



1. GE与Baker Hughes开展新交易

GE上周宣布,将其油气业务与Baker Hughes合并,交易涉资约300亿美元。

2. ConocoPhillips出售塞内加尔资产

随着深海勘探规模的逐步缩减,该公司宣布已将巨额股份出售给Woodside Petroleum,交易价格为4.4亿美元。

3. 人心不齐 减产计划或将落空


4. 民意调查不太乐观


5. 中国石油问题突出


6. Enbridge公布亏损数据


7. Wheatstone LNG项目成本飙升


8. 巴西石油之都发展形势严峻


9. 伊朗希望向欧洲出口LNG


10. 德克萨斯州VS加拿大

彭博社Liam Denning专栏记者着手调查雪弗龙与埃克森美孚在二叠纪油气资产上取得的成就,并探索为何这样的成功加拿大公司不可复制。

来自/Oil Pro 10月31日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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GE And Baker Hughes Best Friends Forever. After word first broke last week, GE will be merging its oil and gas business with Baker Hughes in a nearly $30 billion deal.

ConocoPhillips Says Bye To Senegal. As Conoco continues to scale back its deepwater exploration, the company announced it has sold off a large stake in reserves to Woodside Petroleum for about $440 million.

Divided, Production Cut Plans Falling? Price drops are swinging back for oil as more OPEC members continue their negotiations to exempt themselves from certain aspects of the proposed production cut.

Polls Not Exactly Hopeful. Analysts still don't see crude prices responding well in the short term either, if talks continue going this way.

China's Oil Problem. Low prices, low demand, low production - it's all plaguing the oil industry in China as the country's output dropped 6 percent in the first nine months of the year.

Enbridge Posts Losses. Can there be too a thing as too many subscribers to oil pipelines? Just ask Enbridge which said it recorded a net loss in the third quarter versus profit during the same time period last year.

Wheatstone LNG Project Costs Jump. The Australian LNG project's price tag could jump to $34 billion Chevron officials say with delays in module deliveries and "poor performance" at one of its fabricating yards as the culprits.

Brazil's Oil Capital Against The Ropes? Crisis and issues with reform have marred Macae, Brazil's "oil capital," where the market is closely linked to Petrobas and unfortunately all of the baggage that comes with it.

Iran Looking To Export LNG To Europe. Officials say they have been in continued talks with Norway to potentially bring a bulk of LNG exports to the export table.

Texas vs. Canada? Liam Denning with Bloomberg examines how earnings from Chevron and Exxon on how what's happening in places like the Permian might not be working in favor of Canadian companies.




IOTC总经理Pirouz Mousavi强调了伊朗与荷兰合作的几个领域,包括港口现代化、装备武器、储存设施以及单浮标系泊设备。“目前,由于设施翻新,总共10艘油轮可以停靠在Kharg码头,可以满足93%的伊朗原油出口。在取消制裁后,伊朗Kharg油码头日最高装载量已超700万桶。”

来自/Tradearabia 10月30日消息              编译/陈芊芊

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Iran Oil Terminals Company (IOTC) has held talks with a Dutch firm to revamp and develop oil terminals in the Arabian Gulf as well as build a floating oil terminal, a top official said. A number of single buoy moorings (SBMs) used in Iranian oil terminals are Netherlands-made and partnership can be established for supplying required equipment, IOTC managing director Pirouz Mousavi was quoted as saying in an Iran Daily report.

He highlighted several areas for Iran-Netherlands cooperation including modernization of harbours, loading arms and storage facilities as well as SBMs. "Presently, given the refurbishment of facilities, a total of 10 oil tankers can dock at Kharg terminal which caters for 93 percent of Iran's crude exports," said Mousavi. "Following the removal of sanctions, the highest loading per day at Iran's Kharg oil terminal has been more than seven million oil barrels," he noted.




三个近海勘探区块Rufisque Offshore、Sangomar Offshore和Sangomar Deep Offshore的净账面价值截至2016年9月30日约为2.85亿美元。康菲公司预估2016年第四季度的销售收入将有所增加,但具体数额需经最终调整。石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

来自/Energypedia 10月29日消息          编译/陈芊芊

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ConocoPhillips announced Friday it has completed a transaction for the sale of its shares in ConocoPhillips Senegal, which holds a 35 percent interest in three exploration blocks offshore Senegal. The total sales price of the transaction, which is between the subsidiaries of ConocoPhillips and Australia’s Woodside Petroleum, was approx. $440 million, including net customary adjustments of approx. $90 million.

The three offshore exploration blocks, Rufisque Offshore, Sangomar Offshore and Sangomar Deep Offshore, had a net carrying value of approx. $285 million as of Sept. 30, 2016. ConocoPhillips expects to recognize a gain on the sale in the fourth quarter of 2016, the amount of which is subject to final adjustments.




