本次石油天然气管理局分别与Lloyd’s Register,British Geological Survey (BGS)以及Schlumberger签订合同,三家公司共同负责英国大陆架的勘探调查。
其中,Lloyd’s Register获得两项合同,负责提供区域勘探地图,同时提供区域油田支持工程服务。BGS提供地质工程服务,协助识别、鉴定和定量分析储藏区前景,提供未开发资源储量统计数据。Schlumberger负责提供地下调查,同时进行储集层评价。
来自/RigZone 8月2日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
The Oil and Gas Authority has awarded four contracts, with a combined value of more than $7.9 million (GBP 6 million) over three years, for surface and subsurface studies to improve the understanding and maximize value in the UK Continental Shelf.
As part of the new contracts, Lloyd’s Register, British Geological Survey (BGS) and Schlumberger will conduct exploration work on the UKCS for a three year period. Lloyd’s Register has been awarded two of the four contracts to provide regional exploration maps and regional and field support engineering services to the OGA. BGS will provide geoscience project services that aid the identification, definition and quantification of leads and prospects and provide input data to the calculation of undiscovered resource volumes and Schlumberger will provide OGA with subsurface studies and reservoir evaluation services.
“In order to fulfil OGA’s goal to maximise economic value of the UKCS, it is vital we can independently assess remaining undiscovered resources and improve our geotechnical understanding” said Gunther Newcombe, OGA exploration, production and decommissioning director.
“In addition, OGA is seeking to drive regional development and protect critical infrastructure while promoting the best application of new technologies. The award of these contracts provides a valuable, additional technical resource to the OGA’s Exploration, Production and Decommissioning team,” he added.
- 张弘引
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