招标项目:Detail Engineering, Supply, Fabrication, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 8” Dia approx 21KM Gas Transport pipeline from MELA to NASHPA Plant
The Contractor shall procure & install required construction material, consumable materials including valves, bends, flanges, fittings, piping material etc as per given Scope of Work & BOQ & deploy machinery, equipment and manpower to execute the above mentioned works and hand over the same to OGDCL after testing & commissioning of pipeline & allied civil and instrumentation works.
OGDCL will only provide line pipe of size 8” dia & Heat Shrinkable Sleeves
The Employer invites sealed bids from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category & field of Specialization on item rate basis for the execution of engineering Works under competitive bidding Two stage – Tw o envelope procedure of PPRA rules. A foreign bidder is entitled to bid only in a joint venture with a Pakistani constructor in accordance with the relevant provisions of PEC bye-laws
- 石油圈招标信息服务Chloe
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