在几内亚进行油气勘探生产的Hyperdynamics 公司已与几内亚政府签订谅解备忘录,延长2006年产品分成合同的期限。
上周Hyperdynamics与Tullow Oil、Dana Petroleum达成协议,Tullow和Dana将放弃各自在海上合营区块的股权,从而使Hyperdynamics持股100%,成为独资开发商。Hyperdynamics随后表示将与几内亚政府接洽,希望几内亚海上区块的特许经营延期一年。如不延期,经营权即将于2016年9月到期。
Hyperdynamics周二发布声明称:8月19日,公司首席执行官Ray Leonard与几内亚共和国国家石油局局长Diakaria Koulibaly签订谅解备忘录,2006年产品分成合同将延期一年。修订后的合同将持续至2017年9月22日。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月25日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Hyperdynamics Corporation, an oil and gas company with operations in Guinea, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government Guinea over an extension of the 2006 production sharing contract.
The news follows last week’s agreement between Hyperdynamics, Tullow Oil and Dana Petroleum, where it was agreed that Tullow and Dana would relinquish their respective stakes in the jointly run offshore block, leaving Hyperdynamics a sole owner, with a 100% share. Hyperdynamics then said that it would meet with the Government of Guinea regarding its submission for a one-year extension for the concession. Without an extension, Hyperdynamics said, the current concession expires in September 2016.
According to a statement by the company on Tuesday, a memorandum of understanding was signed on August 19, by Ray Leonard, Chief Executive Officer, and the General Director of the National Petroleum Office of the Republic of Guinea, Diakaria Koulibaly regarding the terms of the one year extension to the 2006 Production Sharing Contract, as Amended (“the PSC”) until September 22, 2017.
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。