的合作伙伴还包括Crescent Point Energy Corp.,从今年二月以来,美国原油价格已反弹了65%。周一Encana的股价收于13.03加元,较去年上涨了85%。

来自/OilVoice 9月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Encana Corp., the Canadian oil and natural gas producer, plans to sell 107 million shares to fund part of its 2017 budget and repay debt.

The price of the offering is expected to be established later on Monday after marketing by underwriters led by units of Credit Suisse Group AG and JPMorgan Chase & Co., Calgary-based Encana said in a statement after the close of regular trading on North American markets. The company plans to allow underwriters the option to purchase an additional 16.05 million shares.

“The majority of the 2017 capital program is expected to be allocated to growing Encana’s Permian production through increasing the number of rigs in the play, which is expected to result in approximately two times as many Permian wells on stream in 2017 as compared to 2016,” the company said in the statement.

Encana joins other producers including Crescent Point Energy Corp. in selling shares in recent weeks to fund drilling, with the price of U.S. crude having rebounded 65% from its February low. Encana shares, which closed at C$13.03 in Toronto on Monday and were halted after the announcement, are up 85% this year.


ADD Energy获维修优化合同


国际能源咨询公司ADD Energy近日被阿曼一家领先的上游天然气运营商授予一份价值12万英镑(约合15.6万美元)的合同。


Add Energy将为该公司提供具体的设备维修策略及方案,以保证维修的进行和方案的优化。该项目旨在减少设备停机时间,杜绝因维修不足或服务不到位而引发的问题。

Add Energy的总经理Peter Adam说,“该合同意味着我们将继续削减成本,同时还要注重提高效率、简化操作流程。”


来自/OilVoice 9月20日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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Add Energy, an international energy consultancy provider, has been awarded a contract worth £120,000 ($156,000) with a leading upstream gas operator in Oman.

The contract has secured jobs at the company’s Aberdeen office and enabled sustainability of its Oman office and in country partnership.

The scope of work will see Add Energy provide the plant with equipment specific maintenance strategies and procedures, which will enable maintenance execution and planning to be optimized. The project will be carried out with an aim of reducing equipment downtime, by mitigating failures due to maintenance which is inadequate or without full coverage.

Peter Adam, Add Energy managing director, said, “This contract signifies that while cost cutting continues, operators still need to invest in initiatives that are driven towards efficiency and streamlining operations.”

The project'>project will be carried out by Add Energy’s asset and integrity management division in both Aberdeen, UK, and Muscat, Oman. Work is due to start this month.





由巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)控制的加沙目前正面临严重的能源短缺,该管道协议即是为了加强当地能源和水源的供应。加沙目前只有一座发电厂,地方当局只能勉强维持8小时通电8小时断电的电力供应循环。以色列总理Benjamin Netanyahu在近期访问荷兰时表示:帮助加沙人民走出危机的第一步就是改善能源和水源供应,因此需要铺设一条新的天然气管线。

来自/Energy Global 9月19日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Israeli and Palestinian leaders have recently reached an agreement, which will move forward plans to build a natural gas pipeline from Israel into the Gaza Strip, reports The Times of Israel.The Times of Israel stated that a source told the news agency that Palestinian officials were informed that Israeli authorities had given the project its approval.

This deal and pipeline project marks an attempt to enhance energy and water supplies to the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave, since, at present Gaza faces a severe energy shortage. Local authorities are currently using an 8 hr on, 8 hr off electricity rationing system, which relies entirely on the only power plant in Gaza. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, commented: “We want to help the population of Gaza and the first step is to improve the supply of energy and water,including laying a gas pipeline” during a recent visit to the Netherlands.



周一,新西兰能源和资源部长Simon Bridges宣布启动2017年油气勘探许可区块招标活动。据悉,国家公园、海洋自然保护区,以及世界遗产区均不参与区块出售。目前提议开发的有四个海上区块,一个海陆区块和两个陆上区块,总面积约508,691平方千米,最终招标区块有待政府与相关方协商确定。协商期截止到2016年11月18日,最终招标区块将于明年三月公布。


来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月19日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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New Zealand’s Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges on Monday announced the start of the Block Offer 2017 process for awarding oil and gas exploration permits. Each year, the government of New Zealand runs the Block Offer in which companies are invited to tender for permits to explore for oil and gas in a specific area.

National parks, marine reserves and World Heritage sites are excluded from the Block Offer process. The consultation will take place on four proposed offshore areas, one proposed offshore/onshore area, and two proposed onshore areas, covering a total area of around 508,691 square kilometers. The consultation period for Block Offer 2017 runs until November 18, 2016. The final tender area will be announced in March next year.

“Since the Government adopted the annual Block Offer approach in 2012 we have attracted multiple experienced and capable operators to explore New Zealand’s potential. “I acknowledge the challenging low oil-price environment that industry is currently facing but we know commodity prices are cyclical. The Government remains committed to providing a stable and predictable regime.”



