



海上钻井承包商Noble Corporation获得了一份自升式钻井平台合同。该公司在周二公布的最新船队状态报告中称:“Noble Houston Colbert”号自升式平台已获得JX Nippon的合同,合同期为2016年12月至2017年5月,作业地点在卡塔尔,日费率尚未公布。Noble Houston Colbert为一座Friede & Goldman JU3000N型平台,2014年由Sembcorp Marine建造,自2016年7月起在阿联酋一船厂搁置,此前在阿根廷为Total服务。Noble还在报告中提到,公司有4座自升式平台将停业数天排除故障,期间日费率为零。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月21日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Offshore drilling contractor Noble Corporation has received a contract award for a jack-up drilling rig in Qatar. The company reported in its latest fleet status report on Thursday that the jack-up drilling rig Noble Houston Colbert has been awarded a contract by JX Nippon in Qatar. The contract, with an undisclosed dayrate, will start in December 2016 and last until May 2017. Noble Houston Colbert has been warm stacked at a shipyard in the UAE since July 2016. The unit previously worked for Total in Argentina until June 2016. The rig, of a Friede & Goldman JU3000N design, was built in 2014 by Sembcorp Marine. Noble said in the report that four of its jack-up drilling rigs are expected to experience a number of days of operational downtime, all at zero dayrate.

哈里伯顿降本增效 第三季度业绩惊人








埃克森美孚认为由于美国页岩地区石油产量充足,将使得未来几年油价很难上涨,该公司不同意业界其他人认为的将出现供应短期的观点。埃克森美孚首席执行官Rex Tillerson认为,该公司技术进步将使公司产量增加,会抑制油价上涨。美国页岩油气田的成本将抵消欧佩克供应管理的最新承诺和勘探方面长期投资不足的影响。(彭博社,Rigzone,10月19日消息)

美元走强以及投资者多头回补 10月20日油价下跌


10月20日,国际原油期货价格下跌。油价下跌的主要原因是美元走强以及投资者多头回补。当日举行的欧洲央行会议上,德拉基再度释放鸽派言论,打消了此前市场上关于放缓购债的传闻。与此同时,美国的经济数据则表现稳健,美国利率期货走势暗示,12月升息的可能性超过70%,欧美政策差异支撑美元刷新七个月新高,施压油价。另一方面,俄罗斯国家石油公司执行长谢琴(Igor Sechin)当日在一个论坛会上表示,俄罗斯作为世界最大的产油国,有能力在未来将石油产出进一步提升,年产能最多可提高2亿吨(400万桶/日),该言论令市场对产油国达成限产协作的疑虑增大。此外,在连续大涨之后投资者的多头回补也施压油价。11月交货的WTI原油期货下跌1.17美元/桶,收盘价报每桶50.43美元;12月交货的布伦特原油期货下跌1.29美元/桶,收盘价报每桶51.38美元。布伦特与WTI价差为0.95美元/桶,较前一日缩窄0.12美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为0.365美元/桶,较前一日缩小1.55美元/桶。

SKF和GE Oil & Gas达成非独占许可合作协议

尉 晶

SKF和GE Oil & Gas就研发油气领域磁轴承技术达成了非独占许可合作协议,将利用SKF前端工程设计的磁方位技术为客户提供安装、测试及售后服务。SKF也有意与GE Oil & Gas进行进一步的合作,将磁轴承应用在其他涡轮机械上。
GE Oil & Gas涡轮机械制造部总经理Luca Maria Rossi表示:“通过这次战略合作,我们GE在整个机械及其相关辅助设备领域可以做到向客户提供更多的优化方案服务,SKF具有专业知识和专业人员,而GE则通过规模、操作步骤和服务能力来向客户提供更好的服务。”
来自/Energy Global 10月18日消息            编译/尉晶
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GE Oil & Gas will make use of SKF’s magnetic bearing technologies from front-end engineering design to installation, testing and service to customers. The partnership also provides the basis for future collaboration, to widen the scope of applications of active magnetic bearings into other GE Oil & Gas turbomachinery, such as steam and gas turbines.
Luca Maria Rossi, General Manager for Turbomachinery Solutions Product Management, GE Oil & Gas, said: “Through this strategic agreement, we will be able to provide our customers more optimized solutions with GE as a unique point of contact for the entire machinery and auxiliaries. SKF will bring the know-how and core expertise, while GE Oil & Gas brings the scale, process and service capabilities in order to better serve oil and gas operators.”
[/collapse]石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

