

Rice Energy将以约27亿美元的价格收购Vantage Energy


油气生产商Rice Energy Inc将以包括债务在内的约27亿美元的价格收购Vantage Energy LLC和Vantage Energy II LLC。尽管自2014年中以来,强劲的页岩油生产商在油价暴跌以后页岩油区块面积已经增加了50%以上,但是很少出现收购整个公司的。Rice Energy近期称,其将收购的资产包括8.5万净英亩Marcellus核心区块,较深Utica页岩的面积有5.2万净英亩以及3.7净英亩Barnett页岩区块。(路透社,Rigzone,9月26日消息)




沙特对产量冻结持开放态度 油价应声而涨





根据沙特阿美领导,石油供应增长缓慢将有助于原油市场再平衡,油价随着时间推移不断上涨。随着世界范围内的油气生产能力投资的取消或者推迟,供应增长更加缓慢,特别是美国页岩油的增长更加缓慢。阿美石油估算首席执行官Amin Nasser周一如是说。全球需求目前校对稳定。这是他在迪拜一次会议上透露的。(彭博社,rigzone,9月26日)

OPEC达成限产协议 9月28日油价上涨








Karoon Gas Austrilia Ltd近期宣布,其已经与Pacific Exploration and Production Corp.(PEPC)签署有约束力的销售与购买协议,以2050万美元收购后者在巴西海上桑托斯盆地S-M-1037、S-M-1101、S-M-1102、S-M-1165和 S-M-1166等4个勘探区块的35%权益。该公司在交易完成后支付1550万美元现金,余下550万美元取决于达成这些区块至少100万桶油当量的时候再交。(Rigzone,9月27日消息)



根据英国油气局局长Seirdre Michie,英国大陆架目前迫切需要新的投资,以促进勘探。他在英国油气局《经济报告2016》发布会上说“目前勘探已经下降到历史最低水平,2016年几乎没有进行新的投资,2017年形势也不容乐观”。根据英国油气局资料,英国大陆架油气开采成本自2014年以来已经削减了45%。尽管如此,但是油气收入平均下降了30%,且有12万人失去工作。(Rigzone,9月28日消息)



1. 安哥拉直升机坠毁

安哥拉一架直升机在飞往Tombua-Landana 海上平台时坠毁,至少4人死亡。

2. 年度技术会议及展览在迪拜举行


3. 本周台风预警


4. OMV与Gazprom签订资产协议


5. 挪威海上罢工适得其反


6. 航空能源向生物燃料的转变


7. 美国石油库存减少


8. 尼日利亚资产出售


9. PDVSA努力实现财政复兴


10. PEMEX寻求投资

几个主要的石油公司将于今年12月份竞标购买Pemex股份。如此,Pemex便可以进一步发展Perdido Fold带上的Trion轻质油田,同时这也是墨西哥政府在石油工业上吸引私人投资的关键阶段。

来自/Oilpro 9月28日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Angola Helicopter Crash. I start the day with a heavy heart. At least four of our brothers were killed on their way to the Tombua-Landana offshore platform. R.I.P.

ATCE in Dubai Starts. ADNOC hosts SPE and over 8,000 professionals in the Dubai World Trade Centre. In ATCE's 92nd year, this year is the first time the Middle East is hosting. Oilpro Staff highlight the important trends discussed.

Hurricane by the Weekend. The Gulf of Mexico is now on high alert. 97L has a strong chance of becoming a hurricane over the weekend. The storm will head directly south of Cuba and north of Mexico into the GOM. If you live on the Gulf Coast, start getting ready now — not later.

Norway Blocking Russia Asset Swap. While this is a deal between Austrian-based OMV and Russia's Gazprom, the swap includes Norwegian assets in the North Sea. Norway and Russia have been bumping heads (and planes) over the Baltic for the last few years making them unlikely bed-buddies.

Strike Backfires Offshore Norway. Several oilfield service companies laid off 350 workers after IE crippled drilling operations with a strike. No winners here — only losers.

Biofuel for Aviation? The EU heads down the path of converting one of the largest consumers of hydrocarbons, airliners, into biofuel junkies. That is a lot of algae. Talk about thinking long-term ... won't happen in our life times.

U.S. Draws Down on Inventory. Despite all the renewables-drum-banging, the U.S. Still consumes petroleum at a rapacious rate. Unsolicited business advice: Beware of lane switching during oil downturns. The slow lane will eventually become the fast lane.

