招标单位:Majis Industrial Services SAOC
Tenders are invited from excellent graded construction local and international companies who have meet the following minimum eligibility criteria (MEC)*:
1)Experience of design, supply and installation, testing and commissioning of at least one 5,000 m3/hr of Vertical turbine pump capacity for supply of screened chlorinated sea water.
2)Experience of design, supply and installation, testing and commissioning of at least one seawater intake for a reverse osmosis (RO) plant of min 2,000 m3/day capacity.
3)The MEC is required from either the EPC contractor or subcontractor.
Brief Description of Work
The Employer, Majis Industrial Services SAOC is a wholly government owned company providing several water treatment and supply services at Sohar Industrial Port Area (SIPA). Among the services it provides the cooling sea water from its SWIPS I facility in addition to the process and potable water from Majis’ Reverse Osmosis Plant (Phase 1) facility at SIPA.
The existing common cooling water system (CCWS) cater to the cooling water requirement of small user industries in the SIPC area. The CCWS mainly consist of 5 nos. Vertical turbine pumps and network of pipelines spread inside Sohar Industrial Port Area. The previously installed 3 pumps (2 Working+1 Standby) are connected with 11kV Variable frequency drive and hydraulically operated butterfly valves on each pump discharge header. They are equipped with pump / motor condition monitoring system.
联系人:石油圈chloe, QQ:501868868,微信:xy1366200775
- 中东石油协会