在各种作业条件下,MaxCOR 服务每次下钻均可回收60个样品。即使在25000psi高压、400˚F (204˚C)高温这样极端恶劣的环境下,也能实现的岩芯采收率。
1.每单位长度的体积比标准外径为1″ 的岩心大225%;
5.在25000psi高压和400°F (204°C)高温下作业;
构造复杂地区,我们需要大尺寸岩心或进行特殊岩心分析,从而进行更精确的油藏描述。2010年3月,大井壁取芯服务在巴西深海油田第一次成功测试。客户要求在Campos盆地,主要储层岩石中取芯90颗,作业完成岩芯回收94颗,每颗岩芯取芯用时4分36秒,岩芯最大长度2.5 in. (6.4 cm),平均2 in. (5.1 cm)。
在随后的盆地的取芯作业中,两次下钻共取芯52颗。 多次作业情况下,岩心采收率达到97%。除了深海作业,该技术成功应用于美国页岩油气田作业,包括Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Niobrara, and Bakken等。
来自/Baker Hughes 译者/刘鹏 编辑/魏亚蒙
Large-diameter Sidewall Coring Technology
The Baker Hughes MaxCOR™ service can recover 1 and 1/2in. diameter cores, acquiring core that is 225% more volume per unit length compared to core recovered with standard rotary coring tools. This allows operators to more accurately evaluate reservoirs and maximize hydrocarbon recovery.
Fast, reliable and efficient core recovery
The MaxCOR service is based on the technology developed for the latest-generation 1-in. diameter PowerCOR coring tool. It uses a direct-drive electric motor in place of a traditional hydraulic motor to power the bit. The motor is controlled by an advanced downhole power management system to ensure maximum power transfer efficiency under all load and borehole temperature conditions. The rotational speed of the bit is more than three times than that of the previous-generation rotary coring tools, resulting in significant reduction of coring time.
The MaxCOR service can reliably retrieve 60 samples during a single trip in the well, under a variety of operation conditions. It achieves high core-recovery efficiency even under very hostile environments with pressures up to 25,000 psi and temperatures up to 400˚F (204˚C).
Features and Benefits
Acquires 225% more volume per unit length than standard 1-in. OD cores
– Large diameter core samples allows for more accurate analysis
Retrieves up to 60 1½-in. OD core samples per run
– Reliable service that saves valuable rig time
Operates in environments up to 25,000 psi and 400°F (204°C)
– High core-recovery efficiency even under hostile environments
Uses a direct-drive electric motor for maximum power transfer
– Consistently retrieves quality core samples with less coring time
Results in the Field
The formation was highly complex and called for SCAL size or larger- sized core samples to provide a more accurate reservoir characterization. In March 2010, the first successful MaxCOR service field tests in a deepwater Brazil field were conducted. The operator requested 90 cores in the Campos Basin, primarily in reservoir rock, and the service recovered 94 cores. The tool drilled each core in an average of 4 min. and 36 sec., with maximum lengths of 2.5 in. (6.4 cm) and an average core length of 2 in. (5.1 cm). During a subsequent field test in the basin, the service successfully completed a 52 core program in two runs. Several more jobs have been run for the same operator, with an overall core recovery efficiency of 97%. In addition to the deepwater work, the service has been used successfully in a number of United States shale plays, including the Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Niobrara, and Bakken.
- 柠檬
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),油气井工程硕士,长期聚焦国内外石油行业前沿技术装备信息,具有数十万字技术文献翻译经验。如需获取更多技术资料,请联系我们。