Sterling Resource同英国森特理克集团(Centrica)子公司British Gas Trading (BGT)签订天然气销售合同,涉及Sterling Resource将天然气以一天前英国National Balancing Point(NBP)的价格卖给BGT。该协议有效期最低两年,自2016年10月1日开始向BGT供应天然气。该协议取代了2016年10月1日到期同维多公司(Vitol)签订的天然气贸易及服务协议。Sterling Resources总裁John Rapach表示:公司很高兴同主导英国天然气营销的BGT签订协议。该协议可靠并对Sterling Resources天然气销售有利。未来两年,公司将供应Breagh气田所产天然气给BGT。
来自/Sterling Resources 9月9日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创
Sterling Resources has announced the entrance into a gas sales agreement with British Gas Trading (‘BGT’), a subsidiary of Centrica. The agreement provides for Sterling’s share of Breagh nominated gas volumes to be sold on a day ahead basis to the UK reference price at the National Balancing Point (‘NBP’). The agreement is valid for a minimum two year period with gas made available to BGT commencing October 1 , 2016. The agreement replaces the gas trading and services agreement with Vitol which expires on October 1, 2016 .’We are pleased to enter into this agreement with British Gas Trading who are a leading gas marketing company within the UK,’ commented John Rapach, CEO of Sterling Resources. He added, ‘The agreement provides for a secure gas sales arrangement for the Company’s interest gas production from the Breagh Field over the next two years.’
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。