以色列Tamar和Leviathan天然气田开发近日取得新进展。主导这两个气田开发项目的Noble Energy公司和Delek集团正协调安排两气田的一系列钻井作业。
运营商曾对一座钻井平台进行招标,该钻井平台预计将于今年年底送达以色列。消息人士称:该钻井平台将在Tamar气田Tamar 5钻一口新井,这是Tamar气田发展计划的一部分。
6月16日在Herzeliya会议上,Delek集团首席执行官Yossi Abu透露:今年年底之前将有一座钻井平台抵达以色列海域。但他并未提到Tamar气田。在今年年底做出最终投资决定之后,Leviathan气田的钻井作业才开始进行,开始时间最早为明年下半年。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
在完成Tamar气田的钻井作业后,该钻井平台将转移到Leviathan气田继续作业。在这之前,气田开发的最终投资决定应该已经敲定,但实际情况取决于公司达成的天然气销售协议。Leviathan气田的开发商包括:美国Noble Energy(作为经营商占有39.7%的股权)、Delek集团(45.3%)和Ratio(15%)。
随后,该钻井平台将在Cyprus海域的Aphrodite气田钻取天然气。Aphrodite气田由美国公司Noble Energy(35%)、英荷石油巨头Shell(35%)和Delek集团(30%)共同开发。
来自/Natural Gas Europe 6月17日消息 编译/赵美园
The controlling stakeholders offshore Israel – Noble Energy and Delek Group – are moving forward in their expansion and development plans for Tamar and Leviathan gas fields by trying to coordinate and schedule a sequence of drilling operations between the two projects.
A tender was issued for a drilling rig, which is supposed to arrive at Israel later this year. The rig will drill a new well at Tamar field, Tamar 5, the source said. The new well is part of the expansion plan for the already producing field.
Speaking at the Herzeliya Conference June 16, Delek Group CEO Yossi Abu said that by the end of the year a drilling rig would arrive in Israeli waters. However he did not refer to the Tamar field. Drilling production wells in Leviathan will follow final investment decision at the end of this year, so not before the second half of next year, at the earliest.
After completing its work plan in Tamar the rig will then move on to drill a few production wells in Leviathan field, by which time the final investment decision to develop the field should have been taken, contingent on firm gas sales agreements. Leviathan partners are US Noble Energy (the operator with 39.7%), Delek Group (45.3%) and Ratio (15%).
Further on, the drilling rig is expected to drill for natural gas at the Aphrodite gas field offshore Cyprus which is controlled by US Noble Energy (35%) the Anglo-Dutch major Shell (35%) and Delek Group (30%).
- 赵美园
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