Aibel新加坡分公司获得Greater Enfield项目合同,改进Woodside Energy公司位于澳大利亚西部的Ngujima-Yin浮式采集储卸装置。
Greater Enfield项目最多需要100名雇员,项目预计于今年7月份开工,2019年1月份结束。
Greater Enfield位于澳大利亚西部,距离Exmouth沿岸约60千米。该地区储层油气将通过水下管道系统与Vincent油田上的Ngujima-Yin浮式采集储卸装置相连。
来自/Subsea World News 7月1日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
Aibel in Singapore has been awarded the E&P contract for modifications on Woodside Energy’s Ngujima-Yin floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) off Western Australia.
The FPSO will undergo modifications to the topsides, hull and turret, along with installation of a new custom water flood module. The contract includes both detailed marine and topsides engineering and procurement services as well as commissioning services.
At the peak the Greater Enfield Project will engage more than 100 employees. The work will be executed by Aibel`s office in Singapore. The contract is expected to start in July this year and is presently targeted to be completed January 2019.
Greater Enfield is located 60 km off Exmouth in Western Australia. The reserves in the area will be produced via a 31 km subsea tie-back to the Ngujima-Yin FPSO facility, located over the Vincent oil field.
- 张弘引
- 毕业于南开大学翻译系,具有丰富的翻译经验,能够快速、准确地将全球油气动向以中英文双语进行报道。提供专业化、全方位的国际资讯服务,呈现纷繁世界的精彩之处,满足中国企业了解世界、融入世界的需求。