印度石油公司(OIL)将通过5亿美元过渡性贷款部分资助其购买位于西伯利亚东部归俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)所有的两处油气区块。今年圣彼得堡国际经济论坛期间,俄罗斯国有的俄罗斯石油公司同三家印度公司签订购销合同卖出其子公司Vankorneft公司23.9%的股权。三家印度公司为印度石油公司(Oil India)、印度国有石油有限公司(Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.)及Bharat PetroResources公司。Vankorneft公司是俄罗斯石油公司完全拥有的子公司。万科尔(Vankor)油田是俄罗斯在过去25年中发现的最大油气田。该油田位于西伯利亚东部的北方地区。俄罗斯及印度方面目前计划在该油田生产5亿吨石油和18.2亿立方米的天然气。领头的印度石油公司将支付接近40亿美元获得两处油田的股权。两处油田为Taas-Yuryakh油气田及万科尔(Vankor)油田。印度石油公司可能用现金储备购买协议中其余的10亿美元股权。该印度财团将会拥有Taas-Yuryakh油气田30%的股权以及万科尔(Vankor)油田24%的股权。
来自/Natural Gas World 8月7日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Oil India (OIL) is set to take a $500-million bridge loan to part-finance the acquisition of two hydrocarbon blocks owned by Rosneft in east Siberia.Russian state owned Rosneft signed a sale-purchase agreement with a consortium of Indian companies to sell 23.9 percent stake in its subsidiary, Vankorneft. Companies led by Oil India along with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Bharat PetroResources signed the agreement at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum earlier this year.Vankorneft is a 100-percent subsidiary of Rosneft, and Vankor is the largest oil and gas field discovered in Russia in the past 25 years. The field is located in the north of eastern Siberia. Plans are in place to produce about 500 million tons of oil and about 182 billion cubic metres of gas jointly by the Russian and Indian sides at this field alone.The Oil India led consortium will be paying nearly $4 billion to acquire stake in Taas-Yuryakh oil & gas fields and Vankor oil field.For the remaining part of its share of $1 billion in the deal, Oil India may depend on its cash reserves.The Indian consortium will be taking around 30 per cent stake in Taas-Yuryakh field and 24 per cent stake in Vankor fields.
- 孔艳坤
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