PGS引进Cray XC超级计算机扩展成像技术

尉 晶

PGS通过在休斯顿Mega Centre增加Cray XC超级计算机来进一步开发油服行业强大的计算平台。这台计算机使PGS可以处理更多的事务、复杂数据,同时缩短生产周期并获得更加高质量的结果。与此同时,我们的客户利用诸如PGS Reverse Time Migration、Separated Wavefield Imaging (SWIM®)和Wave Equation Reflectivity lnversion这些先进的成像算法,与竞争对手相比可以缩短项目工期。扩展超级计算平台使PGS可以不断创新并在成像反演方面一直做到业内领先。
来自/Energy Global 10月18日消息             编译/尉晶
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PGS further strengthens one of the most powerful compute platforms in the oil service industry, by adding another Cray XC supercomputer to its Houston Mega Centre.
This allows PGS to run larger jobs, image more complex data, while at the same time reduce lead time and get higher quality results. Our customers can take advantage of cutting-edge imaging algorithms such as PGS Reverse Time Migration, Separated Wavefield Imaging (SWIM®), and Wave Equation Reflectivity lnversion while at the same time reducing project duration in comparison to our competitors.
Expanding its supercomputing platform allows PGS to continue to innovate and increase the company's ability to further build on its industry-leading imaging inversion capabilities.
[/collapse]石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

美国原油库存意外大降 10月19日油价上涨








利比亚一位高级石油官员近期表示,利比亚主要油田Waha油田上周恢复生产,最后产量将达到58万桶/天。该油田由WahaOil Co运营,是利比亚重要油田,周二产量为5万桶/天,战前日产量为33万桶。(路透社,Rigzone,10月18日消息)

Solo Oil在坦桑尼亚评价井Ntorya-2井准备12月开钻


Solo Oil plc近期宣布,该井已经完成钻前工程,正在从Ntorya-1井搬迁钻机,预计12月份开钻。Ntorya-1井2012年取得发现,测试日产天然气2010万立方英尺、凝析油139桶。Solo持有Ruvuma石油产品分成协议的25%权益。(Rigzone,10月18日消息)




SM Energy将以16亿美元收购美国二叠盆地区块


该公司近期称,其可能将以16亿美元收购德克萨斯州西部Howard和Martin郡的35700净英亩资产,同时将北达科他州Williston盆地资产以7.85亿美元出售给Oasis Petroleum Inc。该公司在8月份已经以9.8亿美元购买了Howard郡的24783净英亩的资产。交易完成后,该公司在二叠盆地的区块面积将达到82450净英亩。(路透社,Rigzone,10月18日消息)



在推动冻产协议达成以推动油价恢复的关键时刻,委内瑞拉任命其油气部副部长新的驻欧佩克官员。根据欧佩克网站报道,Angel Gonzalez已经取代Ivan Orellana成为新的驻欧佩克官员。(路透社,Rigzone,10月18日消息)



1. 中国石油巨头产量持续降低


2. Shell的LNG发展新战略


3. 未开发的北海油气资源潜力无限


4. 油气管道的最新检测方法


5. 伊朗与投资者展开会谈


6. 业内人士预测油价将上升

BHP首席执行官Andrew Mackenzie表示,目前已经有迹象表明市场重新归于平衡,油气价格可能会回升。

7. 大型石油公司或成为一枝独秀


8. 环保组织起诉挪威


9. 中菲石油南海协议顺利进行


10. 土地管理局出租油气储藏区


来自/Oilpro 10月19日消息  编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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China oil majors continue record-setting output cuts in September. Our friends in China are seeing a sharp decline in their crude output according to reports, though it might be due to record high imports in September among other issues.

Shell to create new entity for LNG foray, says outgoing chief. Outgoing chairman slams his fist on the desk and screams "We want LNG in the Philippines and want it now!" (Not really, but the thought is more exciting than a press conference in Taguig City, right?)

Untapped North Sea oil and gas is 'significant opportunity'. The North Sea might have a new lease on life with Oil and Gas Authority officials talking about finding more than three billion barrels of oil untapped underneath the UK continental shelf.

Research offers faster way to confirm safety of oil and gas pipelines. A UBC study might help people relax with some good vibes - some good vibrations might help pipeline companies prevent spills in a cost-effective way.

Iran Talking With 16 Investors to Bid on Oil and Gas Projects. About 50 projects are on the bidding table in Iran, as officials say the projects are feasible even with low crude prices reigning over the market.

BHP's Andrew Mackenzie says oil and gas prices are ready to rise. What's that, another prediction for rising oil and gas prices around the world? You don't say!