Nigerian Assets For Sale. Come one, come all. Nigeria is having a fire sale. To offset the fact that many companies have been hosed by Nigeria, President Buhari is offering advanced payments. In Texas they call this "cash on the barrel head".

PDVSA Fights for Financial Survival. When you have no money and you need money, what do you do? Get a loan. Venezuela is sweetening the pot for a bond swap. The bottom line is PDVSA is forced to play nice if they ever want another international dollar.

Just North, PEMEX looks for cash as well. Global oil majors are expected to bid in the December auction to help Pemex develop the Trion light oil field in the Perdido Fold Belt, a key stage in the government's drive to open up Mexico's oil industry to private investment.




澳大利亚当局再次延期批准BP在Great Australian Bight区域的钻探方案,Greenpeace称这表明BP的计划漏洞百出。本周三,澳大利亚海洋石油安全和环境管理机构(NOPSEMA)要求BP提供有关Stromlo-1 和Whinham-1勘探井钻探计划的更多详细信息。

NOPSEAM原计划于9月19日做出最后批准决定,其后又将这一期限推迟到9月29日。 然而,BP该项目最近发生石油泄漏事故,相关方发布钻井平台设备故障报告,公众对此反映强烈, NOPSEMA需谨慎考虑是否批准该项目计划。

NOPSEMA此前曾驳回了BP最初提出的在该区域钻取四口井的方案,随后BP又呈交了一份钻取两口井的新提议,但NOPSEMA多次推迟批复期限。Greenpeace Asia Pacific称这表明BP在Great Australian Bight的计划还存在许多缺陷,钻探风险过大,因此迟迟不能获批。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月28日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Following yet another delay by the Australian authorities to give approval for BP’s environmental plan for drilling in the Great Australian Bight, Greenpeace says this is proof that BP’s plan is full of holes and must not be approved. To remind, National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) on Wednesday requested further information from BP regarding the oil company’s plan for drilling of the Stromlo-1 and Whinham-1 exploration wells in the Great Australian Bight, offshore Southern Australia.

NOPSEMA had already delayed making a final decision when on September 16 it said it would move the decision date to September 29. The decision had been expected on September 19. However, following BP’s recent release of oil spill scenario for the project, Guardian’s report on faulty equipment on the drilling rig planned for the project, and the public pressure that ensued, NOPSEMA does not want to rush it.

Also worth noting, NOPSEMA had rejected BP’s original plan to drill four wells in the area, after which BP submitted a new proposal, with two planned wells. Commenting on NOPSEMA’s latest delay, Greenpeace Asia Pacific said the latest knockback to BP’s plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight signals the company’s „project is full of holes and too dangerous to be approved”.




石油天然气协会是挪威一个雇主组织。协会周三发布声明称:此次罢工对挪威大陆架地区的钻井作业造成了严重影响。Baker Hughes、Schlumberger和Halliburton等公司一共350名员工将被解雇,其中大部分来自Baker Hughes。该组织还称:未来几天,受罢工直接或间接影响的企业还会推出进一步的裁员举措。罢工运动使企业不得不停止钻井活动和海上作业,企业唯有裁员才能减少经济损失。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月28日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Around 350 oil service workers have been laid off in Norway as a result of a strike action that started a week ago. To remind, over 300 oil service workers went on strike after mediation over the collective oil service agreement between the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association and the Norwegian union of Industri Energi had failed.

According to a statement on Wednesday by the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association, an employers’ organization in Norway, the strike had major consequences for drilling and well operations on the Norwegian continental shelf. As a result, 350 employees at Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, and Halliburton were laid off. The majority of employees who have been laid off are from Baker Hughes. The employers’ organization also said that further layoffs are expected in the next few days in various companies that are directly or indirectly affected by the strike. The companies affected by the strike are shutting down its drilling activities and their offshore operations. As a result, the companies are suffering financial losses and the only was to reduce financial loss is to temporarily lay off employees.




来自/Natural Gas World 9月27日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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French Engie has won a tender to supply about 900mn m³ of natural gas to Beijing Gas Group over the winter. It will come in the shape of 10 LNG cargoes between November 2016 and February 2017, delivered at the Caofeidian terminal in northern China. LNG deliveries will notably involve floating storage in order to manage the winter peak shaving and flexibility needs of BGG, Engie said September 27."This deal further cements Engie and BGG’s relationship, following the maiden import of LNG supplied by Engie to BGG in 2015, and ensures the security of supply for this winter in Beijing," Engie said.Engie said it was confident that co-operation between the two companies would continue to meet China’s growing energy needs while reducing the environmental impact. The two signed last year a strategic partnership covering training, infrastructure, energy efficiency and LNG.



