Armour Energy宣布,将于2016年8月开始Emu Apple油田石油生产,近日,该公司收购了Kincora在昆士兰州Roma大陆架上的资产。目前,在该油田的生产工作一切正常,且各项工作在预算之内进行。
地表仪器检查测试工作已经进入到最后阶段,并安装液压装置。预计于八月中旬结束。Armour公司计划在检测工作完成后便开始Emu Apple油田的生产工作。
来自/Energypedia 7月18日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
Armour Energy has announced that oil production from Emu Apple, part of the company’s recently acquired Kincora assets in the Roma shelf in Queensland, is scheduled to commence during August 2016.
Restart work at the Emu Apple oil field is progressing well and is expected to be completed below budget.
Surface equipment inspection and checks are in their final stages, including the installation of a new hydraulic system to operate downhole pumping. This work is expected to be completed by mid-August, and Armour intends to restart oil production from the Emu Apple field shortly thereafter. The field last produced at a rate of approx. 50 bpd in 2014.
Armour is currently also evaluating its other oil production assets in the Surat Basin with respect to restarting production and will advise further as work progresses.
- 张弘引
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