周五,新泽西州立法者与州长Chris Christie签订160亿美元协议以在今后八年资助停滞的州内交通建设项目,相应资金通过提高汽油税23美分/加仑获得。这将提高该州1988年来37.5美分/加仑的汽油税。同时,立法者将降低消费税并取消富裕居民的地产税。Chris Christie表示:11月时,选民将决定是否批准将汽油税用于交通建设项目的宪法修正案。
来自/Reuters 10月1日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
New Jersey lawmakers and Governor Chris Christie on Friday struck a $16 billion deal to fund stalled state transportation projects for the next eight years by hiking the gasoline tax 23 cents a gallon.The proposal would increase the total state gas tax, which has not risen since 1988, to 37.5 cents a gallon. In exchange, lawmakers would reduce sales taxes and eliminate an estate tax on wealthy residents.Christie also said he would ask voters in November to approve a constitutional amendment mandating that gas tax revenues be dedicated to transportation projects.
- 孔艳坤
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