



法国Total已经与伊朗签署协议,进一步开发属于世界最大气田的一部分,它已成为伊朗解除制裁后第一个与伊朗签署协议的西方能源公司。Total周二确认了其已经与伊朗国家石油公司签署了South Pars第11期开发(SP11Project)协议,该气田位于海湾地区,延伸到卡塔尔水域,即卡塔尔的North field。Total称,SP11项目将分两个阶段进行,第一个阶段花费20亿美元,生产的天然气将进入伊朗天然气网络。

丹麦DONG Energy将退出油气业务


丹麦能源集团DONG Energy计划停止油气业务而专注海上风力发电,这与其在刚刚过去5个月的哥本哈根上市时表示维持现有的油气业务不符。该公司为世界上最大的海上风力发电公司,在过去已经考虑出售油气业务,但是在6月9日宣布上市后就再无音讯。Sydbank机构分析其油气资产价值140亿丹麦克朗(21亿美元)。今年,该公司油气产量为8.9万桶油当量/天,而去年为11.5万桶油当量/天。(路透社,Rigzone,11月8日消息)



英格兰国家党(SNP)已要求英国政府在11月23日的预算报告中激励北海的油气勘探开发。周一,英国油气局(Oil &Gas UK)表示,其已经书面上报英国财政大臣,要求他在11月23日的预算报告中帮助提高投资者对北海勘探开发的信心。目前,苏格兰国家党也正在说服英国财政大臣,用即将到来的秋季预算报告支持油气工业,以吸引全球投资。(Rigzone,11月8日消息)

欧佩克认为竞争对手石油供应下降 但并未减少





根据WOODLANDS和MIDLAND消息,Earthstone Energy和Bold Energy公司日前签订一项最终协议,前者将获得后者的所有公开发售的股东权益,包括生产性资产和待开采地区,Bold Energy本身是EnCap投资有限公司旗下的一家资产组合企业。
合并后的公司总共将拥有Midland盆地约26800净英亩的土地,Eagle Forddiqu 18600净英亩和Bakken油田及其他地区的5900净英亩土地。合并后的公司油气产量预计达7400 boed,其中63%为石油。在地区分布上,预计46%来自Midland盆地,38%来自Eagle Ford地区,16%来自Bakken油田及其他地区。
来自/WorldOil    11月8日消息    编译/谢万容
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THE WOODLANDS, Texas and MIDLAND, Texas -- Earthstone Energy and Bold Energy III LLC, a portfolio company of EnCap Investments L.P., have entered into a definitive contribution agreement under which Earthstone will acquire all of the outstanding membership interests of Bold, inclusive of producing assets and undeveloped acreage.
The acquisition includes approximately 20,900 net surface acres in the core of the Midland basin. The deal includes about 16,000 net acres in Reagan County; 3,260 net acres in Upton County; 1,310 net acres in Midland County; and the remainder in Glasscock, Howard and Martin counties.
The combined company will hold approximately 26,800 net surface acres in the Midland basin, 18,600 net acres in the Eagle Ford, and 5,900 net acres in the Bakken and other areas. The company will produce about 7,400 boed (63% oil), consisting of 46% from the Midland basin, 38% from the Eagle Ford, and 16% from the Bakken and other areas.



Weir Oil & Gas已经与科威特石油公司(KOC)签署协议,购买价值1200万美元的295套海底井口装置。作为合同一部分,Weir将为KOC提供11种不同的井口装置。(Rigzone,11月7日消息)






意大利能源公司Eni已经签署协议,对在巴林进行的勘探开发活动进行评价。该国已经签署了4个协议,这些是巴林石油公司(Bapco)与Tatweer Petroleum和Eni之间签署的,旨在评价该地区某一上游资产。研究结束后,巴林与Eni将对未来工作方案的可行性进行评估,并可能进一步开展开发合作。(Rigzone,11月7日消息)



Noble公司的自升式平台“Noble Houston Colbert”号已经签订了一个位于卡塔尔海上的钻井合同,该钻井作业预计下个月开始。今年六月,该平台刚刚完成了位于阿根廷海上的钻井作业。