After Lean Years, Big Oil May Emerge Stronger Than Ever. Looking for a sobering but a hopeful view into the future? The New York Times sat down with a number of analysts that say the companies that emerge from the current market intact will not only be winners they're "going to come out smelling like roses.” I guess that's one way to talk positive?

Environmental groups file lawsuit against Norway over Arctic oil. Greenpeace Nordic and Nature & Youth filed a lawsuit this week against Norway for violating provisions in the 2015 Paris Agreement by letting firms explore the Arctic Barents Sea.

China-Philippines Oil Deal Underway In South China Sea The Philippines and China are hoping to "finalize a deal that could see both sides working to find oil and natural gas in the South China Sea."

BLM Announces Oil/Gas Lease Sale For Ohio's Wayne National Forest. Anyone ready to make some investments? The U.S. Bureau of Land Management will offer about 1,676 acres for lease in Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas. Remember, coffee's for closers only.




挪威石油公司Statoil在挪威海Njord North Flank区域取得了油气新发现,地点在PL107C许可区,Njord生产平台以北约6公里处。目前两口探井均未进行钻杆测试,但已广泛收集数据并提取油样。根据现有数据,NF-2勘探井的预估储量为130-1890万桶油当量,NF-3侧钻井为60-940万桶油当量,合计总量为190-2830万桶油当量。这样的结果与钻井前预期一致。开发商目前已按计划执行了堵井弃井作业,下一步将对油气资源的商业前景进行评估。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月18日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Norwegian oil company Statoil has made an oil and gas discovery at the Njord North Flank in the Norwegian Sea. Neither well was drill stem tested but extensive data acquisition and sampling has been performed on both wells. Based on the data acquired, a preliminary estimate of the size of the NF-2 discovery is between 1.3 and 18.9 mmboe for NF-2 and between 0.6 and 9.4 mmboe for side-track NF-3. Collectively these discoveries are equivalent to a range of 1.9mmboe to 28.3mmboe. These results are in line with pre-drill estimates. The well has now been plugged and abandoned as planned and the partners will start work on assessing the commercial potential of the discovery.

Paragon 获Centrica自升式钻井平台合同


海上钻井承包商Paragon Offshore获得一份自升式钻井平台合同。Paragon在周一发布的最新船队状态报告中称:“Paragon B391”号钻井平台赢得了Centrica公司英国北海作业合同,从10月底至11月底为其提供轻型井干预服务,日费率5.3万美元。该平台上一份合同也来自Centrica,合同期从今年3月到今年5月,日费率8.5万美元。

另外,Paragon提到,公司1981建造的自升式钻台Paragon HZ1与Wintershall的合同期改为11月初到12月初,而不是之前宣布的10月中旬到11月中旬。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月18日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Drilling contractor Paragon Offshore has been awarded a contract for one of its jack-up drilling rigs. In its latest fleet status report on Monday, Paragon said its jack-up drilling rig Paragon B391 has won a contract with Centrica in the UK sector of the North Sea. The contract is for light well intervention services from late October to late November with a dayrate of $53,000. The rig’s previous contract was also with Centrica and it lasted from March until May this year with the dayrate of $85,000.

In addition, Paragon said that its other 1981-built jack-up drilling rig, Paragon HZ1, will be working for Wintershall under a dayrate of $53,000 from early November to early December instead of, as previously said, from mid-October to mid-November.

“Bleo Holm”号FPSO与Repsol Sinopec续约


浮式生产储卸设备(FPSO)供应商Bluewater获得了“Bleo Holm”号FPSO的续约合同。自1999年起,Bleo Holm为Talisman Energy 服务,后Talisman被Repsol Sinopec收购。Bleo Holm目前在Ross、Parry和Blake油田进行生产作业,位于英国大陆架13/28a区块水下110米(360英尺)处,距阿伯丁东北部72英里。

Bluewater周二称已与Repsol Sinopec就合同续约达成一致,续约后,固定合同期延至2018年6月30日。Bleo Holm是Bluewater设计、建造和运营的第六台FPSO装置。该船为双体双壳结构,有球鼻型船头,载重吨位10.5万吨,船体长242.3米,可容纳90人。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月18日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Bluewater, a provider of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, has been awarded a one-year contract extension for the FPSO Bleo Holm. The FPSO Bleo Holm has been working for Repsol Sinopec Resources UK, previously Talisman Energy, in the UK sector of the North Sea since 1999. The vessel is producing at the Ross, Parry, and Blake fields. It is located in a water depth of 110m (360 ft) in block 13/28a on the UKCS, 72 miles (116km) North East of Aberdeen.

