Suncor公司重启了火灾破坏过的Fort McMurray地区的油砂生产,很多工人也重返了工作岗位。
Suncor称4000名员工和承包商已经回到Fort Hills等地区,另有3500人可能在下周回到该地区。
一份声明称公司将在开采基地和MacKay河地区进行生产,并计划在本周末达到火灾前产量。目前对于加拿大Syncrude公司的合资企业来说还没有时间表。Syncrude公司发言人Leithan Slade也未对此发表评论。
发言人Mel Duvall在一封电子邮件中称:“火灾期间停产的公司也包括Husky能源公司,该公司计划在本周晚些时候的投资者日上对公司的油砂运营情况进行更新”。
来自/Worldoil 6月2日消息 编译/吴海君
Suncor Energy restarted oil-sands operations near wildfire-ravaged Fort McMurray, enabling thousands of people to return to work.
Suncor and other oil-sands operators reduced output by more than 1 MMbpd this month as wildfires spread in the region and forced evacuations and the shutdown of pipelines and power supplies. “Cooler weather and several days of precipitation” have improved conditions, Canada’s largest energy company said in a statement on Sunday.
Alberta lifted mandatory evacuation orders for the last of the accommodation and production sites on Monday, which started the process of inspections by forestry and health officials to make sure they’re safe. Officials say industry facilities are no longer at immediate risk as firefighters take advantage of better weather to keep the flames at bay.
Suncor said 4,000 employees and contractors are back in the region, including Fort Hills workers, with an additional 3,500 people likely to return in the coming week.
The company also reported operations are under way at the base plant mine and MacKay River, with initial production expected by the end of this week, according to the statement. No timeline was given for the joint venture with SyncrudeCanada Ltd. Syncrude spokesman Leithan Slade wasn’t available to comment.
Other companies that shut operations during the fire include Husky Energy Inc., which will include an update on its Sunrise oil-sands operations at the company’s investor day later this week, said spokesman Mel Duvall, in an email.
- 吴海君
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