今年夏天,另一台自升式平台“Noble Alan Hay”号已经照计划进入船厂进行检测和坞修,并于9月份完成,目前该平台已经返回阿拉伯联合酋长国作业区进行作业。七月,自升式平台“Noble Mick O’Brien”号开始在中东履行预计400天的合同,而上个月,自升式平台“Noble Regina Allen”号开始履行一项新合同,即在北海提供住宿服务。同样在北海,自升式平台“Noble Lloyd Noble”号已经完成在新加坡船厂的改造前往北海,为开始一个四年合同进行最终的验收测试。

Noble公司八座半潜式平台中的一座“Noble Paul Romano”号依照合同,必须作业到年底。

此外,目前公司拥有八条钻井船,仅6条钻井船还在履行合同,其余两条“Noble Sam Croft”号和“Noble Tom Madden”号正闲置于美国墨西哥湾。(来自/Offshore-mag)

Kosmos Energy与Galp Energia达成区块收购协议


美国石油和天然气公司Kosmos Energy已经与葡萄牙公司Galp Energia达成协议,计划收购该公司在圣地和普林西比附近5号、11号和12号区块的20%的权益。
Kosmos Energy表示,根据与Galp达成的协议条款,Galp Energia将承担3D地震勘测作业。
Galp Energia表示,Kosmos Energy将继续担任作业者。在5号区块,Kosmos将持有45%的权益,而Galp和Equator将持有20%的权益,ANP持有剩下的15%。在第11号区块中,Kosmos拥有最大的份额65%, Galp、ANP将分别持有20%、15%的权益。在第12号区块中,Kosmos将持有45%的权益,Galp、Equator和ANP将分别持有20%、22.5%和12.5%的权益。(来自/Offshoreenergytoday)








美总统大选结果未定 8日油价一涨一跌


11月8日,WTI原油期货价格微涨,布伦特原油期货价格微跌。周二油价几无变动,市场静待美国总统选举结果揭晓。最新的几项民调显示,民主党候选人希拉里的支持率比共和党候选人特朗普领先。大部分投资者预计,如果希拉里当选总统,市场信心较大,金融市场将较稳定。能源顾问公司WTRG Economics总裁James Williams表示,投资人都在等待美国大选结果,市场有太多不确定性,油价未有明确方向,同时投资人也在等待美国原油库存报告。API公布的数据显示,截至11月4日当周美国原油库存大增440万桶,预期增加105万桶。路透调查分析师此前预期增加130万桶。WTI原油期货价格在美国API数据公布后的电子盘交易中小幅下跌。此外,OPEC预期未来三年全球对OPEC原油的需求将增长,表明2014年任由油价下跌以遏制美国页岩油等高成本竞争性供应的决定正在为OPEC带来更高的市场份额。12月交货的WTI原油期货上涨0.09美元/桶,收盘价报每桶44.98美元;2017年1月交货的布伦特原油期货下跌0.11美元/桶,收盘价报每桶46.04美元。布伦特与WTI价差为1.06美元/桶,较前一日缩窄0.2美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为0.89美元/桶,较前一日扩大0.53美元/桶。



之前,五级地震袭击了Oklahoma,导致Magellan Midstream Partners LP等管道运营商暂停美国最大石油存储中心的运营。一些运营商开始担忧该地区的稳定性。
2. OPEC仍在执行减产计划?
4. Philadelphia Energy Solution在先前危机后面临债务
5. 伊朗:Trump/Cliton是一面硬币的两面
6.Woodfibre LNG支援加拿大项目
woodfibre LNG将修建加拿大的首个液化天然气出口项目。项目自2017年开始。加拿大希望在国际市场上引起轰动。

本周一,原油价格上涨超过1%。 原因是OPEC坚持限制产量。但是布伦特原油价格为46.20美元,仍然低于上月最高水平。
10.Colonial Pipeline重返市场
Colonial Pipeline最终重新开始运营。员工仍在维修管道。燃料供应将需要数日方能恢复正常。
来自/Oilpro 11月7日 消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.coOPEC m

