9月29日,奥地利石油天然气集团(OMV)表示:公司计划在2017年于下奥地利州Weinviertel地区钻探12口勘探及生产油井用于油气生产。公司计划在中期提高奥地利上游产业投资40%,但表示油价是投资与否的前提。OMV2017/2018年度全球资本投资计划为24亿欧元,包含增加的部分投资。由于在奥地利使用蒸汽喷射等技术,负责OMV上游产业的主管Johann Pleininger表示:“我们成功开采60%可采原油及90%可采天然气”。 OMV2015年全球产量为30.3万桶油当量,其中大约一半产自罗马尼亚,10%产自奥地利。
来自/Natural Gas World 9月29日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Austria’s OMV said September 29 it plans to drill 12 exploration and production wells in 2017 for both oil and gas in the Weinviertel area, Lower Austria.It plans to increase investments in the Austrian upstream by about 40% over the medium term but adds that “one key precondition is an oil price environment that also permits such investment.”The increased investments are already included in the OMV Group global capital investment guidance of €2.4bn for 2017/2018.Thanks to the use of steam injection and other technology in Austria, said OMV upstream chief Johann Pleininger: “We manage to extract up to 60% of the available crude oil and up to 90% of available natural gas.” About half of OMV’s global 303,000 barrels of oil equivalent in 2015 was produced in Romania and 10% in Austria.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。