澳大利亚油气公司Santos任命Anthony Neilson为新任首席财务官。Neilson目前担任Roc Oil首席执行官,计划于2016年12月接手Santos首席财务官的工作。

入职ROC前,Neilson曾在Caltex Australia、瑞士信贷第一波士顿伦敦分部和位于悉尼的Arthur Andersen等多家公司从事金融和商务服务工作。他曾获澳大利亚管理研究院MBA(工商管理硕士)学位,是澳大利亚金融服务协会成员,也是澳大利亚和新西兰特许会计师协会会员。

据悉,Santos首席财务官Andrew Seaton最近宣布辞职,他已在该公司工作了11年。但他目前会继续留在公司,确保职位交接顺利、有序进行。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月19日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Australian oil and gas company Santos has appointed ROC Oil’s Anthony Neilson as its new Chief Financial Officer. Currently the Chief Executive Officer of Roc Oil Company (ROC), Neilson is expected to start duties with Santos in December 2016.

Before working in ROC, Neilson held commercial, financial, and business services roles at Caltex Australia, Credit Suisse First Boston in London, and Arthur Andersen in Sydney. Neilson holds a Masters of Business Administration from AGSM and is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Santos added that its current Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Seaton, who recently announced his retirement from Santos after eleven years of service, will remain with the company to ensure an orderly transition.

Range Resources Corporation兼并MRD


RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION与MEMORIAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CORP.今日宣布双方已签署兼并协议。根据该协议,Range将以42亿美元的成交价收购MRD的已发行普通股股本。此次交易在2016年9月15日召开的董事会特别会议上得到了Range与Memorial股东的批准。交易完成后,Range作为美国首席独立油气公司的地位将得到巩固,该公司在阿巴拉契亚盆地以及路易斯安那州北部均拥有核心区块。

Range的首席执行官Jeff Ventura称,“我们很高兴地宣布此次兼并交易结束,并相信这对于Range来说是一个极其重要的里程碑。两家美国顶级天然气公司的结合为Range创造可持续的股本价值奠定了坚实的基础,这也使我们能够持续改善我们的成本结构,进一步提高运营及市场效率。同时,我们热烈欢迎位于休斯顿及北路易斯安那州的Range团队的新成员的到来,期待他们为我们公司带来更多更好的服务。”

来自/OilVoice 9月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION 'Range' (NYSE:RRC) and MEMORIAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CORP. (NASDAQ:MRD) today announced the completion of the merger agreement under which Range will acquire all of the outstanding shares of common stock of MRD in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately $4.2 billion, including the assumption of MRD's net debt. The transaction, which was approved by Range and Memorial shareholders at special meetings held on September 15, 2016, enhances Range's position as a premier independent natural gas, oil and NGL producer in the United States with exceptional core acreage positions in both the Appalachian Basin and Northern Louisiana.

Jeff Ventura, Range's CEO, said:'We are excited to announce the closing of the Memorial transaction and believe this is a significant milestone for Range. The combination of the two highest quality natural gas plays in the United States provides Range with a strong foundation to create sustainable shareholder value, while our extensive, regionally-diverse drilling inventory allows us to continue improving our already class-leading cost structure and further drive operational and marketing efficiencies. We welcome the newest members of the Range team in Houston and Northern Louisiana who share our values and commitment to being good stewards for our shareholders, while doing the same for the environment and the communities where we live and work.'




White Deer Energy的投资组合公司RockPile Energy Services, LLC今日宣布其已收购位于美国北达科他州的修井设备公司American Well Service LLP (AWS)。

RockPile的首席执行官Curt Dacar说,“我们热烈欢迎American Well Service公司团队加入RockPile大家庭。American Well Service公司长久以来一直以杰出的服务声誉闻名,我们有信心他们的加入将给公司增光添彩。我们将在拥有12套修井设备的区域内展开合作。我们也相信这将为RockPile提供了一个很好的客户服务平台,有利于我们拓展北达科他州的修井机市场。”

American Well Service成立于2012年,最初该公司仅仅拥有6套修井设备、60名员工。收购完成后,RockPile将拥有12套修井设备,覆盖区域被拓宽,同时可提供更加多样化的服务。此外,American Well Service公司现存蓝筹股客户群以及处理复杂业务的能力也为此次收购提供了强有力的支撑。

来自/OilVoice 9月19日消息  编译/郑雨晴

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RockPile Energy Services, LLC, a portfolio company of White Deer Energy, today announced the Company has acquired American Well Service LLP ('AWS'), a Kenmare, North Dakota based Workover Rig Company.

'We couldn't be more excited to welcome the American Well Service team to the RockPile family. Their reputation for outstanding service is well known in North Dakota and we are confident they will make a great addition to our existing Workover business. Our combined service line will now have 12 Workover rigs operating in the basin with more to be added. We believe this provides RockPile with a great platform to serve our Clients across the Bakken and makes us as significant player in the North Dakota Workover market,' remarked Curt Dacar, RockPile's CEO.

American Well Service was founded in 2012 by a group of industry veterans and has grown from their initial rig to a 6 rig business with 60 employees. When combined with RockPile's existing 6 Workover rigs, this gives RockPile a 12 rig business with a fully diversified service offering and geographic footprint within the Williston Basin. Additionally, American Well Service existing blue chip client base and ability to perform complex, 24 hour operations further bolster RockPile's current rig business.


市场对美联储加息几率的预期提升 9月16日油价下跌


9月16日, 国际油价下跌。油价下跌的主要原因是美国16日公布的8月CPI数据全面好于预期,提升市场对美联储加息几率的预期,进而提振美元,施压原油。上周,因IEA和OPEC均预计供应过剩将持续至明年上半年,同时市场担心美国原油库存下降只是暂时现象,且担忧利比亚和尼日利亚供应恢复,加之美国CPI表现良好提振美元,国际油价承压震荡下行。