招标方:NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad
招标项目:supply of Coke Crusher as listed in the Technical Requisition (“Equipment”) under the realization of Oil Refinery Development Project at Pancevo Oil Refinery, Republic of Serbia (“Refinery”)
The scope of supply shall include following:
• Mechanical design and engineering in accordance with the data, specified in this inquiry, data sheet and applicable codes, specifications and standards.
• All documentation – for review and final issue. For more details please see documents listed at “List of Attachments”-part 3 of 190687-MR-0340-001.01 “Material Requisition for Coke Crusher”.
• The Seller is asked for review of lay out arrangement drawing(s) of detail design contractor, with aspect to achieve proper integration and function of the coke crusher.
• Anchor bolts specification (size, number, material).
• All connections specification and drawing for matching contra connections,
• Auxiliary parts: earthing lugs, brackets and all parts for transport.
• Nameplate with bracket.
• Procedure for the final assembly at site,
• Surface preparation and shop painting according to data sheet. Paint system:
Grit blasting to Sa 2.5
Prime: zinc rich epoxy primer 75 microns
Intermediate: high build MIO epoxy 125 microns
Finish: polyurethane 40 microns
The Coke Crusher shall be final painted. (For mass produced pieces of equipment manufacturer´s standard paining suitable for refinery heavy industrial atmosphere is acceptable too.)
• Preparation for shipment, transport to the site – as per Incoterm 2010 “Delivery at Place” (DAP) Rafineria Nafte Pancevo, Serbia.
1. 提供D&B资信证明;
2. EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/ES shall be fulfilled.
Design codes applied shall be specified by the Seller in the proposal
3. Order of precedence is:
Serbian regulations, standards, codes,
European regulations, standards, codes, 2006/42/ES, .2014/34/EU.
Equipment Data Sheet and Licensor equipment specific documents
International codes and standards.
The most stringent requirement shall be applied.
Any conflict information shall be referred to Purchaser in writing for clarification and resolution. The Purchaser shall resolve the conflict and shall notify the Seller in writing.
Assumptions to cover lack of information are not allowed. Seller is obliged to obtain reliable information from Purchaser or other sources.
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