雪佛龙Wes Lohec HSE主管指出,即使是最聪明、最称职、最勤勉的员工都会在他们的工作中犯错。“人无完人,所以现在的问题是:我们如何避免人为的错误引发一场大灾难”。不管是从个人还是从公司的角度出发,雪佛龙面临的挑战是在作业中严格遵守原则,即在每一项作业中,都严格按照其在过往作业中仔细研究出的方法和程序进行。雪佛龙意识到:他们的安全工作是永无止境的。
除了学习应用SIF指标之外,雪佛龙在加州SAN Joaquin Valley业务区(SHVVY)使用验证和确认程序用以评估员工在工作中和在一些高风险活动中如电力系统工作和在操作起重设备的能力,并根据实际需要指导工人。
了解员工的一些容易犯错误的问题也可以有效的阻止事故发生。例如,雪佛龙上游公司欧洲分公司总经理Greta Lydecker了解到一名员工非常没有耐心,如果安排他做一些重复性的工作,他可能就会跳过工作中的一些步骤,这可能会引起一场事故。通过简单的把工作步骤写下,并检查他是否按照步骤完成,我们能够减少这类错误发生的风险。
雪佛龙运输公司(CSC)对OE的广泛使用创造了业内领先的安全和环保成果。在2014年和2015年两年内,CSC做到了零损失工时,CSC旗下的船只自2003年11月以来从来没有发生过原油泄露或者燃油泄露。这一切的基石是在2012年完成的避免重大事故专项研究。它对CSC的工作程序和政策进行了广泛的研究,以减少作业安全事故发生的可能性。根据这份报告衍生出一系列的避免船只发生灾难性事故的计划。作业中太过复杂的程序都被重新编写,而且更加透明、更加简单。海员的培训也更加的严格和标准化。2015年,CSC在苏格兰Glasgow开设了一个世界领先的海洋研究和开发中心,用来给公司的海员提供严格的训练,并且还在加利佛尼亚San Ramon、安哥拉卢旺达、印度孟买安装了航行模拟器。
雪佛龙管道公司总裁Al Williams表示,该系统就是卓越运营系统。它是在雪佛龙对程序安全、资产完整性和环境管理关注下的一个自然产物。
雪佛龙在项目的整个周期,从计划、设计到建造、运营和停运,自始至终都以正确的方法处理问题。用以更换六个巨型焦炭塔,是可以将原油加热到493摄氏度的设备,该复杂EI Segundo炼化焦炭塔可靠性分析项目获得了由非营利性组织项目管理学会(PMI)颁发的年度最佳项目奖项,这一奖项是项目管理学会所颁发的最高奖项。
雪佛龙综合工程设备部副主管Frank Semancik讲到,“合理的计划,有效的合作保证了这个项目的顺利进行。对老旧焦炭塔的替换将有效的增加炼油厂的可靠性”。
EI Segundo炼油厂同时也把对安全的关注扩展到了日常作业中。在2015年它不仅获得了卓越安全奖,而且获得了由美国燃料与石化制造商协会(AFPM)授予的全美最安全炼油厂称号。要取得这一称号需要满足以下五方面的严格标准:首先,企业必须在5年内没有员工或者承包商死亡,其次,企业没有超过4英尺高度的坠落事故,最后,企业在上个该年内没有员工或者承包商因工伤住院。
从EI Segundo炼油厂的焦炭塔更换项目以及它的日常作业中可以看出,保持作业的清晰性和一致性能够有效的阻止事故发生。雪佛龙位于全球的各个事业单位共同分享学习该安全安全运营范例。
来自/Chevron 译者/曾旭洋 编辑/Wang Yue
Wes Lohec, Chevron’s vice president of Health, Environment and Safety, knows that even the smartest, most capable and most diligent employees will make mistakes during their careers. “Humans aren’t perfect, so the question is: How do we make sure that human error doesn’t lead to a significant incident?”
Our ability to deliver energy safely is focused on building several layers of safeguards into everything we do. We’ve spent more than 20 years designing and improving systems that support a strong culture of safety and environmental stewardship. We call this “operational excellence” (OE). At its foundation is the belief that we can prevent serious incidents by properly managing risk.
“Our challenge is to operate with discipline—to be relentless—in executing the best practices and procedures that have been carefully developed in each of our operations,” Lohec said.
Asia Excellence safety inspection
The Asia Excellence’s gas engineer, Sergejs Skripelevs (left) and Australasia business unit pilot and loading master Cameron Crampton inspect the flange of one of the ship’s liquid lines prior to connecting the loading arms.
Striving for operational excellence
It’s not easy to create and reinforce an effective safety culture given the complexity of our businesses and the diversity of our locations and global workforce. To meet these challenges, we developed the Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS), our companywide systematic approach to manage process safety. One of its end goals is to make sure that our employees and contractors go home safely every day.
In 2015, we had one of our best years in overall performance and our best year ever in preventing serious incidents.
