招标方:Harouge Oil Operation,a joint operating company on behalf of National Oil operation Libya and Suncor Oil (North Africa) GmbH
内容:Carry out emergency repairs to the Ras Lanuf Tank Farm comprising:
a. Remove concrete cover and thrust block and excavate the open firewater and foam ringmain risers
b. Replace the lining on Pond 2
c. Replace the concrete foundation and support cradle for the seawater supply GRE 16” piping at the seawater ponds
d. Prepare concrete foundation slab in Firewater pump house ready to receive new pump skid
e. Replace roof on Firewater and Foam pump house
标书发售周期:2016.07.12-2016.07.14 9:30- 11:30am
The Collection of the package is from Tender Committee office, 6th floor at the company head office in Tripoli.
标书费:1000 LD
投标保证金:3000 LD
fax no :+218- 21- 3330090
Email to: sac@harouge.com
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