
Ketiboa Blay:这个问题似乎是在问“气候变化就是油气行业造成的吗”?不可否认,油气燃烧和原油泄漏都导致了环境的污染,对气候的变化有影响。但如果说只是油气行业造成的,则是非常片面的,毕竟早在油气使用之前气候就开始变化了。当人们开始改造世界、进行农业工业活动、砍伐树林、改变地貌的时候,就开始影响气候了。人类早晚会意识到他们对环境气候的负面影响。是的,油气加速了气候的变化,但它并不是唯一的因素。
Mike Schmidt:我虽然没有从事气候研究,不过我还是谈一下我的观点:
油气行业真的能够忽略这个问题吗?当然不可以。这主要有以下几方面的原因:(1) 气候变化是一个影响全球的重要问题。它不仅会淹没海岸线,还会引发干旱,造成社会动荡,甚至诱发ISIS这样组织的形成和发展。(2) 其他导致气候变化的因素并没有改变他们使用油气的习惯,这里油气行业是需要承担责任的。(3) 即使油气行业说服自己对这个问题没有责任,但是其他的人们并不会这样认为(小编:非常正确)。我们的生产活动需要获得社会的认同,没有了社会的认同,无论我们认为是否合理,我们都将举步维艰。(4) 我们行业有能力解决这个问题,也亟待解决这个问题。所以,我们对此是要负责任的。
Kosta Leontaritis:我有过大量关于能源和热力学的研究及建模经验。研究结果表明,就连考虑油气行业需要为地球气候的持续变化负责这一想法都是荒谬的,更不必说试图严格地去证明这一命题了。
就连上面Mike Schmidt提到的“森林砍伐”,与太阳、星球、星系的影响相比,它们对于气候的变化都是一个微小的影响因素。所以对于所说的“油气行业加剧了气候变化”,大家是否能举出一些让人信服的模拟、计算或者证据来证明油气行业的影响比太阳、星球、星系的影响来说更大呢?
Robert Ellsworth:好了,现在我们不要再问这样的问题,还怪到油气行业的头上了。对于这个问题,油气行业基本没有什么可指责的。这就是个政治问题,最好让艾伯特·戈尔和奥巴马来回答。气候的变化主要是由太阳表面的活动控制的。
Beverly Jernigan:当然没有气候变暖这件事儿。事实上,全球气候变化都是人们编出来的,编出来的!
目前关于气候变换所涉及到的行业价值大约为每年1.5万亿美元,大约等于40亿美元一天。如果真的有人相信这个谎言,那么他们肯定是获利者。气候变化理论的宣传者们需要有人来投资,所以他们选择了油气行业。美国作家Upton Sinclair曾说:“如果一个人的薪水是由一些他不明白的事情决定的,那么要他搞明白这个事情是非常困难的。”
Patti Taylor:把人类对环境的影响称为“气候变化”是一个既有趣又让人闹心的事。对我来说,自从地球形成后,气候就一直在变化,有些是非常剧烈的,而且与人类也没有关系。我认为我们太自以为是地认为我们可以控制气候变化。我们可以做的只是更好的控制我们对环境的影响。
来自/OilPro 译者/周诗雨 编辑/Wang Yue
We’ve been asking questions about this in our annual survey for the past three years and opinions are split. Many – especially in Europe – say it does contribute and the issue should be a high priority for oil co’s; others say the real problem is deforestation and blaming oil companies for climate change is a distraction. Can the oil industry really afford to ignore the issue, or does it threaten to disrupt the business model even if other activities are to blame?
Ketiboa Blay:
The problem seems to be in the question “Is the Oil Industry Responsible for Climate Change?” The question seems to suggestion that the industry is the only factor of climate change. Yes, the process of production which burns and exposes harmful gases into the atmosphere; oil spills that destroy ecological endowments; and the use of end products such fuels and oils that pollute the atmosphere, all contribute to climate change, But it is absolutely wrong to blame the phenomenon solely on the Oil and Gas industry. Climate change started long, long ago even before oil and gas exploration and use. Once man came unto the world scene and commenced agricultural production, settlement and infrastructure construction, forestry depletion and landscape changes and their accompanying climate issues also commenced. It was only a matter of time that humans would realise their negative impact on the environment climate-wise. Yes, oil and gas are contributing to the speeding up of climate change, but they are not the only culprits.
Mike Schmidt:
You’ve asked for opinions. I’m not a climate researcher, so that’s all I’ve got. Here goes:
Is there global warming and resulting climate change? Yes. It is the result of increased levels of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide and methane.
Is it anthropogenic? Yes
Is the oil and gas industry the cause? Only in part, and even there, it is primarily an indirect cause. There are other important causes, e.g. agricultural practices, deforestation, etc., but they have better P.R. But the consumption of hydrocarbons is definitely a contributing factor.
Only indirectly? While the production of oil and gas inevitably leads to increased methane levels, it is the increased levels of carbon dioxide that is particularly concerning. Creating a supply of oil and gas does not increase the levels of carbon dioxide; the demand for burning oil and gas increases the levels of carbon dioxide. Creating a supply is moderately correlated to creating a demand, as our recent experience with crude oil prices demonstrates.
