挪威石油管理局授予Det norske oljeselskap ASA公司获得 25/10-15 S号油井钻井许可,该油井位于挪威海上PL626生产许可区。
25/10-15 S号钻井将使用位于许可区东北部Maersk Interceptor钻井设施进行钻井。Det norske oljeselskap ASA是该区块的运营商,拥有50%的股份。Tullow Oil Norge AS拥有30%的股份,MOL Norge AS拥有10%,Fortis Petroleum Norway AS拥有剩余10%。
来自/RigZone 6月17日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted Det norske oljeselskap ASA a drilling permit for well 25/10-15 S, located in production license 626 offshore Norway.
Well 25/10-15 S will be drilled from the Maersk Interceptor (492’ ILC) drilling facility in the northeastern part of the license, which is situated in the central North Sea. Det norske oljeselskap ASA is the operator with an ownership interest of 50 percent. The other licensees are Tullow Oil Norge AS with 30 percent, MOL Norge AS with 10 percent and Fortis Petroleum Norway AS with 10 percent.
The permit is contingent upon the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities prior to commencing drilling activities.
- 张弘引
- 毕业于南开大学翻译系,具有丰富的翻译经验,能够快速、准确地将全球油气动向以中英文双语进行报道。提供专业化、全方位的国际资讯服务,呈现纷繁世界的精彩之处,满足中国企业了解世界、融入世界的需求。