贝克休斯官网宣布,将于美国东部时间10月31日上午8:30与GE联合召开发布会,公布与GE的合作计划。如果合作成功,通用电气或将剥离旗下165亿美元油气业务与贝克休斯合并,合并后成立独立的公司。而这家公司,将一举超越哈里波顿,成为仅次于斯伦贝谢的世界第二大油服。石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

来自/Reuters 10月31日消息         编译/陈芊芊

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General Electric Co (GE.N) is nearing an about $30 billion deal to merge its oil and gas business with Baker Hughes Inc (BHI.N). The combined entity will be controlled by GE and would have publicly traded shares.

GE said in a statement last week that it was in talks with the oilfield services provider on potential partnerships but none of those options included an outright purchase.A partnership with Baker Hughes could help GE to transform its oil and gas division and emerge a larger player in the sector to better compete with oilfield services leader Schlumberger (SLB.N) .



墨西哥《千年报》近期报道,墨西哥能源部称,近八年来,墨西哥国家石油公司在炼油方面共损失8960亿比索(约合498亿美元),即每年损失1130亿比索(约合63亿美元),是墨西哥国立自治大学预算的2.5倍,墨国家石油公司炼油厂的利用率仅为56%,而全球平均数为78%。墨国家石油公司认为,目前该公司炼油部门面对的首要问题是如何改造Salamanca、Salina Cruz和Tula三家炼油厂。(10月27日消息)



伊朗国家石油公司总经理卡尔德罗(Ali Kardor)对媒体称,伊朗将于伊历1396年度起自2017年3月21日,停止进口汽油,这意味着该国将很快能依靠自身力量,生产这一关键的能源。卡称,该国明年预算将不包括进口汽油的预算,这是因为该国一个重要的汽油生产项目,波斯湾明星炼油厂将于明年六月上线,初期产能为每日1200万升。波斯湾明星炼油厂全面建成后,预计产能为每日3500万升,届时伊朗将成为汽油出口国。卡称,目前该国每天最多进口500万升汽油,这一数字是今年三月的一半。(10月27日消息)




MEG Energy第三季度亏损出乎意料


加拿大油砂公司MEG Energy Corp近期报道,第三季度公司亏损严重,超出意料,公司将2016年资本支出从1.7亿加元削减到1.4亿加元。第三季度,公司净亏损1.09亿加元(9270万美元),而去年同期为净亏损4.28亿加元。第三季度,公司收入下降8%,为4.97亿加元;净操作成本下降14.7%,每桶减少7.76美元,非作业成本下降11%。(路透社,Rigzone,10月27日消息)

Marathon Petroleum赢利减少


Marathon Petroleum Corp报道,其第三季度赢利比预期少很多,并称将出售一些资产给MPLX Inc。到2017年底,这些资产将为公司带来3.5亿美元的收入。第三季度,归属于Marathon的净收入下降到1.45亿美元而去年同期为9.48亿美元。(路透社,Rigzone,10月27日消息)

Husky Energy在油价低迷期间再次削减2016年资本支出


加拿大第三综合石油公司Husky Energy Inc报道,第三季度亏损比预期严重,将再次削减资本支出。该公司预计今年资本支出为23.20亿加元(14.9亿美元),高于原先计划的21亿加元。Husky Energy第三季度产量平均为30.1万桶油当量/天,下降10%,且第三季度出售相关资产获得15亿加元收入,使得第三季度赢利13.9亿加元。(路透社,Rigzone,10月27日消息)









沙特阿美计划首次公开发行价值2万亿美元的股票,一些专家说美国政策制定者可能已经在做工作,以争取其能在美国上市。但是上个月美国国会通过了《Justice Against Sponsorsof Terrorism Act (JASTA)》,这为911恐怖袭击受害者起诉沙特开启了大门。Rice大学研究人员Jim Krane认为,如果沙特阿美不在美国上市,我可以说那是外交的冷落。前段时间,沙特阿美也对欧洲和亚洲证券市场进行调查研究。目前没有获得其最新消息。有研究人员认为,如果沙特轻视美国,而选择在欧洲或者亚洲上市,那么美国新总统可能不欢迎阿美在美国国内工业的投资。例如,沙特已经表示对Lyondell BissellIndustries在休斯顿的炼厂感兴趣。具体如何,我们拭目以待。(震旦能源综合报道,10月27日消息)