KazTransGaz(KTG)是哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司(KazMunaiGaz)子公司,公司人员表示其计划今年通过中亚-中国天然气管道开始向中国出口天然气,并为透露天然气量多少。KGT总裁及董事长Rustam Suleimanov于9月22日举行的讨论土库曼斯坦-乌兹别克斯坦-哈萨卡斯坦-中国天然气管道的会上表示:“作为KMG同中国石油合同的一部分,公司将自第四季度开始从Kazakh向中国出口天然气。所以,在接下来的冬天,中国消费者不仅能够使用土库曼和乌兹别克的天然气,也能使用哈萨克斯坦的天然气。”他解释道:在完成Kazakh部分及管道C段四个增压站的建设与调试后,公司出口产能将达到200亿立方米/年。”

来自/Natural Gas World 9月27日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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KazTransGaz (KTG), a subsidiary of state-owned KazMunaiGaz (KMG) plans to start exporting gas to China by the Central Asia-China gas pipeline later this year, said a company official, without saying how much."As part of the agreement reached between KMG and China’s PetroChina, we will start to export gas of Kazakh origin to China in the fourth quarter. So, in the coming winter, Chinese consumers will receive not only Turkmen and Uzbek gas, but also fuel from Kazakhstan," announced KGT chairman and general director Rustam Suleimanov after a meeting to discuss the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China gas export pipeline September 22.As he explained, following the construction and commissioning of the Kazakh section and four compressor stations on string C of the pipeline, its export capacity reached 20bn m³/yr.



欧洲复兴开发银行(EBRD)计划投资10亿美元于“南部天然气走廊”建设,并提高阿塞拜疆油气领域的透明度。EBRD能源与自然资源主管Riccardo Pulit告知安纳托利亚新闻社EBRD决定资助TransAnatolian与TransAdriatic管道(Tanap and TAP)。这取决于阿塞拜疆“采矿业透明度行动计划”谈判进展。该计划是由各国政府、企业及国际金融机构支持的,设定透明度标准以推动“开放且负责的自然资源管理”。阿塞拜疆在申请加入计划。阿塞拜疆在谈判中扮演重要地位。谈判对于跨安纳托利亚天然气管道工程至关重要,阿塞拜疆国家石油公司(Socar)占有该工程58%的股份。

来自/Natural Gas World 9月27日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is tying its planned $1bn Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) funding to better transparency in Azerbaijan’s oil and gas sectors.EBRD energy and natural resources boss Riccardo Pulit told Anatolia that the EBRD's decision on funding for the TransAnatolian and TransAdriatic pipelines (Tanap and TAP) will depend on Azerbaijan making progress in its ongoing talks with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), an international initiative backed by governments, corporations and international financial institutions which sets standards of transparency aimed at promoting "open, and accountable management of natural resources" and for which Azerbaijan has candidate status.Puliti said that progress by Baku in these talks was important for both lines, but more so for Tanap as Azeri state oil company Socar holds 58% of the project's equity.

GE Oil & Gas同PDO签订里程碑式协议


美国通用电气油气系统公司(GE Oil & Gas)同阿曼石油开发公司(PDO)签订里程碑式协议,该长期协议涉及数百万美元螺杆抽油泵设备及的供应及其配套服务,将于2016年第三季度开始。该协议同PDO国家价值的倡议相符,是PDO同GE签订的首个合同。该策略旨在推动本地化采购,促进当地社区承包商发展并通过培训项目加强PDO人才培养。GE Oil & Gas将把部分服务分包给当地社区承包商。他们的参与以及分包工作对于当地人才发展及推动阿曼以南当地经济发展至关重要。负责GE Oil & Gas中东、北非及土耳其的总裁Rami Qasem表示:“该合同建立在公司同PDO的长期合作伙伴关系之上”。

来自/TradeArabia 9月27日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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GE Oil & Gas has signed a landmark long-term, multi-million-dollar contract with Petroleum Development Oman for the provision of progressive cavity pump equipment (PCP) and related services commencing in the third quarter of 2016.This is aligned with PDO’s ‘In Country Value’ initiative and marks the first contract awarded by PDO to GE. The strategy aims at promoting localized sourcing, developing Local Community Contractors (LCCs) and strengthening Omani talent development through training programmes. GE Oil & Gas will sub-contract services to LCCs. The engagement of the LCCs and sub-contracting of work to them is crucial to driving local talent development and boosting south Oman’s local economy. Rami Qasem, president & CEO, GE Oil & Gas for Mena and Turkey, said: “The contract builds on our long-term partnership with PDO.”



