贝克休斯的远程操作服务产品和技术副总裁Celestine Vettical表示:“ILT是非常关键的效益指标,但传统的手动流程往往不利于操作人员准确捕获实时信息。WellLink系统使用最新的数字技术,帮助运营商了解性能缺陷,推进关键决策,从而降低施工成本。”
同时,WellLink系统可与SIGNALS钻井咨询系统兼容,能够与贝克休斯全天候分析、解释数据集的远程协助人员工作相结合。通过因素分析,专家可进一步减少钻井中的ILT。贝克休斯钻井服务副总裁Tom Thissen表示:“WellLink系统可以对钻井设计的可行性和影响力提供有价值的意见;该系统与SIGNALS系统结合,可以针对低效操作提供专业的建议和解释,从而进一步提高钻井效率,节约成本。”
- 钻井/起下钻过程图形可视化——实现钻井问题和趋势的可视化显示,并对连接程序、循环次数、连接处造孔、钻进速度和起下钻速率进行评估。
- 员工KPI视图——用户可配置性能绩效指标对比,包括建立工作人员安排表。
- KPI监控——带有报警状态的实时KPI可视化度量
- 低效性能识别(POT)——即时识别需要提高性能的区域
- 钻深-钻时图——依据井的设计、偏移距或基准井来绘图
- WellLink性能服务系统能够显示操作故障,通过对比不同井和钻机的KPI来确定钻井过程中的低效情况。
- WellLink系统能够确定发生钻井低效和性能缺陷的原因,帮助决策者寻找改进的可能,并为当前及后续钻井制定解决方案。
- 上述方案能够避免耗时较长的常规人工分析。此外,还可以为各种不同的工作程序提供更多的背景分析。
- 上述解决方案可以有效地筛选所有的关键数据,并确定ILT的根本原因。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- 通过即时探测并对比基准井的钻进时间,纠正钻井问题,提高钻井性能,降低钻井成本。
- KPI日常报告提供了钻机性能信息,可以帮助决策者采取积极措施,改善低效钻机的脱扣次数、连接次数、机械钻速、井眼调节次数和低效钻井时间等。
- 通过识别、分析性能数据确定了相应准则后,WellLink系统就可以设定操作范围和控制,并对其进行实时监控和警报。通过上述功能建立一个闭环运行监测系统,有助于不断改进钻井作业。
- 可视化分析计划-实际对比图、POT、钻机活动以及员工绩效
- 实时KPI仪表盘
- 可拓展的多井分析方法可系统监控并评量性能
- 兼容SIGNALS钻井咨询服务系统
- 钻井规划与建设
- 基准点确定和记分考核标准
- 回顾分析石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
- 人员和投资配置优化
- 远程操作决策支持
来自/Baker Hughes 译者/丁志莹 编辑/Leia
In today’s cost-sensitive drilling environment, operators are looking for opportunities to improve their drilling efficiency and reduce their financial exposure. Their ability to identify and remedy issues affecting efficiency can lead to improved drilling economics.
Baker Hughes has announced the commercial release of its WellLink Performance service, designed to help operators reduce invisible lost time (ILT) by transforming the complex data buried within legacy applications, drilling reporting systems and data streams into real-time information that is instantly accessible and actionable. Using this information, operators can improve drilling economics by quickly identifying, investigating and mitigating common performance issues associated with drilling processes, such as connection procedures, circulating times and tripping speed—inefficiencies which can account for as much as 30% of normal uptime activities.
Delivered via a software-as-a-service model, the WellLink Performance service enables drilling teams to identify these inefficiencies immediately by analyzing historic and real-time wellsite data and comparing those data to planned, benchmark and offset data. The teams also can seamlessly identify and investigate ILT root causes on a degree much more granular than with common manual methods by reviewing charts that compare depth versus days drilled and activity analysis graphs and reports in real time. Key performance indicator alarms and dashboards help operators take proactive actions to improve ILT-related issues and monitor these actions in real time for continuous improvement across operations.
“Although ILT is a critical performance indicator, the manual processes commonly used to capture relative data points and calculate results have not given operators the real-time, accurate information they need,” said Celestine Vettical, V.P., Remote Operations Services Products and Technology at Baker Hughes. “The WellLink Performance service uses the latest in digital technology to help operators understand performance gaps, accelerate critical decision making and ultimately reduce well construction costs.”
