近日,BG石油公司向巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)提出申请,希望延长其位于Barreirinhas盆地的石油区块的作业期限,这些区块包括:BAR-M-215, BAR-M-217, BAR-M-252, BAR-M-254, BAR-M-298, BAR-M-300, BAR-M-340, BAR-M-342, BAR-M-344 和 BAR-M-388。BG公司于2013年购得这些石油区块,随后雇佣CGG公司对13500平方公里的区域进行三维地震勘测,然而该勘测项目被搁置了一年半直到去年年底才获得巴西环境管理局Ibama的批准。BG公司希望巴西石油管理局相应的延长其作业期限从而弥补审批迟误给公司带来的时间上的损失。
BG has asked the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) to suspend the contracts for the blocks that it operates in the Barreirinhas Basin. The oil company wants an extension of the contract deadlines in the area equal to the delays in obtaining the environmental licenses for activities in the region.The request covers the contracts for blocks BAR-M-215, BAR-M-217, BAR-M-252, BAR-M-254, BAR-M-298, BAR-M-300, BAR-M-340, BAR-M-342, BAR-M-344 and BAR-M-388. The areas were sold in 2013. The first exploratory period for the blocks ends in August 2018. BG contracted a 1,3500 km2 survey of 3D data in the area by CGG, but approval for the project by the regularoty agency Ibama took almost a year and a half and work on the survey did not begin until the end of 2015.
巴油在Papa Terra油田面临挑战
巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)于2013年11月开始使用P-63 FPSO对Papa Terra油田进行商业开发,然而时隔两年,目前Papa Terra油田的产量仅为19,000 bpd,远远低于P-63 FPSO 140,000 bpd的设计产能,且产出中水的比例居高不下。为此,巴油正计划于明年在该油田注射聚合物,提高注入水的黏性,进而提高产能。巴油作为Papa Terra油田的作业者拥有其62.5%的股权,Chevron则拥有其剩余的37.5%的股权。
Brazilian giant only seeing output of 19,000 barrels per day of oil at flagship development in Campos basin, but is optimisticBrazilian state-controlled oil company Petrobras is facing on¬going challenges at the Papa Terra heavy oil field, a groundbreaking offshore development in the deep waters of the Campos basin.It is proving tough for the company to boost output amid high water production at the field.Petrobras started production from Papa Terra in November 2013 by means of the P-63 floating production, storage and offloading vessel.Converted from the very large crude carrier BW Nisa at Cosco Shipyard in China, the P-63 is able to produce 140,000 barrels per day and 1 million cubic metres per day of natural gas, with re-injection capacity of 340,000 bpd of water.However, more than two years after first oil, Papa Terra is only producing 19,000 bpd of oil, and as much again of water.The operator is staying optimistic.“Papa Terra is still at its early phase of production development and, at this stage, variations in the production curve are normal,” Petrobras said.
To deal with the considerable amount of water that is already being produced and in an effort to increase recovery, Petrobras is studying using a pilot project of polymer injection at the field next year.The use of the polymer solution is designed so that the injected water is mixed with the polymer to increase the viscosity of the water, enabling Petrobras to extract more oil.“From the information obtained to date, the company is working to adjust the project so it can increase oil production,” said Petrobras.The combined Papa Terra development also features the P-61 dry-tree tension-leg wellhead platform, which is linked to the Beta tender assist rig, and helps serve the P-63.The P-61 was finally deployed in the field in March 2015 after a complex marine installation process that lasted over a year due to severe weather conditions.Papa Terra was planned to be developed using 17 subsea completed wells, including six oil producers, 10 water injectors and one gas injector connected to the P-63 through flexible risers with electric heating, and another 13 surface completed wells at the P-61.
All 19 oil production wells are to be fitted with submersible centrifugal pumps, with output from the TLWP transferred in a multi-phase flow to the FPSO, located some 350 metres away.“The system itself is very complex and expensive. In addition, the use of the TLWP is something new to Petrobras. This is the first such unit ever to operate in Brazil, but despite the novelty of the project, the oil flows from Papa Terra are definitely disappointing,” said one source.Well PPT-16, the first with dry completion linked to the P-61, is only producing about 3500 bpd, almost half the average of the wells connected to the P-63 FPSO.That same well was disconnected from the P-61 last June for maintenance due to problems at the submersible centrifugal pump, and output was only restored two months later.Papa Terra produced a record 33,900 bpd in June 2014 with five horizontal wells linked to the FPSO on stream.