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Earthquake Prompts Scare At U.S. Hub. A magnitude 5 earthquake in Oklahoma had some pipeline operators like Magellan Midstream Partners LP shutting down operations at the largest U.S. oil storage hub, as some are now beginning to wonder about the area's stability.
OPEC Still Marching Forward With Plan? The group's secretary-general said they"remain committed to the Algiers accord" but there is still plenty of skepticism to go around.
A Windfall For Advanced Refineries? A large switch to cleaner fuels among ships worldwide in 2020 could mean some big benefits for the more advanced oil refineries. What about those that don't produce the proper fuel oil? They might be out of luck.And speaking of refineries...
Philadelphia Energy Solutions Faces Debt After Previous Crisis. The U.S. East Coast's oldest refinery might have gotten purchased back in 2012, but now one of the region's largest employers is facing a new set of issues.
Iran: Trump/Clinton Two Sides Of Same Coin. An aide to Iran's ruling cleric doesn't exactly have warm feelings for either candidate running for POTUS this year.
Woodfibre LNG Lends Help To Canadian Project. Canada's first LNG export project will be built by Woodfibre LNG, beginning in 2017, as the country looks to make a splash on the global market.
British O&G Sends S.O.S. With exploration and development drilling falling to record lows and a lack of investor confidence, officials are hoping government representatives can help drive new investments in the North Sea.
Oil Prices Up. Crude prices rose more than one percent Monday as OPEC sticks to its guns on cutting output, but $46.20 Brent prices still remain well under what they wereduring last month's high.
Canadian Oil Spill Program Gets Underwhelming Response. The country's Oil Spill Response Science Program is opening up for another round of applications as the program garnered fewer than expected, likely due to the price crash, eh.
Colonial Pipeline Back Online. Colonial finally restarted operations as crew continue repairs on the pipeline, but it will take several days for fuel deliveries to return to normal.

“Scarabeo 5”平台获准在Njord油田开展作业活动


Statoil获得了挪威石油安全署(PSA)的许可,可以使用“Scarabeo 5”号平台在Njord油田开展钻井作业。PSA同意Scarabeo 5在该油田执行各项与油井生产相关的作业活动,计划于11月10日开始作业。Statoil是Njord油田运营商,该油田1997年投产,水深330米。其开发一直使用半潜式钻井、住宿和生产的多功用平台Njord A和浮式存储装置Njord B。

Scarabeo 5是一座1990年建造的ME 4500型半潜式钻台,在Bahamas登记注册,2003年获得PSA颁发的AoC证书,与Statoil的租期持续至2017年,但由于Statoil平台资产过剩,Scarabeo 5已被多次闲置。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 11月8日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Norwegian oil company Statoil has received consent from the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), a Norwegian offshore safety agency, to use Saipem’s Scarabeo 5 rig for well activities on the Njord field, offshore Norway. Statoil is the operator at Njord. The offshore safety authority has now granted Statoil consent to use the Scarabeo 5 rig for various well activities associated with production wells on the field. According to the agency, the activities on the field are scheduled to begin on November 10, 2016. The Njord field has been developed using a semi-submersible drilling, accommodation and production platform, Njord A, and the Njord B floating and storage unit (FSU). Production on the field began in 1997. Water depth at the site is 330 meters.
Scarabeo 5 is a semi-submersible drilling rig of the ME 4500 type, built in 1990. It is registered in the Bahamas and issued with an Acknowledgment of Compliance (AoC) by the PSA in May 2003. The rig is under a contract with Statoil until 2017 but it has been suspended several times now due to overcapacity in Statoil’s rig portfolio.