We outperformed 2015 targets across all of our core workforce safety, process safety and environmental metrics. We set a record-low Days Away From Work Rate for our employee and contractor workforce, at 0.018 per 200,000 work-hours, which beat our 2014 rate. We also achieved a record low in motor vehicle incidents.
Preventing serious incidents
We have achieved industry-leading performance in preventing injuries. Nevertheless, we are still experiencing incidents that lead to fatalities, which is not acceptable to us. Our focus on safety works, but it’s an ongoing job. For example, our employee and contractor workforce achieved the longest period without a fatality in company history—477 million work-hours—prior to a fatality in 2015. Each incident and fatality is thoroughly investigated to understand the root causes and learn from them. We then share lessons learned throughout the company and apply them in our daily practices. We are also working with other companies in our industry to improve work processes to help us prevent serious incidents.
In 2015, in our quest for zero incidents, we introduced our Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) metric, which requires us to intensify scrutiny of actual incidents as well as near misses. In addition to using SIF, our San Joaquin Valley business unit (SJVBU) uses a verification and validation program to assess workers’ competencies at job sites with high-risk activities, such as working on electrical systems. The SJVBU also has implemented Human Performance training, which provides workers with practical tools to reduce the potential for errors by evaluating and integrating personal tendencies. More than 2,300 workers were trained in 2015, and another 1,000 will be trained in 2016.
Workers in Kern River Field SJVBU
San Joaquin Valley business unit (SJVBU) workers standing in Kern River Field, Bakersfield, California. SJVBU uses a verification and validation program to assess workers’ competencies at job sites with high-risk activities.
Applying best practices and technology to prevent incidents
Safe operations result from applying best practices, looking inward to improve safety and using new technologies to prevent incidents.
Chevron Shipping Company’s (CSC) comprehensive commitment to OE has resulted in industry-leading safety and environmental performance. CSC had zero Days Away From Work incidents in 2014 and 2015, and its operated fleet hasn’t had a cargo or bunker spill since November 2003.
Asia Excellence LNG loading
(L to R) Second Officer Dalibor Matijasevic, Chief Officer Olegs Nesterenko and Third Officer Ashvinder Nanda listen as surveyor John Cameron verifies the volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) loading on board Chevron’s Asia Excellence LNG carrier before the ship’s departure from Barrow Island.
This performance is the result of committed leadership and dedicated employees focused on achieving a common goal—zero incidents. Our Avoiding the Big Incident study completed in 2012 involved an analysis of CSC’s procedures and policies to reduce the possibility of a process safety incident and spawned projects to reduce the likelihood of a catastrophic ship-related incident. Complex procedures were rewritten to be simpler and clearer and review processes for new ships were updated to ensure that designs reduce the risk of incident. In 2015, CSC opened the Marine Learning and Development Center in Scotland to provide rigorous mariner training for the organization.
Chevron Pipe Line Company (CPL) is one of the first in the pipeline industry to adopt PortVision®—a vessel tracking system that helps identify and prevent problems before incidents occur—as well as round-the-clock monitoring in its Pipeline Control Center, advanced leak-detection camera technology and predictive analytics in its pipeline risk management program.
“This system is operational excellence in action,” said Al Williams, CPL president. “It’s a natural outgrowth of our focus on process safety, asset integrity, reliability and environmental stewardship.”
In 2015, CPL received the American Petroleum Institute Distinguished Safety and Environmental Award in the large operator category for a “consistent record of safety and environmentally sound operations.”
Getting results the right way from start to finish
For Chevron, getting results the right way happens throughout the life of a project.
One example is our complex El Segundo Refinery Coke Drum Reliability project to replace six massive coke drums—enormous containers that heat crude oil to 920 degrees Fahrenheit (493° C). The project was honored by the nonprofit Project Management Institute (PMI) with the 2015 PMI Project of the Year Award. The massive project was completed without a single lost-time injury. In 2015, the refinery also received the Distinguished Safety Award and was named the safest operating refinery in the United States by the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Association.
El Segundo coke drums
In late January 2013, Chevron’s El Segundo Refinery coke drums arrive from Spain at California’s Port of Los Angeles and are transported two at a time over the course of three weeks via barge into the Redondo King Harbor Marina. The drums measure 100 feet in length and 28 feet in diameter and weigh approximately 400,000 pounds each.
The importance of operational clarity and consistency needed to prevent incidents is shared by all of our business units, many of which are in a different hemisphere. In Nigeria, contractors often speak different languages and come from different cultures of safety. As this business unit’s massive Meren gas gathering compression platform topside was built in South Korea and installed in Nigerian waters, project leaders reinforced a “one team” mentality to improve collaboration among a diverse workforce. Nigerdock, a subcontractor for multiple platform components, reported 1.23 million work-hours without a lost-time injury in 2014.
Workers in Nigeria
Contract workers for Nigerdock, a subcontractor for multiple components of the Meren gas gathering platform in Nigeria. Nigerdock reported 1.23 million work-hours without a lost-time injury in 2014.
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