在尼日利亚海上,埃克森美孚及其合作伙伴已经发现了一个估计有5到10亿桶石油潜力的油藏。埃克森美孚近期在一新闻稿中宣布了这个大发现。根据该公司报道,这口发现井为Owowo-3井,2016年9月23日开钻,钻遇460英尺(140米)含油砂岩储层。Owowo-3井扩大了Owowo-2井的发现范围,Owowo-2井钻遇515英尺(157米)含油砂岩储层。Owowo-3井位于Oil Prospecting License223和Oil Mining License139许可区块内,水深1890英尺,钻井进尺10410英尺。埃克森美孚是该井(及其这两个许可区块)的作业者。这个两个区块的各方权益:埃克森美孚27%,雪佛龙27%,道达尔18%,Nexen 18%,尼日利亚石油开发公司10%。(埃克森美孚,10月27日消息)




OPEC减产分歧 10月28日油价下跌





致力于油气开发与生产的IOG公司近日成功收购了Versus Petroleum的子公司Oyster Petroleum。Oyster持有北海南部多个许可区域的经营权益,包括Vulcan East、Vulcan Northwest和 Vulcan South油气田。据悉,IOG早于2016年6月13日便与Verus Petroleum签订了全盘收购Oyster的协议。收购于6月30日起生效,交易完成即支付首笔资金100万英镑。


来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月28日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Independent Oil and Gas (IOG), a development and production focused oil and gas company, has completed the acquisition of Versus Petroleum’s subsidiary, Oyster Petroleum. Oyster holds the Southern North Sea licenses containing the Vulcan East, Vulcan Northwest, and Vulcan South fields. To remind, IOG has signed an agreement with Verus Petroleum to buy 100% of the shares of its subsidiary, Oyster Petroleum, on June 13, 2016. The acquisition has an effective date of June 30, 2016, with an initial consideration of £1 million payable at completion.

According to the agreement, the company will make three further deferred consideration payments. The first sum of £0.75 million is payable nine months after completion. The second £1.75 million payment comes within 30 days of approval of a Field Development Plan on the Licenses by the UK Oil and Gas Authority. The final £1.5 million payment will be paid within 30 days of the production of first gas from the Licenses. The aggregate consideration, allowing for any interim period adjustments, is £5 million ($7.1 million).

Deep Sea Supply与雪佛龙PSV租约续期


Deep Sea Supply近日获得了某国际石油巨头的PSV空船租约续期合同,正在澳大利亚海域服役的两艘平台供应船Sea Tortuga 和Sea Triump将续期7个月。Deep Sea Supply上周五称,两船自2015年起就开始为该合同服务。公司网站公布的信息显示,两船的雇主是美国石油巨头雪佛龙。双方签订的空船租约续期至2017年4月底。Deep Sea Supply还透露:两艘PSV分别有130天的备选延期。但交易金额等详细信息目前尚未披露。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月28日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Deep Sea Supply has been awarded a seven-month extension of the bareboat contracts for two PSVs, the Sea Tortuga and Sea Triumph, operating in Australian waters, by an ‘international oil major company’.

Deep Sea Supply said on Friday that both vessels have been working under current contract since the end of March 2015. According to data on the company’s website, both vessels work for the U.S. oil major Chevron. Under the contract extension, the bareboat contracts for both vessels are now firm until the end of April 2017. The company added that the deal also entails a total of 130 days extension options for each vessel. Further information, including financial details of the deal, were left undisclosed.



阿根廷国家控股的能源公司YPF周五表示与挪威国家石油公司签署了一项协议,研究阿根廷大西洋沿岸可能的海底钻探点。阿根廷大量油气储备尚未开发,部分原因是近几十年政策的不稳定和周期性危机。该国新任总统誓称将实现经济正常化,吸引投资。石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com


来自/Rigzone 10月28日消息         编译/陈芊芊

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Argentina's state-controlled energy company YPF said on Friday it signed a deal with Norway's Statoil to study potential offshore drilling sites off Argentina's Atlantic coast. Argentina has vast oil and gas reserves that have gone untapped, in part due unpredictable policies and cyclical crises over recent decades. The country's new president vows to normalize the economy and attract investment.

The seismic tests will be undertaken in waters of 500 to 3,500 meters. "For YPF and Statoil, access to new information will be fundamental to understanding the area's potential," YPF said in a statement.





来自/Rigzone  10月28日消息        编译/陈芊芊   石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

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Roxi Petroleum plc announced Friday that it has hit oil in Deep Well A6, located in Kazakhstan’s BNG Contract Area. Gross oil-bearing intervals totalling 416 feet meters have been identified. These are in two intervals, the first of 236 feet between depths of 14,150 feet and 14,386 feet. The second is of 180 feet between depths of 14,599 feet and 14,780 feet.

Further analysis will be conducted to determine the portion of these intervals that are capable of producing commercial volumes of oil, Roxi said in a company statement.