本周一,Aminex公司宣布坦桑尼亚Kiliwani North-1号气井天然气产量达3000万立方英尺/天,约为5000桶油当量/天。
在测试到最佳流速后,Kiliwani North-1工程的试运营阶段将告一段落。Aminex公司拥有Kiliwani North区块54.575%的股份,公司表示,根据之前井测数据,该气井理想状态下每天产出3000万立方英尺天然气。
公司负责人表示,Kiliwani North-1气井、管道以及相关设备运行一切正常,TPDC建议本月末可结束试运行工作。
来自/RigZone 7月4日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Aminex plc announced Monday that gas production from the Kiliwani North-1 well in Tanzania reached 30 million cubic feet per day (approximately 5,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day) over the weekend.
The commissioning process of the Kiliwani North-1 project is expected to be concluded with the testing of the well to determine optimal rates. Aminex, which holds a 54.575 percent interest in the Kiliwani North Development License, believes this figure will be around 30 million cubic feet per day, based on previous well-test data.
“The commissioning of the production well at Kiliwani North is proceeding as expected, with production reaching 30 mmcf per day at the weekend. Commissioning of the well, pipeline and associated plant are going well and TPDC advises that the process will be concluded by the end of the month, after which we plan to test the well to determine optimal flow rates,” said Aminex CEO Jay Bhattacherjee in a company statement.
- 张弘引
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