本周三,沙特阿美石油公司(Aramco)董事长Khalid Al-Falih(同时担任沙特能源部长)在阿拉伯卫星电视台表示:公司正同中国石油天然气集团(CNPC)进行先期沟通,计划在中国建设云南炼油厂。公司希望今年能签订协议。他对中国的石油需求预期乐观。沙特并未对石油产量规定具体指标,产量取决于国内外消费者需求。石油市场如今供过于求,沙特在短期内不需达到最大产能。Khalid Al-Falih同沙特副王储Mohammed bin Salman共同对中国进行正式访问以促进双边关系。中国是能源消费大国及其重要贸易伙伴。
来自/TradeArabia 8月31日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Saudi Aramco is in advanced negotiations with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to build the Yunnan refinery in China, its chairman said on Al Arabiya TV on Wednesday. Khalid Al-Falih, who is also Saudi Arabia’s energy minister, said: “We hope to reach an agreement this year.” The minister added that he is optimistic on demand for oil. “We in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia do not have a targeted number to reach. The kingdom’s production meets the requirements of the customers, whether they are outside or inside the kingdom,” Al-Falih told the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya television channel in remarks broadcast on Wednesday.”The market now is saturated with oversupply and we don’t see in the short term a need for the kingdom to reach its maximum production capacity,” he told the TV channel.The minister is part of an official Saudi visit headed by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman aimed at bolstering relations with China, a top energy customer and trade partner.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。