英国石油巨头BP签订了埃及海上Temsah、Ras El Barr 和Nile Delta区域的租让协议,称新协议的签订有助于Nooros气田的经济开发,BP近期在该气田取得了产量突破。

BP 北非地区总裁Hesham Mekawi表示:BP将大力促进上述三区域开展钻探活动。新协议签订对于气田勘探与开发具有里程碑意义。位于Nile Delta区域的Nooros气田本月创下7亿标准立方英尺/天的产量记录,2017年初有望达到8.8亿标准立方英尺/天。BP还将在Ras El Barr和Temsah开发区域钻取多口井,以增加埃及市场天然气的供应。

BP持有Temsah和Ras El Barr区域 50%的开采权益,以及Nile Delta区域 25%开采权益。其余股份由埃尼子公司IEOC所有。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月27日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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British oil company BP has signed concession amendments for the Temsah, Ras El Barr and Nile Delta Offshore concessions in Egypt. The company said that the amendments allowed for the economic development of the Nooros development, where the company recently achieved record production.

Hesham Mekawi, Regional President, BP North Africa said: “BP is proud to progress the acceleration of its drilling activities in the three concession areas. The conclusion of these amendments was a critical milestone that allowed the discovery and fast track development of the Nooros field in the Nile Delta offshore concession which this month achieved record production of 700mmscfd and is targeted to reach 880mmscfd by early 2017. BP will also drill additional wells in Ras El Barr and Temsah areas that are expected to bring significant gas to the Egyptian domestic market.”

BP holds a 50% interest in Temsah and Ras El Barr, and a 25% interest in the Nile Delta Offshore Concession. The remaining working interest is held by ENI through its subsidiary IEOC.



Foxtrot International在非洲科特迪瓦CI-27海上区块的两座天然气田已全面投产,自此该公司完成了为期四年、价值8.5亿美元的气田开发项目。

对Foxtrot控股1/3的油气投资公司RAK Petroleum周一发布声明称:在顺利安装了四桩柱海上平台、相关气体加工和管道设施,并成功钻取一口勘探井和七口生产井后,Marlin 和 Manta两座新气田已投入生产。RAK还称:新平台位于水下110米处,其安装使CI-27区块的气体和液体处理容量翻了一番,并加强了为周边地区供应天然气的保障。另外,某独立油气工程公司将很快完成对两座气田的储量认证报告。

Foxtrot作为运营商持有CI-27区块24%股权,其他合作商包括科特迪瓦国家石油公司PETROCI SA(40%)、SECI SA(24%)和ENERCI SA(12%)。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月27日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Foxtrot International has brought fully on stream two new gas fields and completed a four-year, $850 million field development program in Block CI-27 offshore Ivory Coast.

According to RAK Petroleum’s statement on Monday, an oil and gas investment company who has a one-third ownership of Foxtrot through Mondoil Enterprises, two new gas fields, Marlin and Manta have been brought on stream. The fields were brought on stream following the installation of a four-legged platform and related processing and pipeline facilities and the drilling of one exploration and seven production wells. RAK said that the new platform, installed in 110 meters of water depth, doubles Block CI-27’s gas and liquids handling capacity and increases the reliability of gas deliveries to the Ivorian electrical sector. RAK reported that a reserves certification study by an independent petroleum engineering firm is expected to be completed shortly.

Foxtrot operates Block CI-27 with a 24 percent direct stake. Other partners on the block are the state oil company, PETROCI SA (40 percent), SECI SA (24 percent) and ENERCI SA (12 percent).



1. 美国总统辩论谈及能源问题


2. 阿塞拜疆里海油田大火


3. OPEC能否达成冻产协议?


4. 英国油气储量缩减三分之一

英国石油天然气协会(UK Oil and Gas)称由于油价低迷,将不再开发部分油气田。该国现有油气储量已削减三分之一。 英国的油气产量目前位居世界第21位,其位次未来几年可能继续下滑。

5. 俄罗斯石油生产商开发非常规能源

为应对常规能源减产的影响,俄罗斯石油巨头Rosneft 和Gazprom转而投身西伯利亚地区非常规能源的开发。解决全球原油供应过剩的问题十分棘手。

6. 英国进口第一批页岩气


7. Total与Farstad签订工程船合同

Farstand将派出“Far Sleipner”号海底工程船支援刚果海域油气钻探。合同期为18个月,将来可能续期。目前许多国家正在谨慎防御“荷兰病”现象,但当下不得不依赖自然资源的开发。

