Aim of the Study is to find legal compliant and optimal solutions for the treatment or final disposal of oily waste generated during the process of oil exploration and production within NIS j.s.c., and development of a long-term waste management strategy for these waste types.Optimal solutions should be suggested based on the comparison of different variants of solutions based on the legislation that applies in EU countries and examples of best European practice.
详细技术要求见附件:Technical Assignment
投标截止时间:2016年7月7日4:00pm (当地时间)
Bid price and currency: The Bidder must express total price in EUR exclusive of calculated VAT.
Payment: Within 60 calendar days from the service performance day based on a submitted invoice and mutually signed and sealed Minutes of the Service Performed.
Bid validity period: Minimum 120 calendar days from the final bid submission date.
Performance deadline: 90 calendar days
Supplier Selection Criterion: Best commercial offer on condition that the Bid has received a positive evaluation in technical terms and that the Bidder meets all criteria.
Contract Model: The Bidder must accept the model of the Basic Contract, Confidentiality Agreement, Annex to the Agreement on Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental and Fire Protection, and the Anti-Corruption Agreement – prepared by the Investor (submit the Statement on Accepting the Specified Contracts).
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