两家大型油气公司ExxonMobil和Oil Search已与Gini Energy公司(目前为中海油所有)达成协议,分别收购巴布亚新几内亚海域PPL 374和 PPL 375区块各40%的股份,剩余20%的股份仍由Gini持有。根据各方达成的先决条件,两许可区域的经营权从Gini转归ExxonMobil所有。两区块位于巴布亚湾深水海域Moresby港以南150公里处,总面积达24936平凡公里,水深范围1000-2500米。
Oil Search总经理Peter Botten表示:入股两区块符合该公司集中投资高潜力区域、扩大LNG资产组合的发展战略。目前,各方协议及许可区股权交易还有待管理部门批准。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 9月12日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Oil and gas company Oil Search has entered into agreements with Gini Energy Limited, owned by CNOOC Limited, to acquire a 40% interest in each of PPL 374 and PPL 375 blocks located offshore Papua New Guinea. The company will team up with ExxonMobil which also bought a stake. ExxonMobil also acquire a 40% interest in each licence while Gini will retain a 20% interest in each licence. Subject to conditions precedent, operatorship of both licences will transfer from Gini to ExxonMobil. These licences are located approximately 150 kilometers south of Port Moresby in the deep water section of the Gulf of Papua, PNG, and cover a combined area of 24,936 km2, with water depths ranging between 1,000 and 2,500 metres.
Oil Search’s Managing Director, Peter Botten, said :“Entering these licences is consistent with the Company’s strategy to focus on areas that have the potential to support the Company’s expanding LNG portfolio.” The completion of the farm-in agreements and Oil Search’s acquisition of the licence interests is subject to regulatory approvals.
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。