尉 晶

工程公司KBR与阿塞拜疆石油公司Socar的合资公司为其旗下子公司Azerikimya Production Union获得了一份项目管理咨询合同,该子公司拥有多家化工厂和炼油厂。这项合同的价值仍未透露,它将被记录在KBR工程&建筑业务部第四季度收益中。该合同是自打该合资公司去年成立以来接手的第二个项目。Socar的发言人表示:“现代化的项目可以增加我们在Azerikimya的生产设备数量,确保聚乙烯和聚丙烯生产原材料充足并满足国家需求,这也会增加阿塞拜疆的出口潜力,提高工艺流程的安全性以及原材料和成品的质量。”
来自/Upstream 11月7日消息              编译/尉晶
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The joint venture between engineering firm KBR and Azeri state oil company Socar has won a programme management consultancy contract for Socar’s Azerikimya Production Union, which holds a number of chemicals and refined products plants.The value of the contract is undisclosed. It will be booked into the backlog of unfilled orders for KBR's Engineering & Construction business segment in the fourth quarter of this year.  The contract represents the second award granted to the JV since it was established last year."The modernisation project will make it possible to increase the production facilities at Azerikimya, ensure the supply of raw materials to polyethylene and polypropylene production installations and to meet the demand in the country,” Socar president Rovnag Abdullayev said in a statement.“It will also increase the country's export potential, enhance the security of the technological process and the quality of raw materials and finished products."
[/collapse]石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com


尉 晶

来自/Upstream 11月7日消息                   编译/尉晶
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The company recently signed an amendment to the proposed restructuring support agreement, which has support from 85.4% of certain noteholders. Submission is envisaged by 9 December but there was no guarantee a final agreement would be reached, Stone said. On 4 November the company said it had struck a deal with debtholders on an amendment to its proposed reorganisation plan, an addendum that among other things would offer the noteholders the right to call off the deal if cure amounts exceed an "acceptable" level. Stone said that as of 20 October it had approval of 85.4% of certain noteholders for a restructuring deal that would allot them a 95% stake in the reorganised Stone, and some $225 million of new 7.5% second lien notes due in 2022.The creditors would also get $150 million in net cash proceeds from the sale of Stone properties sold off in Appalachia. Stone also said it was continuing to work with US oil regulators with respect to its obligations for plugging and abandonment in the US Gulf of Mexico.
[/collapse]石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com

Farstad售出“Far Fosna”号操锚供应拖轮


挪威船东Farstad Shipping售出1993年建造的Far Fosna操锚供应拖轮。拖轮已于周二交付,但Farstad未透露买方名称和涉资详情,称Far Fosna的出售对公司今年第四季度的财务统计影响不大。VesselsValue网站称:11月8日Far Fosna的市值为168万美元,残余价值为790美元。该船的最新AIS数据显示其上一目的地是越南头顿。

自2014年油价下滑以来,数百艘海工船闲置,海上业务缩减对财务不佳的船东造成了严重影响。拥有50多艘海工船的Farstad一直努力改善财务状况,设法为公司争取长期业务。Farstad上周与Siem Industries签订了财务重组的非约束意向书,Siem成为其主要股权投资商。

来自/Offshore Energy Today 11月8日消息  编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com

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Norwegian offshore shipowner Farstad Shipping has sold a 1993-built anchor handling tug and supply vessel to an undisclosed client. The company, which last week received the restructuring support from Siem Industries, said the vessel Far Fosna was delivered to the new owner on Tuesday. Farstad did not reveal the financial details of the transaction, saying the sale of the vessel will result in an immaterial accounting effect for the fourth quarter of 2016. According to data from VesselsValue, a website providing vessel valuations, Far Fosna’s market value on November 8 was $1.68 million. Scrap value was $790.000. The vessel’s latest AIS data showed its last destination was Vung Tau, Vietnam.

Hundreds of offshore support vessels have been laid up since the oil prices started to fall down in mid-2014, reducing offshore activity and impacting shipowners strained by financial covenants. Farstad, the owner of more than fifty offshore vessels has been working on various options to enhance its financial position in order to enable long-term operations for the company. In a statement on Friday, the company said it entered into a non-binding letter of intent with Siem Industries for the financial restructuring, with Siem as a key equity investor.

