招标方:Gazprom Neft Badra B.V.
招标内容:– Purchase of equipment for completion of F&G detection and alarm system at Infrastructure (Consisting of 6 LOT’s)
Lot 1 – Purchase and Supply of Fire and Gas detection system equipment;
Lot 2 – Purchase and Supply of Telecommunication equipment;
Lot 3 – Purchase and Supply of Fire suppression equipment;
Lot 4 – Purchase and Supply of Electrical equipment (Distribution Boards);
Lot 5 – Purchase and Supply of Electrical equipment (AC UPS);
Lot 6 – Purchase and Supply of Electrical equipment (Cables and Bulk materials).
In order to be eligible to be awarded the Contract, the Bidders shall meet the following minimal qualification criteria:
– Be able to obtain required Bid Bond in the amount of not less than $50,000 (fifty thousand) US Dollars for each LOT;
– possess the experience in rendering service of similar by nature to the subject of the Tender for at least last 3 (three) years;
– possess licenses required for Contract performance in Republic of Iraq;
– be able to provide information on financial standing by submitting the annual financial statements.
Companies interested in participating in above mentioned tender may obtain full set of Tender Documentation after submission of a written application together with sufficient information confirming that the company meets the minimum criteria set out above (submitted on the letterhead signed by an authorized person) and containing full name of company, mail address, phone, fax, e-mail address, full name of contact person and his e-mail address. Such applications shall be sent to Gazprom Neft Badra B.V. Contract and Procurement department by email to tenders@gazpromneft-badra.com, and received by 4 PM (UTC/GMT+4:00) on July 14, 2016. The Tender Documentation shall be sent by e-mail without any responsibility for loss or late arrival after submission of a written application as noted above.
Deadline for bids submissions for above mentioned tender is August 02, 2016, 4 PM (UTC/GMT+4:00).
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