许多油田的开发已进入中后期, 原有地层的油气分布、渗透率、地层孔隙度、含油、水饱和度及油、气、水界面等各项参数均发生了不同的变化,油层非均质严重, 剩余油分布异常零散, 井况变差, 开发调整面临严峻的挑战。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
实验证明,长久以来,来自复杂油藏的挑战如今得到了有效解决。通过对专业领域领先技术的广泛融合,Schlumberger可对相关油藏进行最精准的表征。结合四种关键井下技术, Schlumberger推出了Quartet-HT油藏测试系统,可更安全、更高效地对超高温油藏进行一系列性质测试,满足客户需求。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- CERTIS*高完整性的油藏测试隔离系统;
- IRDV *智能遥控双阀;
- Signature *石英压力计;
- SCAR*独立的内联油藏流体取样系统。
- 更短的管串设计;
- 更低的操作压力;
- 更少的氮气用量;
- 无需钻铤或滑动接头;石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- 多周期灵活性;
- 更少的密封件和连接;
- 一次下井更高效;
- 高分辨率;
- 石英测量;
- 连接可靠;
- 全瓷多芯片;
- 模块化(MCM)电子元件。
- 井下油藏测试;
- 斜井和深水井;
- HPHT和复杂井。
- 一次下井提高了作业效率;
- 快速组装、拆卸节约了时间;
- 减少了管串中组件和连接的数量,操作更快;
- 密封性满足ISO 14310 V3标准,可在流速处于生产速率时实现隔离;
- 通过多周期灵活性增加作业的成本效益;
- 更少的氮气用量、更低的操作压力、更少的密封,以及封隔器坐封时无需操作管串等都提高了安全性;
- 通过优化测试结果以获得更精确的油藏描述,从而降低风险。
- 全陶瓷多芯片模块化(MCM)电子元件;
- 高分辨率石英传感器;
- 更低的操作压力;
- 连接可靠;
- 多周期灵活性;
- 无需钻铤或滑动接头;
- 更少的密封和连接;
- 更短的管串设计;石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- 更少的氮气用量;
- 一次下井更高效。
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来自/Schlumberger 译者/白小明 编辑/Leia石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
The Quartet-HT* high-performance downhole reservoir testing system allows you to isolate, control, measure, and sample—at temperatures reaching 410 degF [210 degC] and all in a single trip.
In addition, the Quartet-HT configuration offers every advantage that the Quartet* high-performance downhole reservoir testing system has over conventional technologies. Advantages include a lower operating pressure, less nitrogen, premium connections, no drill collars or slip joints, and fewer seals and connections while also delivering the benefits of durable 100% ceramic MCM electronics and high-resolution quartz-sensor pressure measurements. The Quartet-HT system lets you run the tools deeper and closer to your reservoir for more-accurate reservoir characterization and an altogether higher-performance reservoir test.
The Quartet-HT system integrates four leading technologies:
- CERTIS* high-integrity reservoir test isolation system;
- IRDV* intelligent remote dual valve;
- Signature* quartz gauges;
- SCAR* inline independent reservoir fluid sampling.
Each of the four technologies that make up the Quartet-HT system is engineered specifically for ultrahigh-temperature reservoir testing and offers multiple advantages over conventional technologies, including.
- shorter string design;
- lower operating pressure;
- less nitrogen;
- no drill collars or slip joints;
- multicycle flexibility;
- fewer seals and connections;
- single-trip efficiency;
- high-resolution;
- quartz measurements;
- premium connections;
- all-ceramic multichip;
- module (MCM) electronics.
The Quartet-HT system lets you run the tools deeper and closer to your reservoir for more-accurate reservoir characterization and an altogether higher-performance reservoir test.
Isolate with the CERTIS system
The CERTIS system combines many features of a conventional retrievable test packer with those of a permanent downhole packer, including a built-in floating seal assembly that eliminates the need for drill collars and slip joints. The versatile system allows the selection of optimal perforating gun sizes to achieve better reservoir connectivity, and its design enables setting, testing, and retrieval in a single run. Because the CERTIS system is set without string rotation or mechanical movement, operations are faster and involve less risk, especially in subsea environments.
Control with the IRDV tool
The IRDV intelligent remote dual valve is operated by the IRIS* intelligent remote implementation system, which uses low- intensity pressure-pulse commands that are measured by high-resolution quartz sensors. These low-pressure commands are implemented using downhole hydrostatic pressure to operate the tester valve and circulating valve, and no nitrogen charge is required. Both valves are operated independently without interfering with the operation of other tools in the test string. In addition, the IRDV tool is immune to downhole pressure and temperature fluctuations. The IRDV tool as part of the Quartet-HT system uses 100% ceramic MCM electronics to ensure reliable operation at ultrahigh temperatures.
Measure with Signature quartz gauges
The Signature quartz gauge consistently delivers the most-accurate, highest-resolution downhole pressure measurements in ultrahigh-temperature environments for the entire test duration. High-resolution measurements are captured for better quantification of reservoir properties, enabling confident testing. Its large memory capacity accommodates high data-sampling rates for the most-comprehensive dataset, and long battery life means that high-quality measurements are continuously acquired for the entire test duration.
Sample with the SCAR system
SCAR sampling delivers reservoir-representative fluid samples from deep within the reservoir, as samples are collected directly in the flow stream to eliminate contamination caused by dead volumes. Each Inconel sampler has an independent gas charge to enable the retrieval of high-shrinkage reservoir fluids at or above reservoir pressure. Samplers can be actuated simultaneously or selectively using surface commands via annular pressure. Nonreactive coating of the sample chambers is available to address challenging questions relating to H2S and other trace element species concentrations.
- Downhole reservoir testing;
- Deviated and deepwater wells;
- HPHT and hostile wells.
- Enhances efficiency with single- trip operation;
- Saves time with faster rig-up and rig down;
- Reduces the number of string components and connections for faster handling;
- Isolates at production level with sealability qualified to ISO 14310 V3 standards;
- Increases the cost-effectiveness of operations through multicycle flexibility;
- Enhances safety with less nitrogen, lower operating pressure, fewer seals, and no string manipulation required for packer setting;
- Mitigates risk by improving test results for more-accurate characterization.
- All-ceramic multichip module (MCM) electronics;
- High-resolution quartz sensors;
- Lower operating pressure;
- Premium connections;
- Multicycle flexibility;
- No drill collars or slip joints;
- Fewer seals and connections;
- Shorter string design;
- Less nitrogen;
- Single-trip efficiency.
The Quartet-HT high-performance downhole reservoir testing system delivers the highest-quality pressure measurements and the most-representative fluid samples with maximum safety and efficiency—all in a single run. Use the Quartet-HT system to more accurately characterize your reservoir, reach a better basis for your decisions, and be certain.