瑞典海工船东Viking Supply Ships (VSS)近日被Eni Norge公司告知,将提前终止巴伦支海域“Njord Viking”号工作船的租用合同。
VSS称,这艘船建造于2011年,除了为Eni Norge工作,还代表挪威海岸管理局(Norwegian Coastal Administration)负责当地拖曳作业的部分准备工作。根据双方签订的租船合同,Eni Norge租用“Njord Viking”至2016年年底,同时包含12个月的备选租约。Eni Norge租用“Njord Viking”的第一个租期于2015年7月29日到期,2015年7月签又订续租合同。
合同提前终止后,VSS将获得一笔终止费,在剩余合同期内得到约13300美元/天的补偿。合同终止为VSS带来的损失达330万美元。VSS表示:为了弥补损失,公司将在北海市场出售“Njord Viking”号工作船,同时寻求签订其它租约的机会。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Offshore Energy Today 7月25日消息 编译/赵美园
Viking Supply Ships (VSS) has received an early termination notice of the contract for the Ice-class 1A AHTS Njord Viking from Eni Norge in the Barents Sea.
Besides working for Eni Norge, the 2011-built vessel has also been part of the extended towing -preparedness in the area on behalf of the Norwegian Coastal Administration, VSS said on Monday. The vessel was according to the contract with Eni Norge firm until the end of 2016, with optional periods of 2 x 6 months thereafter. To remind, Eni Norge extended the deal for the Njord Viking in July 2015. The initial firm period lasted until July 29, 2015.
According to the contract, VSS will be entitled to a termination fee of approximately $13300/day for the remainder of the firm period. The termination represents a loss of income during the remaining firm period of the contract of $3.3 million in 2016. VSS said the company will further off-set this loss by marketing the vessel in the North Sea spot market, while also searching for alternative contracts for the vessel.
- 赵美园
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