Emerson与微软联手,增强了其Paradigm 18应用程序的可用性。
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艾默生(Emerson)公司早前推出了Paradigm 18应用程序,其友好的用户界面能帮助地球科学家在集成环境中执行地震解释、地质解释及建模工作,有助于增强用户体验。
Paradigm 18应用程序旨在优化结果的准确性,并允许用户快速、高效地工作。它具体可提供下述服务:
- 人工智能(AI)功能,可从地震和井筒数据中快速可靠地识别地质相。
- 用户界面和数据管理无缝对接,从地震处理到地质解释及建模环节,均可轻松、快速完成。
- 支持云托管,使远程团队比以往任何时候都更容易开展协同作业。
- 该款地球科学软件可进行高分辨率处理、成像、解释和建模,最终提供更精确的地下模型。
艾默生自动化解决方案业务首席技术官Peter Zornio表示:“凭借E&P软件即服务模式与长期的经验累积,艾默生完全有能力引领油气市场的数字化转型。客户现在可从我们提供的软件套件中享受同样的便利,无论他们是选择本地化运行,还是将它云托管,亦或是将两者混合使用。这个扩展平台为行业中一些最具挑战性的操作环境提供了更强大的数据分析能力和灵活性。当你把我们的软件和在生产领域的技术经验结合起来应用的时候,我们在石油和天然气市场就具备了一种独特的能力。”
微软公司流程制造首席技术官Jose Valls表示:“在云平台服务领域,微软和艾默生已经合作多年,我们很高兴看到艾默生的E&P软件套装继续在Azure平台上应用。艾默生的数据计算管理与可视化的技术需求很高,而且全球客户广泛分布。鉴于此,Azure平台为E&P软件套装提供了一整套满足技术需求的配置,同时还不会影响其服务性能。”
这个版本增加了客户可用的选项,并帮助他们在使用E&P软件套装的过程中提高服务性能。Paradigm 18应用程序使用机器学习作为数据集成和过程自动化工具,为数据解释和油藏描述提供高级自动化服务。新版本增加了多项功能,包括可在高分辨率地震处理、成像与解释方面提高用户的工作效率,在地震解释与油藏描述中添加了更多样化的定量选择,强化了地质力学、井眼稳定及生产测井理论程序,扩展了Geolog技术模块中的岩石物性不确定功能。新版本还为客户提供开放式外接入口,并能确保数据交互的安全性。
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The common UI in Paradigm 18 enables geoscientists to perform seismic interpretation, geologic interpretation and modeling in an integrated environment, for an enhanced user experience
Emerson announced its entire E&P software suite is now available on the cloud, enabling oil and gas companies to securely take advantage of digital technologies to better model and optimize production in new and established reservoirs. Emerson now delivers seismic processing and imaging, data interpretation, subsurface modeling, formation evaluation, reservoir engineering, production optimization, and other services with faster, more powerful computing power to connect critical subsurface intelligence with surface operations.
The enormous growth in the volume and complexity of petrotechnical data, combined with the need to reduce costs and enhance productivity in the E&P market, poses a growing challenge for today’s chief information officers. Emerson addresses these challenges by utilizing cloud computational horsepower while leveraging proven and reliable machine learning algorithms and other technologies. Harnessing the power of Microsoft Azure also provides more flexible, scalable and collaborative work processes, helping operators increase efficiencies and achieve Top Quartile performance – operations and capital performance in the top 25 percent of peer companies.
Designed to optimize result accuracy while allowing users to work faster and more productively, Paradigm 18 offers:
- Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that enable quick and reliable identification of geologic facies from seismic data and wellbore data.
- Seamless unification of the user interface and data management, from seismic processing to interpretation and modeling, enabling faster results with less effort.
- Support for cloud hosting, making it easier than ever for remote teams to work together.
- High-resolution processing, imaging, interpretation and modeling geoscience software, delivering more accurate subsurface models.
“With our E&P software-as-a-service model and long history of domain experience, Emerson is well positioned to lead the cloud transformation for the oil and gas market,” said Peter Zornio, chief technology officer with Emerson’s Automation Solutions business. “Our customers can now enjoy the same benefits from our software suite, whether they choose to run it locally, host it on the cloud, or use a hybrid of both. This expanded platform provides greater data analytics power and flexibility for some of the most challenging operational environments in the industry. When you combine our software with our technology and experience in the production area, we have a unique capability in the oil and gas marketplace.”
Emerson’s E&P cloud-hosted software, which can run on Azure and other leading cloud platforms, is currently available in two business options: customer-managed, in which customers run the software on cloud computing platforms and storage under management by their own IT organizations; and Emerson-operated, in which Emerson manages IT operations on the cloud, including the cloud platform, software support, maintenance and operation. The solution utilizes Microsoft’s strategically placed Azure datacenter regions for faster performance and compliance with local government regulations.
“Microsoft and Emerson have cooperated on cloud offerings for several years and we’re pleased to see Emerson extending its use of Microsoft Azure to support its full software suite,” said Jose Valls, CTO, Process Manufacturing, Microsoft Corp. “Emerson has high computational, data management and visualization needs and a global customer base. Azure provides a full set of configurations suitable to the wide range of computing requirements of the Emerson application portfolio, without compromising performance.”
This release expands the options available to our customers, while helping them improve performance throughout the E&P process. Paradigm 18 uses machine learning as a data integrator and process automation tool to deliver advanced automation for accelerated interpretation and reservoir characterization processes. New features include capabilities that improve user productivity in high-resolution seismic processing and imaging and interpretation, more options for quantitative seismic interpretation and reservoir characterization, new enhancements to geomechanics, well bore stability and production logging, and an extension of the petrophysical uncertainty functionality in Geolog®. This release also maintains and accelerates the company’s initiative to provide customers with open connectivity while maintaining data security.