According to data from market regulator ANP, there are now only three of these wells in operation, plus the PPT-16 at the P-61. Papa Terra is producing 15 degrees API oil from three turbidite sandstone reservoirs, comprising one of Eocene age and two of Cretaceous age.According to Petrobras, there is no estimated date to reach peak production of 140,000 bpd at Papa Terra, as future flows will depend on the productivity of new wells that have yet to be drilled by the Beta tender assist rig.Petrobras operates Papa Terra with a 62.5% stake and is partnered by US supermajor Chevron with the remaining 37.5%.
2月1日,巴西Parnaiba Gas Natural (PGN)公司位于Parnaiba盆地的Gaviao Branco气田开始生产,该气田是PGN公司投产的第三个气田,预计天然气储量达32.4亿立方米。PGN公司计划通过八口生产井使该气田产量达到1.5 MMcmd。此外,与Gaviao Branco气田临近的Gaviao Vermelho气田也已于去年12月底投产。与此同时,PGN公司还已完成了总长80公里的天然气管线建造工作,用于运输产自Gaviao Branco和其他临近气田的天然气。目前PGN公司天然气总产量为4.9 MMcmd,主要来自Gaviao Real气田。PGN公司预计其天然气产量将于今年中旬达到8.4 MMcmd。
BRAZILIAN independent Parnaiba Gas Natural (PGN) has started production at its third natural gas field in the onshore Parnaiba basin.Output at the Gaviao Branco field, estimated to hold 3.24 billion cubic metres of gas in place, began on 1 February. PGN expects to link a total of eight wells in the area to reach production of 1.5 million cubic metres per day of gas.PGN also finished constructing the infrastructure — 80 kilometres of pipes that cost 500 million reais ($126.2 million) — to receive the gas from Gaviao Branco and other fields expected to enter production soon in the Parnaiba basin.The gas treatment unit is able to handle 5 million cubic metres per day and will also process gas from the Gaviao Branco Sudeste, Gaviao Caboclo and Gaviao Branco Norte fields.In late December, PGN started production from the nearby Gaviao Vermelho field. PGN is currently producing about 4.9 MMcmd, mostly from the Gaviao Real field, but estimates output will grow to 8.4 MMcmd by the middle of the year.
近期,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)在一份报告中称,其2015年探明油气储量较去年下降了20%,仅为105.16亿桶原油当量,是自2001年以来的最低水平。依靠位于巴西的Albacora Leste和Golfinho石油发现,以及位于阿根廷的EI Mangrullo石油发现,巴油2015年的探明储量仅增加了2000万桶原油当量。而巴油2015年共产出9.32亿桶原油当量。此外,受技术标准变化和经济因素的影响,巴油探明储量又被砍掉了16.9亿桶原油当量。根据美国证券交易委员会的标准,巴油2015年的探明储量为87.74亿桶原油和2784亿立方米天然气。
Petrobras reported that its proven reserves fell 20% in 2015 to 10.516 billion barrels of oil equivalent, reaching their lowest level since 2001.Petrobras booked proven reserves of 8.774 billion barrels of oil and 278.4 billion cubic metres of natural gas in 2015. The figures are in accordance with US Securities & Exchange Commission standards.Petrobras added just 20 million barrels of oil equivalent of new proven reserves in 2015, related to the discovery of new accumulations close to existing infrastructure in the Albacora Leste and Golfinho fields in Brazil, and the El Mangrullo field in Argentina.Petrobras produced a total of 932 million boe last year and chopped its proven reserves by 1.69 billion boe based on technical criteria and economic factors amid sharp falls in oil prices.
由于产能过剩,巴油将于近期遣散位于Marlim油田的所有生产平台,转而用两艘新的FPSO代替。这两艘FPSO的总产能为100,000 bopd。目前,位于Marlim油田的生产平台的最大设计产能为750,500 bopd,而2015年Marlim油田的产量仅为184,800 bopd,产出中水的比例过高是主要问题所在。Marlim油田平均每生产一桶原油,就会产出几乎一桶半的水。巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)已要求巴油采取措施提高Marlim油田的采收率。
Petrobras will decommission all of the platforms of the Marlim field in the campos Basin, and replace them with two new units foreseen in the asset’s revitalization plan. The measure is part of a review of the agreed development plan as approved by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) at the end of last year. The two new FPSOs that will be installed in the area willhave capacity to process 100,000 bopd.Currently, installed processing capacity in the fields is 750,500 b/d, distributed between seven production platforms. However, only a quarter of that capacity is busy with oil production. In 2015, Marlim produced 184,800 bopd.The problem is that for every barrel of oil produced, the field produces almost a barrel and a half of water. In 2015, Marlim produced 256,000 b/d of water, totaling 440,000 bopd and water.The requirements of the ANP call for investments to boost the recovery factor of the assets, managing the production of water and access to new sections of the reservoirs.Asked to comment, Petrobras had not responded by the time this article was prepared for publication.
