Return Energy Inc.已通过其全资子公司Winslow Resources Inc.收购阿尔伯塔省大草原城以北Rycroft核心区域的部分合伙权益,现金对价为75万美元(需经最终调整)。收购内容包括约每天60桶油当量(80%天然气)的产量、Rycroft集输系统和天然气工厂50%的非运营权益。所有收购的产量都将通过Rycroft天然气工厂进行处理。根据Return现有的独立储量报告,此次收购包括在产储量17.16万桶油当量,已证实和或有储量22.84万桶油当量。
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Africa Oil & Power 2017
5-7 June 2017, Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa
Africa Oil & Power is the elite event for energy investment and policy in Africa, organised once each year in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference draws a premier crowd of ministers and senior level government officials and top executives of private sector companies spanning the entire value chain, including upstream, downstream, power generation and legal and finance.
The event is the benchmark for top-tier networking and high-level discussion on a multitude of issues concerning the African energy landscape. The fast-paced program puts forward a fresh interpretation on the energy conference experience with animated and video presentations, open dialogue panel discussions and plenty of networking time and space.
California Resources Corp(NYSE: CRC)和Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA)已经组建一战略合资公司,投资1.6亿美元开发加利福尼亚油气资产,主要是San Joaquin盆地。根据双方,MIRA可能将其总投入增加到3亿美元。(CRC,4月19日消息)
TGS的执行官 Kristian Johansen说道:“2016年获得爱尔兰在大西洋的开采执照以后,我们可以看到Porcupine盆地的作业活动在不断增加,同时也创造了新的机会。”这次的数据收集工作将在6月份展开,调查活动的资金由工业基金给予支持。