Can the oil industry really afford ignore the issue? No, and for several reasons: 1) Climate change is a global problem with enormous impacts. Not just flooding coastlines (pity the people of Miami and most of the third world), but droughts that cause massive social dislocations and create the circumstances that allow ISIS to form and exist. 2) The fact that there are other contributing factors doesn’t change that the consumption of oil and gas is a contributor. There is a role for the oil and gas industry to play. 3) Even if the oil and gas industry can convince itself that is has no responsibility to address this problem, most of the world sees it differently. We operate with the permission of society. Lose that permission, and we don’t operate, whether we think that is reasonable or not. 4) Our industry has the skills to address this problem. It is a problem that desperately needs to be addressed. So, we have a duty to do something about it.
My opinions, for what they are worth.
Kosta Leontaritis:
My extensive research experience in energy and thermodynamics including modeling of these phenomena tells me that even considering the possibility that the Oil Industry may be responsible for lasting climate change of the Earth is ludicrous, let alone trying to prove it rigorously.
There are so many known and dominant factors beyond human control that could be responsible for the Earth’s current climate change that make it impossible for one to scientifically prove that the Oil Industry is indeed responsible for the climate change.
Even the deforestation mentioned above is a midget factor on the Earth’s climate compared to the impact the sun, planets, and galaxy have. So I respectfully ask all those who say that the Oil Industry “contributes” to climate change to provide convincing simulations/calculations and evidence that compares the “contribution” of the Oil Industry to that of the sun, planets, and galaxy.
If we are to take this topic out of the realm of gut-feel and hip-shooting or more accurately our of the realm of politics, the supporters of this idea should provide a detailed scientific energy balance model proving their case. The great Aristotle, whom I call the inventor of Politics, writes in his book Ethics and Politics that …political science tries to settle issues that can have no logical or technical explanation. People simply agree to settle these issues by majority vote. …. I submit that the cause of the Earth’s climate change has a technical explanation. The charge that the Oil Industry “contributes” to climate change is technically irrelevant and political in nature. Humanity cannot decide such highly technical and important issues using politics. As a scientist I believe that some day, probably in the long distant future, humans will advance to the point that they can determine accurately the “contribution” of the Oil Industry to that of the sun, planets, and galaxy. Only then this issue will be truly settled.
Robert Ellsworth:
Well ,it is time to stop asking a question that puts blame on the oil and gas industry for something they have little if any blame for producing. This is a political question and is best answered by fools like Al Gore and Obama.
Climate change is controlled primarily by the Suns’ surface activity.
The amount of heat and energy radiated by the sun when there are few or no sunspots “Bubbling Away” is far less than when sunspot activity is high and there are many sunspots. Sunspots occur in cycles that increase and decrease over time, typically 200 years if my memory is correct. So, about every 200 years we have change. When there are lots of surface disturbances on the Sun we get hotter weather and ice melts etc. When the activity falls off the ice freezes, crops (primarily grain) are affected and global temperatures fall. These “Climate Changes” are not caused by mankind but by the sun. In fact in the last couple years the polar ice at the North Pole has increased by about 25% and appears set to grow again this coming winter.
In fact we are at a slow period of sunspots now and winter weather can be expected to become colder than expected for the next decade or longer. What is also to be expected are more large and serious earthquakes around the world. For some reasons yet to be fully explained when these cycles occur the world experiences a higher number of real nasty earthquakes. Case in point Japans big shaker which almost put them out of the nuke power station business occurred at the beginning of this latest Minimum, as the period of fewer sunspots is called, started.
So, this money and effort we are spending to clean up the greenhouse gases is pure BS. NASA and scientists worldwide have been telling ours and their political hacks about this cool down since early 2007 and now it appears to be on us.
If you have any doubt on this, take some time and look into it. The history on this goes back tens of cycles for as long as man has recorded history. Right now we are into a “Flat Sun” period with no Bubbling sunspots and it is going to get cold, real cold, if all these real scientists are right and our “Greenies” and fools are wrong, which I believe is the case.
Beverly Jernigan:
No. However, global warming/climate change is man-made. Man made it up!
The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion dollars, that’s the equivalent of $4 billion dollars a day. While there might be some ill informed people who actually believe this lie, most are profiteers. The climate change propagandists need someone to line their pockets, they have chosen our industry. Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” God help us all.
Patti Taylor:
It is both interesting and annoying that the term adopted to describe human-created environmental impact is “climate change”. Seems to me there has been climate change since the formation of the earth; some very violent and not man-made. I believe we are foolhardy to think we can control climate change. What we can do is better manage environmental impacts.
- 甲基橙
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),化学工程与技术专业,长期聚焦国内外油气行业最新最有价值的行业动态,具有数十万字行业观察编译经验,如需获取油气行业分析相关资料,请联系甲基橙(QQ:1085652456;微信18202257875)