Encana公司周二宣布,将该公司与Birchcliff Energy公司达成协议,以6.25亿加元出售Alberta省西北部Gordondale资产。
来自/EnergyPedia 6月21日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Encana announced Tuesday that it has reached an agreement to sell itsGordondale assets in northwestern Alberta to Birchcliff Energy for a total cash consideration of C$625 million.
The sale includes approx. 54,200 net acres of land and associated infrastructure. In addition, through the transfer of current and future obligations, Encana is reducing midstream and downstream commitments by more than C$100 million on an undiscounted basis. No drilling or completions capital has been spent or was planned for the area in 2016.
Encana’s Gordondale assets produced an average of 25,200 barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) per day on a net after-royalty basis during the first quarter of 2016, comprising 65 percent natural gas and 35 percent liquids. Based on Encana’s development plan at year-end 2015, estimated proved reserves were approximately 50 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) on a net after-royalty basis.
The sale of Encana’s Gordondale assets is subject to the satisfaction of normal closing conditions, as well as regulatory approvals and post-closing adjustments. The transaction is expected to close in the summer of 2016 with an effective date of January 1, 2016.
- 张弘引
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