2月2日,巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)发布了去年12月份巴西境内的油气生产统计数据。据数据显示,巴西境内去年12月份的油气产量为2.532 MMboed, 较11月份增长了6.42%。2015年全年巴西境内的油气产量为2.436 MMboed, 较2014年增长了8.8%,是巴西油气产量的历史最高水平。
Brazilian oil production grew 8.8% in 2015, reaching 2.436 million barrels/day, which represents the highest result in history. This growth was possible thanks to the Santos Basin, where pre-salt operations offset losses in the nation’s major oil province, the Campos Basin, which lost an average of 50000 b/d.On February 2, Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency (ANP) released data from December, when production stood at 2.532 million b/d, which was 6.42% higher than in November.
近日,Galp, Statoil, Shell和Chevron石油公司分别雇佣律师事务所对里约州政府提起个人诉讼,抗议其于去年年底批准的提高石油税收的7182和7183号法案。与此同时,巴西石油协会(IBP)也将代表其所有的入会企业对里约州政府提起联合诉讼。按计划这两项税收法案将于三月底生效,这将威胁到包括巴油,BG及Petrorio在内的众多在里约进行油气生产活动的石油公司的利益。
Galp, Statoil, Shell and Chevron are hiring law firms to file individual lawsuits against Law 7182 and Law 7183 imposing new taxes on companies with oil and gas production in Rio de Janeiro, sanctioned by Gov. Luiz Fernando Pezao in the end of 2015. The tendency is that the individual suits will emphasize obtaining preliminary injunctions against the new measures. The legal disputes must be initiated between February and March of this year.In addition to the individual initiatives, the Brazilian Petroleum Institute (IBP) will file a joint suit representing all of its member companies.The two laws will come into force at the end of March, if Pezao does not veto the new measures. The new tax rates also threaten Petrobras, BG and Petrorio, companies that also have production projects in the state.
据悉,巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)目前正在就其最新修订的未来五年投资计划的细节进行商议,预计将于未来数周内向外界正式发布。据巴油总经理Aldemir Bendine称,新的投资计划将把油价下跌和巴币贬值的因素考虑在内,公司将尽一切可能提高运营效率,应对此次油气市场的寒冬。巴油于1月12日宣布将其2015-2019年的投资计划从1303亿美元下调至984亿美元,降幅达25%。由于投资被大幅削减,巴油也相应的将其2020年的产量目标从2.8 MMbpd下调至2.7MMbpd。同时,巴油今年的产量目标也从2.185 MMbpd被降至了2.145 MMbpd,较去年仅增加了0.8%。
Petrobras is working on the final details of its new five-year business plan, and intends to make a formal announcement to the market within the next few weeks, writes Fabio Palmigaini.According to Petrobras chief executive Aldemir Bendine, the new investment plan that will run to 2020 will factor in the sharp drop in oil prices and the depreciation of the Brazilian real versus the US dollar.“The current level of Brent prices is something quite challenging for the company, and these price swings seen in recent weeks are one of the main reasons why we are debating with caution the new business plan,” Bendine said.He said Brent prices are not expected to recover in the short-term, adding that Petrobras is investing to improve its efficiency, so it can be prepared for tough times in the near future. “We will be competitive, no matter if Brent prices remain on the low side, said Bendine.“We think about our projects for the long run, some 10, 20 years ahead, but I admit the current mindset is for low oil prices.“Of course we are worried with Brent trading at $30 per barrel, but it’s not the end of the world. We need to have discipline to be able to do our job in this scenario.”Pre-salt remains “extremely competitive”, said Bendine, adding the company will use all its technology and expertise to increase its efficiency to better develop its projects beneath the salt canopy.Bendine said: “We want the company to have a good capital structure. We want to be a low-cost company when it comes to the pre-salt development.”Bendine refused to set a specific date to release the new business plan, but suggested an announcement may happen in March.In mid-January, Petrobras revised down its investment plan through 2019, slashing spending by 25% to $98.4 billion, the lowest level since the $87.1 billion allocated to the 2007 to 2011 plan.
