周四,美国企业产品公司(Enterprise Products)表示:经考虑,公司收回购买威廉姆斯公司(Williams Cos)要约。Enterprise总裁Jim Teague表示:取消采购要约的原因是Williams参与较少及相关收购谣言八月中旬开始流传。一个多月前,Energy Transfer Partners由于反悔取消以330亿美元收购Williams。Enterprise未公布收购Williams的具体价格。如今,北美管道领域出现了大量的合并潮流。本周,加拿大英桥公司(Enbridge)以280亿美元收购总部位于休斯顿的Spectra Energy。最近,加拿大横加公司(TransCanada)以超过100亿美元的价格收购总部位于休斯顿的Columbia Pipeline集团。
来自/Fuelfixs 9月8日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Enterprise Products Partners said Thursday it withdrew an offer to buy the Williams Cos. after speculation reached Wall Street. Enterprise CEO Jim Teague said the proposed acquisition offer was pulled because of a “lack of engagement” by Williams and because of the increasing rumors about a potential deal. Such rumors began spreading in mid-August, just more than a month after the $33 billion deal for Energy Transfer Partners to buy Williams fell apart from buyer’s remorse. Enterprise is not saying how big its offer was to acquire Williams.The news comes during a larger trend of consolidations within the North American pipeline sector. Canada-based Enbridge agreed this week to buy Houston’s Spectra Energy for $28 billion. Likewise, TransCanada recently purchased Houston-based Columbia Pipeline Group for more than $10 billion.
- 孔艳坤
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