俄罗斯石油巨头Rosneft已与委内瑞拉国有油气公司PDVSA达成协议,计划合作勘探委内瑞拉三处海上区块。 Rosneft首席执行官Igor Sechin在赴委内瑞拉进行工作访问期间,与该国高层人士及PDVSA公司总裁 Eulogio del Pino进行了会谈。Rosneft称,此次会谈主要针对俄罗斯与委内瑞拉公司当前合作的关键问题和双方战略合作伙伴关系的扩展,以进行油气新项目的勘探和生产。在委内瑞拉总统Nicolas Maduro的见证下,Rosneft和PDVSA两公司代表签订多份文件,从而在核心作业区域扩展双方的战略合作。
两公司还签订协议,将对委内瑞拉Patan、Mejillones、Rio Caribe三处海洋区块的开发和运营进行可行性研究。据悉,该研究将制定勘探和开采天然气的最优方案,并探索天然气销售的渠道。该研究预计将于2017年上半年完成,研究结果将呈交委内瑞拉石油部,帮助确定未来税收收益和对项目资源进行商业开发的条件。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月29日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Russian oil giant Rosneft and Venezuelan state-owned oil and gas company PDVSA have agreed to cooperate in the exploration of three blocks offshore Venezuela. During a working visit to Venezuela, Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin met with the leadership of the country and the president of the state-owned oil company, Eulogio del Pino. According to Rosneft, the meetings focused on the key issues of the current cooperation between Russian and Venezuelan companies, as well as the expansion of strategic partnerships for exploration and production of new hydrocarbons projects. In the presence of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, heads of two companies signed a number of documents with an aim to expand strategic cooperation between Rosneft and PDVSA in key operating segments.
The companies also signed an agreement to conduct a feasibility study of the project development and operation for three blocks offshore Venezuela, Patan, Mejillones, and Rio Caribe. Rosneft explained that the feasibility study will determine the optimal scheme of implementation of exploration and extraction of gas, and consider possible options for the monetization of hydrocarbons. The results of the study are set to be completed in the first half of 2017 and will be submitted to Venezuela’s Petroleum Ministry to determine potential tax benefits and conditions for the commercialization of the project’s resources.
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。