挪威油服公司Aker Solutions获挪威国家石油公司一份平台设备合同,为北海Troll油田建造一座气体压缩模块以助力石油生产。合同价值约为3.7亿挪威克朗(4490万美元)。项目主管 Eric Normann Ulland称:从2018年秋季模块组建到2025年Troll B油田停产,石油产量将增加470万桶。Aker Solution计划在Bergen开展工程工作,2017年开始在Egersund船厂进行模块建造,建成后的模块重量逾500吨。模块将于2018年春季搭载至Troll B平台,2018年第三季度开始作业。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月16日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Norwegian oil and gas services provider Aker Solutions has secured a contract from its compatriot Statoil to deliver a compression module for the Troll field in the North Sea to help boost output at the offshore field.The contract has a value of approximately NOK 370 million ($44.9M) . “From the module starts up in the autumn of 2018 until Troll B is shut down in 2025 it will increase recovery by around 4.7 million barrels of oil,” says project director Eric Normann Ulland.The engineering work will be carried out by Aker Solutions in Bergen and module construction will start at Aker’s yard in Egersund in 2017. Weighing just above 500 tons, the module is scheduled to be lifted onto Troll B in the spring of 2018 and become operational in the third quarter of 2018.
- 赵美园
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