The service also is compatible with the company’s SIGNALS Drilling Advisory service, which combines the WellLink software with remotely-located Baker Hughes personnel, who are available 24-7 to critically analyze and interpret the data sets. Through this analysis, the experts can identify opportunities to further reduce ILT during the drilling process.“The WellLink Performance service provides us with valuable insights into the viability and impact of our drilling programs,” said Tom Thissen, V.P., Drilling Services at Baker Hughes. “Further benefits can be realized by combining the software with our SIGNALS Drilling Advisory service to provide operators with expert insight and interpretation of operational inefficiencies to further improve efficiency and economics.”
Identify invisible lost time
Most drilling performance initiatives focus primarily on eliminating downtime caused by wellbore problems and equipment failures. What many operators can’t see is the invisible lost time (ILT) related to inefficiencies around drilling processes which can be as much as 30% of normal uptime activities.
Currently, it is common practice to manually analyze drilling reports to uncover ILT, but with the WellLink Performance service you can effortlessly expose this by leveraging the visualization and analysis capabilities in the application, in real time and to a greater degree of granularity than through manual analysis.
The WellLink Performance service applies analytics to historic and real time wellsite data to create a comprehensive drilling performance solution. Web-based dashboards interpret complex data buried inside legacy applications and drilling reporting systems to provide instantly accessible and actionable information.
- This insight can be obtained through a variety of intuitive, multilevel drilldown dashboards, plots, charts, and alarm monitor displays, including:
- Graphical views of various drilling / tripping practices – Real-time displays for immediate visualization of performance challenges and trends to evaluate connection procedures, circulating times, reaming at connections, rate or penetration, and tripping speed.
- Crew KPI view – User configurable crew performance KPI comparisons including support for setting up crew schedules
- KPI monitor – Real-time advanced KPI metrics and visualizations with alarm status
- Performance Opportunity Time (POT) – Instant identification of areas needing performance improvement
- Days vs. Depth – Plot current well against well plan, offset, or benchmarked well
The WellLink Performance service allows you to display the breakdown of operational activities and compare KPIs from multiple wells and rigs to identify inefficiencies during the well construction process.
Investigate the root cause of invisible lost time
- WellLink Performance allows you to proactively identify causes of drilling inefficiencies and performance gaps, enabling decision makers to recognize performance improvement opportunities and define mitigating actions for current and future wells.
- This solution eliminates time consuming manual analysis tasks including measuring flat time and deriving performance opportunities. Additionally, you will be able to drill down into various defined activities to provide you additional context to the analysis.
- This solution allows you to efficiently sift through all the key data points to find the root cause of your ILT.
Identify areas of improvement, learn from past experiences, and set performance expectations
- You can improve drilling and rig performance and reduce well construction cost by immediate detection and rectification of drilling problems through comparisons of drilling times against plans and benchmarks.
- Daily KPI reports provide individual rig performance information enabling decision-makers to take proactive actions to improve tripping times, connection times, gross ROP, hole conditioning times and flat time on low-performing rigs.
- Once you have identified the lessons learned from identifying and analyzing your performance data, WellLink Performance allows you to set operational limits and controls that can be monitored and alarmed against in real time. This capability creates a closed loop of operational monitoring that will help you drive continuous improvement across your operations.
Features and benefits
- Analysis and visualization of plan vs.actual, POT, rig activity, and crew performance
– Provides operational efficiencies by identifying opportunities to reduce ILT and improve top quartile performance
- Real-time dashboard of KPIs
– Actively compares values to benchmark metrics
– Offers decision making opportunities to improve well delivery
– Enables proactive identification of operational gaps to minimize risk
- Scalable, multi-well analysis to systematically monitor and measure performance
– Provides insight to drive “best in class” performance using leading indicators
– Supports “technical limit drilling” processes to reduce ILT
– Offers opportunity to identify and document best practices
– Provides insight into bottom line cost exposure improvement programs through managed services
- Compatible with SIGNALS drilling advisory service for enhanced insight
– Monitors, validates, and interprets KPIs
– Provides development of “best well recommendation” including NPT/ILT reduction opportunities
- Well planning and construction
- Benchmarking and score-carding
- Look-back analysis
- Personnel and portfolio optimization
- Remote operations decision support