8. 尼日尔明年开始陆上钻井

Savannah Petroleum准备在尼日尔开展陆上地震勘测,该国明年将启动陆上钻井项目。

9. Statoil提前终止West Epsilon平台合同

到期前两个月,Statoil提前终止了“West Epsilon”平台合同。2017年,Statoil的成本削减计划将使全世界更多企业受到影响。

10. ENGIE获中国LNG订单


来自/Oil Pro 9月27日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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U.S. Presidential Debate and Energy Talk. Trump calls out Clinton on the failed Democratic backing of Solyndra. Trump calls for "all forms of energy" and focuses on the financial consequences of previous energy policies.

Fire in Caspian. A fire broke out on a platform in the Gunashli field, offshore of Azerbaijan (say that ten times fast) forcing the evacuation of 69 workers. Firefighting is underway. No one was injured, and the investigation to identify the cause of the accident is underway

And You Thought an OPEC Deal Was Possible. Oil prices slide downwards after Saudi Arabia said Algeria was full of it. Saudi and Iran are at war and the weapon is oil. There will be no deal.

U.K. Industry Group Cuts Reserves by One Third. Industry group UK Oil and Gas has slashed its estimate of Britain's existing oil and gas reserves by a third, saying weak oil prices have made it less likely that some resources will ever be retrieved. The UK is the 21st ranked oil and gas producer globally and will likely fall further over the coming years.

Russia Does Everything the U.K. Does Not. To counter declining conventional production, Rosneft and Gazprom head to Siberia to crank up unconventional production, showing the complexities facing producer nations seeking to tackle a global oversupply of crude.

U.K. Receives First Shale Gas. The U.S. delivers shale gas to the Brits. The first shipment just arrived. This top 10 is not looking good for the U.K.

Total Contracts Farstad's CSV Far Sleipner. Farstand will support subsea activities offshore Congo. The 18 month contract has the possibility for extended terms. Several countries are setting themselves up for a severe case of Dutch Disease, but they have no other choice.

Onshore Drilling Next Year in Niger. Savannah Petroleum prepares for land seismic in Niger that will result in drilling next year. This is Niger, not to be confused with Nigeria.

Statoil Cancels Another Rig. This time the West Epsilon gets cut loose two months before contract end. Statoil's cost cutting is going to be felt globally in 2017.

China Gets Ready for Winter with LNG Order. ENGIE has been working with China for 40 years. Following a tender process launched by Beijing Gas Group (BGG), ENGIE has been selected to supply approximately 900 MMcm of LNG to the city of Beijing. That is how you build a long-term relationship and the rewards are bountiful. Countries wanting to make money consider sage advice from Tarzan, "Make friend, not enemy."



两位知情人士透漏,埃克森美孚正在考虑出售挪威北海部分油田,价值超10亿美元。一位不愿透漏姓名人士称,尽管出售挪威部分油田事情已经与潜在买家讨论过,但埃克森石油公司未在正式场合提及。根据埃克森官网显示,2015年在挪威经营的Ringhorne, Balder, Sigyn和Jotun油田产量达 64000 bbl/d。
埃克森发言人Tore Revaa回应称,“我们对关于商业事情的流言或者猜测不发表任何评论,埃克森在挪威是一个长期投资者,也将会是一个重要的投资者。该计划被行业新闻网站报道提前披露了,埃克森正计划出售Ringhorne, Balder, Sigyn油田,而Jotun很快将被关闭。
埃克森努力卖掉其资产释放另一个信号,过去两年,天然气行业削减成本和降低投资去应对天然气原油价格下滑的打击。挪威石油产量已从2000年峰值下降一半,处在大的石油公司的前列。另一家巨头道达尔正在考虑卖掉在挪威马丁林格项目51%股份,熟悉该事件人士透漏,早在一个月之前,BP公司宣称今年计划将其挪威子公司合并到Det Norske Oljeselskap,并持有新公司30%股份。



近日,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)宣布,其计划将以以约52亿美元的价格出售旗下天然气管道公司NTS90%股权。据悉,买家为布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司(Brookfield Asset Management Inc.)。因为巴国油在低能源价格以及巴西经济衰退的情况下继续削减债务水平。Brookfield公司表示,收购的公司由CIC资本公司、GIC私募公司等投资公司组成。目前,巴国油仍持有NTS的10%股权。
(编译自:The Wall Street Journal)