Rota 2天然气管线项目获批
2月5日,由Petrobras, BG, Petrogal和Repsol Sinopec公司组成的Cabiunas财团收到了巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)批准其运营Rota 2输气管线项目的授权书。Cabiunas财团必须在90天内向巴西国家石油管理局提交项目执行细节。Rota 2输气管线项目总投资49亿雷亚尔,总长402公里,直径24 inch, 用于连接位于Santos盆地的盐下层气田和位于Macae市的Cabiunas终端(Tecap),是巴西迄今为止最长的海上输气管线项目,可每日输送天然气1300万立方米。
The Cabiunas consortium – consisting of Petrobras, BG, Petrogal and Repsol Sinopec – received autorization on February 5 from the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) to operate Rota 2. The gas pipeline connects the Santos Basin pre-salt cluster to the Cabiunas Terminal (Tecap) in Macae, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.The 24” diameter Rota 2 is 402 km in length (398 km offshore, 4 km onshore), and can transport up to 13 million m3/day of natural gas. The project investment was valued at 4.9 billion reais and is Brazil’s longest offshore pipeline.The consortium has up to 90 days to send the agency a detailed timeline of the actions necessary to ensure the adequacy of pipeline’s measurement systems to Tecap.
巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)将于2月15日对Libra油田东南区域的地震勘测服务进行招标,受邀参与本次招标的公司包括:CGG, Petroleum Geo-Services, Fugro, Polarcus, FairfieldNodal, TGS-Nopec 以及 Seabed Solutions。地震勘测工作计划于今年下半年开工。此外,据消息称,巴油还将于今年下半年对Libra油田西北区域的地震勘测服务进行招标。巴油曾于2014年对Libra油田的地震勘测服务进行过招标,但由于勘探面积太大,且适逢“洗车行动”的高峰,当时巴油并未收到任何竞标文件。巴油计划于2017年使用一艘日产5万桶原油的FPSO对Libra油田进行早期生产测试。此外,巴油近期还正在对一艘用于Libra油田开发的FPSO进行招标,该FPSO计划于2020年投产。巴油作为Libra油田的作业者拥有其40%的股权,壳牌和道达尔各拥有其20%的股权,中石油和中海油各拥有其10%的股权。
Brazilian oil giant Petrobras is due to receive bids on 15 February in a re-tender for the contracting of a new 3D seismic survey covering the south-eastern portion of the Libra field in the Santos basin pre-salt province, writes Fabio Palmigiani.Upstream understands that Petrobras has invited major seismic players, including CGG, Petroleum Geo-Services, Fugro, Polarcus, FairfieldNodal, TGS-Nopec and Seabed Solutions, to submit offers in the tender.The campaign will feature the acquisition, processing and interpretation of 1056 square kilometres of 3D seismic, preferably using multi-azimuth techniques, to be carried out in the beginning of the second half.The re-bid follows a tender launched in late 2014 that was cancelled after Petrobras received no proposals from contractors.One source said Petrobras is expected to launch a separate tender later this year, this time covering the seismic mapping of the north-west portion of Libra. The data to be collected will assist Petrobras in the future production development of the whole area.First oil from Libra is eyed for the first quarter of 2017 by means of the Pioneiro de Libra floating production, storage and offloading vessel.The 50,000-barrel per day unit will conduct a series of extended well tests at the field.Meanwhile, Petrobras is currently tendering for a larger FPSO to start output at Libra in 2020.The state-controlled company has recently postponed the date to receive commercial offer to 8 April from 11 February.Petrobras operates Libra with a 40% stake and is partnered by European majors Shell and Total with 20% each, and Chinese oil companies China National Petroleum Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation with 10% each.