Bluewater said on Tuesday that the extension was agreed at the existing contract terms. With this extension, the firm contract period has been extended up to June 30, 2018. The Bleo Holm is the sixth Bluewater designed, built, owned and operated FPSO installation. The vessel has a double hull, double sides, double bottom, a bulbous bow and weighs 105,000 dead weight tons. The unit is 242.3 meters long and it can accommodate 90 persons.

Aker BP获准在北海钻取评价井


挪威石油管理局授予Aker BP在挪威海域钻取25/2-18 B号油井的钻井许可。Aker BP是BP Norge与Det Norske联合成立的石油勘探和生产公司。25/2-18 B号油井位于北海442生产许可区内,其钻取将使用Maersk Drilling公司的Maersk Interceptor自升式钻井平台。Aker BP计划钻取一口评价井,并作为运营商持股90%,剩余10%股份由LOTOS Exploration和Production Norge所有。

422许可区由25/2和25/3两区块组成,25/2-18 B是该区钻取的第三口井。这份钻井计划目前已获得所有相关机构的准许和授权,运营商一切准备就绪后即将开始钻井作业。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月18日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Aker BP, a new oil exploration and production company formed by BP Norge and Det norske merger, a drilling permit for well 25/2-18 B, offshore Norway. According to the agency, the well 25/2-18 B will be drilled from the Maersk Drilling-owned Maersk Interceptor jack-up drilling rig, in production license 442 in the North Sea.The drilling program for well 25/2-18 B relates to the drilling of an appraisal well. Aker BP is the operator with an ownership interest of 90 percent, and LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge is a licensee with 10 per cent.

The area in this license is made up of parts of block 25/2 and block 25/3. This is the third well to be drilled in the license.The permit is contingent upon the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to starting drilling activities.



1. 伊朗石油出口量创新高


2. 联邦政府修订油气特许使用制度


3. 印度或在尼日利亚油气领域投资150亿美元


4. 埃克森美孚意欲阻止纽约州调查


5. 油价下跌也让杜特尔特头疼


6. 受美元疲软影响 油价突破50美元


7. 印度将开发Kutch油气盆地


8. 浮式储油量骤降 市况现好转征兆


9. 印俄洽谈250亿美元天然气管线项目


10. 美国持续反季高温 天然气价格下降


来自/Oil Pro 10月18日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Iran oil exports hold near five-year, pre-sanctions level high. Sources say Iran is holding steady at 4.5 million barrels per day in production with a whole lot more in exports, too.

Feds update oil, gas royalty system for federal land. The freaky fed fusses with federal land and fossil fuels. Apparently they want to "ensure oil and gas production is accurately measured and that the government receives the proper royalty payments for that production."

India Could Invest $15bn In Nigeria’s Oil And Gas Sector. Both sides are working on a memorandum of understanding that could be a net positive for both nations.

ExxonMobil Moves to Block New York, Massachusetts Investigations. Company officials asked a Texas court to throw out subpoenas issued by the attorneys general in NY and Massachussetts, as the Great War Over Climate Change continues.

Slumping Oil Prices Are Creating New Headaches for Duterte. Platitudes and insults likely won't save President Rodrigo Duterte and the Philippines, as Saudi Arabia (which is the top destination for Filipino workers abroad) continues feeling the intense pinch from the oil markets. Reports say Duterte is frantically searching for another round of poorly directed insults.

Oil Gains Above $50 as Weak Dollar Adds to OPEC Output Cut Plans. In a more adorable world, crude prices are the fuzzy little groundhog that just peeks his head out from his $50 home, only to hide right back under again. No word yet on the shadow and comments from Phil Connors are forthcoming.

India gets a brand new oil & gas basin, Kutch offshore, after 31 years. Kutch is coming through with the clutch for Indian oil production, as officials hope to move toward development of the basin by mid-2017.

In good sign for market, floating oil storage has plummeted. With floating oil going down, is the glut relenting? Will the market continue to strengthen? Will Superman save Lois Lane in time?

India, Russia Discuss US$25 Billion Gas Pipeline. Officials want to transport Russian gas from Siberia to India - over 2,800-3,700 miles - but sources say Russia is saying nyet to the idea of the pipeline passing through Pakistan.

Natural Gas Prices Fall as Temperatures Stay Unseasonably High. Feeling the heat in the U.S.? You're not the only ones - natural gas companies are feeling it too.