Andes Energia致力于在阿根廷以及哥伦比亚地区生产开发油气资源,周四,该公司宣布在阿根廷Mendoza省的Chachahuen区块发现油气储层。
Cerro Redondo x-1勘探井发现,在Rayoso砂岩层中含有20英尺的产油层,在Lotena岩层中,La Orilla x-1勘探井探测到天然气资源,同时Remanso del Colorado x-1也发现Cuyo地层含有天然气资源。
公司总裁Nicolas Mallo Huergo表示,本次探测到石油天然气资源拓宽了勘探范围,再次证明Chachahuen区块含有十分丰富的油气资源。
来自/Rigzone 8月25日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
Andes Energia plc, a producer and explorer in Argentina and Colombia, announced Thursday that oil and gas discoveries have been made in the Chachahuen block in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina.
Around 20 feet of net oil pay was discovered in the sandstone of the Rayoso formation in exploration well Cerro Redondo x-1 and gas was found in exploration well La Orilla x-1 in the deeper horizon of the Lotena formation. Gas was also found in exploration well Remanso del Colorado x-1 in the deeper horizon of the Cuyo Group.
“The new oil discovery at the CoRe x-1 untapped a new reservoir to be appraised and developed, in the same way the presence of gas identified in the deeper horizons of wells LaO x-1 and Re Co x-1 opens a new exploratory frontier, which reaffirms the large scale hydrocarbon potential of Chachahuen,” said Nicolas Mallo Huergo, Andes Energia chairman.
- 张弘引
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