巴西政府正在酝酿推出一篮子政策,刺激本国油气领域的投资。巴西矿业和能源部主任Eduardo Braga表示,巴西政府正计划延长在巴西前十轮油气招标中售出区块的作业期限,降低石油税务,推行更具灵活性的本地化政策,同时还计划将Repetro免税政策的有效期从2020年延长至2040年。巴西政府延长油气区块作业期限的政策涵盖1998年举行的所谓“第零轮”油气招标,这使巴油十几个正在生产的油田的权益得到了保障。同时,巴西政府还计划将Marlim, Barracuda, 及Albacora等大型油田的作业期限从2025年延长至2052年。此外,为刺激短期内的投资增长,巴西政府还要求各作业公司于180天内恢复其去年停产油田的生产。据巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)的统计数据显示,目前共有39个小型油田符合该政策的条件,其中31个为陆上油田,8个为海上油田。这8个海上油田分别为:Namorado NE, Coral, Dourado, Piranema South, Cacao, Biquara, Dentao 和 Abalone。
The Brazilian government is preparing a stimulus package in an effort to inject new life into the country’s battered oil and gas sector, writes Fabio Palmigiani.Mines & Energy Minister Eduardo Braga said the government is drafting a proposal designed to extend concession contracts for blocks awarded in the first 10 licensing rounds, reduce oil royalties, give greater flexibility for local content rules and prolong the Repetro tax exemption for an additional 20 years.Meanwhile, the government is also preparing to send out an ultimatum, giving operators up to 180 days to resume output at non-¬productive onshore and offshore fields, or areas that risk being returned and re-tendered at a future date.According to Braga, the goal is to make it easier for oil companies to invest in the Brazilian hydrocarbons sector, even at a time when oil prices are trading near their lowest level in 12 years.The extension of concession contracts will mainly benefit Petrobras and will cover areas awarded in the so-called Round Zero, held in 1998, which ratified the company’s rights over dozens of producing fields.The concession rights for big fields such as Marlim, Barracuda and Albacora are due to expire in 2025, and it is understood that the government is looking to provide an extension for an extra 27 years.Braga said the same logic will likely be applied for blocks acquired in the subsequent 10 ¬licensing rounds.The plan also involves prolonging the Repetro initiative — a special tax regime in Brazil that allows for the import of goods destined for research and production activities in the oil and gas sector — for two more decades.Created in 1999 to help boost interest in the country after the end of Petrobras’ monopoly, the Repetro tax loophole is due to expire in 2020. Braga also said a possible reduction in oil royalties and changes to local content rules need more discussion, and will likely be presented at a later date.The government is also trying to secure more investments in the short term at existing fields by forcing oil companies to spend money to continue producing at areas where output ceased in the past year.According to data from market regulator ANP, there are 39 small fields in such conditions — 31 ¬onshore and eight offshore.The list of offshore fields where production has been halted by more than a year includes Namorado NE, Coral, Dourado,Piranema South, Cacao, Biquara, Dentao and Abalone.All but one are operated by Petrobras. Abalone is operated by Shell.
美国司法部门重启对SBM Offshore的腐败调查
据SBM Offshore称,美国司法部门近日又重新启动了对SBM Offshore腐败指控的调查。SBM被指控于2007年至2011年间在安哥拉,巴西及赤道几内亚境内共计行贿约2亿美金。为此,SBM已于2014年11月与荷兰和美国当局达成了2.4亿美元的赔偿协议。SBM目前仍在就其和巴油的腐败丑闻和巴西检查机关进行谈判,希望能够得到宽大处理。据SBM于2月10日发布的年度财务报告显示,其2015年净收益为2400万美元,远低于其2014年8400万美元的利润。
Dutch vessel contractor SBM Offshore said the US Department of Justice has re-opened a previous inquiry into bribery allegations involving the company.The investigation into the floater specialist follows a record $240 million settlement that the company reached in November 2014 with Dutch and US authorities relating to corruption charges in Angola, Brazil and Equatorial Guinea.Those allegations against SBM involved an estimated $200 million in bribes paid between 2007 and 2011.As for the re-opened investigation, SBM said it is “seeking further clarification about the scope of the inquiry”.”(SBM) remains committed to close-out discussions on this legacy issue, which the company self-reported to the authorities in 2012 and for which it reached a settlement with the Dutch Public Prosecutor in 2014,” SBM said.SBM said in an annual financial update on Wednesday that ongoing discussions with with Brazilian authorities and state-owned Petrobras “have progressed”.The contractor has now set aside $245 million “for a possible settlement”.”While discussions are at an advanced stage, timing of a settlement announcement as well as the size of any potential final settlement amount remain to be confirmed,” SBM said.SBM has been in talks with the Brazilian comptroller general’s office about a leniency deal related to the corruption scandal at Petrobras.Last December, Brazilian prosecutors charged 12 people with involvement in the bribery scheme.SBM said the Justice Department has “made information requests in connection with that inquiry”.SBM reported net income of $24 million in 2015, a drop from $84 million in 2014.The result included non-recurring items that generated a net loss of $157 million – “all relating to compliance issues”, SBM said.

- 李晓天
- 毕业于上海交大,后远赴巴西攻读海洋工程博士学位。长期从事巴西海洋油气市场的研究,并创办有《巴西海洋工程资讯》及SinoBrazilOffshore微信公众号。