哈里伯顿公司周二表示,它与Eclipse Resources公司合作,完成了大位移水平探井“Purple Hayes”的水力压裂作业。
哈里伯顿进行压裂作业时使用了公司的双燃料Q10泵,没有发生任何故障。此外,SandCastle PS-2500还配备了优良的哈里伯顿防尘系统,同时减少了对现场环境的影响。通过使用该设备Eclipse公司的日完井率比原计划的提高了20%,降低了每桶原油的最终成本。
哈里伯顿区域副总裁Tony Angelle说,“哈里伯顿和Eclipse团队在这口井上合作的效率之高令人难以置信,Obsidian Frac plugs 进行了124级压裂,平均每天5.3级压裂,实现压裂深度26641英尺深,创下北美的陆上深度纪录。我们对这一成就感到很自豪,因为它使用了我们的完整的压裂设施,还使用了能够降低40%油耗的混合燃料泵。”
Eclipse的执行总经理兼首席运营官Thomas Liberatore说,“我很高兴地说,正如我们期待的那样,钻井和完井速度与计划的几乎完全一样,这件事非常引人注目和具有开创性。”
来自/Worldoil 6月2日消息 编译/任伟伟
HOUSTON — Halliburton worked with Eclipse Resources Corporation to complete hydraulic fracturing of the extended reach lateral test well known as “Purple Hayes,” the company said Tuesday.
The Utica shale well had a lateral length of over 18,500 ft and was completed with 124 frac stages in 24 days. The total depth was 27,046 ft, including the lateral extension which Eclipse believes is the longest horizontal onshore lateral ever drilled in the U.S.
The fracturing operations performed by Halliburton utilized the company’s Q10 pumps equipped with dual fuel technology, which performed with zero down time. In addition, SandCastle PS-2500 units equipped with Halliburton Dust Control systems provided superior sand loading logistics while reducing the environmental footprint on site. The efficiencies achieved with this equipment allowed Eclipse to improve its daily completion rate by 20% over the original plan, lowering their ultimate cost per BOE.
Tony Angelle, area V.P. for Halliburton said, “The Halliburton and Eclipse team worked incredibly efficiently on this well, setting 124 of our Obsidian Frac plugs, averaging 5.3 frac stages per day and achieving a North America land record of 26,641 ft in plug set depth. We are proud this accomplishment was made using our complete Frac of the Future fleet, including dual fuel pumps that reduced fuel consumption by 40%.”
Thomas Liberatore, executive V.P. and COO for Eclipse said, “I am pleased to say that the drilling and completion of the well progressed almost exactly as designed, which, although expected by us, was truly remarkable and groundbreaking execution by our team.”
- 任伟伟
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发硕士。长期专注于国际油气资讯原创翻译,提供全面及时的油气行业中文资讯,内容覆盖油气行业多板块,让您不出国门看世界!