Cardinal Energy公布第三季度财务报告


Cardinal Energy公布其2016年第三季度经营业绩和财务状况。公司平均产量创新纪录,达14957桶/天,其中87%为石油和天然气液。每股加权平均收益与去年同期相比上升5%。第三季度运营支出下降至19.96美元/桶,第二季度为20.23美元/桶。每桶管理及总务费用下降至1.82美元/桶,第二季度为2.09美元/桶。公司投资1270万美元于第三季度在Bantry钻探3口海绿石质垂直井的勘探及资本支出费用。营运现金量较第二季度上升7%至1820万美元。Cardinal已实现了连续七个季度的可持续增长。
来自/Marketwired 11月7日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Cardinal Energy is pleased to announce its operating and financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016. Cardinal achieved record average production of 14,957 boe/day, (87% oil and NGLs), an increase of 5% per weighted average share compared to the third quarter of 2015; Operating expenses per boe for the third quarter decreased to $19.96/boe from $20.23/boe in the second quarter of 2016; General and administrative expenses per boe decreased to $1.82/boe from $2.09/boe in the second quarter of 2016; Cardinal invested $12.7 million in exploration and development capital expenditures and drilled 3 Glauconitic horizontal wells in Bantry in the third quarter of 2016; and Cash flow from operations increased 7% to $18.2 million from the second quarter of 2016 and netback was $15.81/boe. The third quarter of 2016 marked the 7th consecutive quarter of Cardinal maintaining a sustainable growth.

Oasis Petroleum第三季度亏损3390万美元


根据Oasis Petroleum收益报表,公司第三季度因石油价格走低、产量下降而亏损。报表指出公司亏损3390万没有,每股下跌0.19美分,去年同期公司盈利2710万美元,每股上涨0.20美分。收入为1.773亿美元,同比下降10%,接近2000万美元。去年同期收入为1.972亿美元。Oasis Petroleum总部位于休斯顿,目前在North Dakota的Bakken页岩层钻探石油与天然气。
来自/Fuelfix 11月7日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
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Falling oil prices and lower production pushed Oasis Petroleum into the red for the third quarter, according to the company’s earnings report released Monday evening.Oasis reported a loss of $33.9 million, or 0.19 cents per share, as compared to a $27.1 million gain, or 0.20 cents per share, for the same period last year. Revenues were also down 10 percent, or nearly $20 million, to $177.3 million from $197.2 million as compared to last year.Houston-based Oasis drills for oil and gas in the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota.

希拉里邮件门警报解除提振油市 7日油价上涨


11月7日,国际原油期货价格上涨。油价上涨的主要原因是希拉里邮件门警报解除提振市场乐观情绪,但美元走强以及投资人对OPEC限产计划的疑虑限制油价涨幅。美国联邦调查局(FBI)周日表示,没有改变7月所做的结论,即在希拉里使用私人邮件服务器处理公务一案中,没有理由对其提出刑事指控。受此影响,美国股市在总统大选前夕录得3月1日来最大单日涨幅。不过,Powerhouse副执行总裁David Thompson表示,油价不太可能因美国政治情势而进一步上涨,当前油价上涨不是因为希拉里的政策,而是投资者对特朗普当选总统带来“未知数感到的担忧”减弱。Genscape数据显示,截至11月4日当周,美国库欣原油库存减少44.2077万桶,也对油价构成一定支撑。OPEC秘书长巴尔金都周一称,该组织将遵守9月在阿尔及尔达成的减产协议。但许多分析师对OPEC可成功协商减产计划,使油市恢复平衡的能力感到怀疑。12月交货的WTI原油期货上涨0.82美元/桶,收盘价报每桶44.89美元;2017年1月交货的布伦特原油期货上涨0.57美元/桶,收盘价报每桶46.15美元。布伦特与WTI价差为1.26美元/桶,较前一日缩窄0.25美元/桶。布伦特与迪拜价差为0.36美元/桶,较前一日缩窄0.05美元/桶。