NOV近日完成了BlackBox Eclipse工具的升级,其性能得到了全面的提升。
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近日,NOV宣布BlackBox Eclipse II记忆存储式测井工具正式投入商业化应用。这款新工具不仅拥有上一代BlackBox设备的高质量与稳定性,而且能够以更高的精度、分辨率与频率,获取多轴振动、温度以及旋转参数。该工具取样与存储钻井动态数据的速率可达1500赫兹,而常规工具的取样速率为256赫兹,统计速率为2赫兹。
速度方面的提升有助于对加速度数据进行高频分析。此外,该工具内存已增加至8GB,可确保有足够容量来存储整趟钻的高速数据。新工具载体短节的外径大小为4.75至9.6in,作业人员可根据BHA或钻柱尺寸,进行灵活选择。作为优化项目的组成部分,BlackBox Eclipse II工具使作业人员能够对井下钻井作业了如指掌,帮助优化参数,提高后续井的钻井效率。
NOV的BlackBox Eclipse工具能够在井下钻井环境中准确记录转速、三轴振动与温度。这种记忆存储式测井工具拥有多种尺寸的载体短节,可灵活安装在BHA或钻柱中。得益于其紧凑设计,以及与上一代BlackBox Plug相同的尺寸,这种BlackBox Eclipse工具仅占用很小的井下空间,就可进行关键的测量。
BlackBox Eclipse井下测量工具是BlackBox Plug钻井动态记忆存储式测井工具的新一代产品,可提供更多功能,更高的精度与分辨率。BlackBox Eclipse部署于BlackBox载体短节内,可灵活安装在BHA或钻柱中。该工具可由用户配置,获取一系列测量值。凭借丰富的应用经验,BlackBox Eclipse工具可提高作业效率、降低建井成本,为钻井挑战提供定制的解决方案。
- 适用范围广,其载体短节的外径尺寸为4.75至9.5in,适用于多种数据采集技术;
- 陀螺仪转速传感器,在所有速度与所有载体尺寸下都能提供准确的数据;
- 三轴振动测量,获得详细的井下状态;
- 连续与突发数据,捕获高频数据进行分析;
- 用户可配置的数据速率,增强了在复杂项目中应用的灵活性;
- 现场可更换的电子设备,最大限度地减少停机时间。
BlackBox Eclipse工具以高达800赫兹的速率读取传感器数据,并以用户可配置的速率将统计数据(最大、最小、平均和均方根)记录到内存中,提供了无与伦比的准确性与价值。突发数据也可由终端用户配置并使用,以满足客户的独有需求。BlackBox Eclipse工具有助于识别出各种钻井效率低下的工况,包括:井下多个位置的横向振动;扭转与RPM振荡(粘滑);工艺问题,例如钻头不在井底的情况。
BlackBox Eclipse为钻后分析提供全面的存储数据,有助于提高后续井的钻井效率与井身质量,从而提高油井的作业成本效益。通过优化钻进作业的振动控制、扭转振荡与钻参选择等,BlackBox Eclipse工具可以降低钻柱的潜在损伤风险,减少所需的起下钻次数。该工具展现出显著的实用性,可以与位于钻头、BHA或钻柱上的其他BlackBox系列记忆存储式工具或eTools的任何组合一起运行。
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We’re proud to announce the commercial launch of the BlackBox™ Eclipse II memory-mode logging tool. The new tool builds upon the quality and reliability of earlier BlackBox units while capturing multi-axis vibration, temperature, and rotation measurements with increased accuracy, higher resolution, and higher frequency continuous sampling. The BlackBox Eclipse II samples and stores drilling dynamics data at 1500 Hz as opposed to 256 Hz with 2 Hz statistics, with the significant increase in speed enabling high-frequency analysis of acceleration data. Additionally, memory storage has been increased to 8 GB to ensure enough capacity for the high-speed data from a full run. The new tool offers operators flexible deployment options in their BHA or drillstring, with carrier sub sizes ranging from 4.75- to 9.5-in. OD. As an integral component of any optimization project, the BlackBox Eclipse II tool provides operators with a true understanding of downhole drilling dysfunctions, helping them optimize parameters and improve drilling performance on subsequent wells.
NOV’s BlackBox Eclipse™ tool is capable of recording accurate RPM, three-axis vibration, and temperature in downhole drilling environments. Our memory-mode logging tool can be deployed in various size carrier subs for maximum placement flexibility in the BHA or drillstring. With its compact design and the similar size of prior BlackBox Plug models, the BlackBox Eclipse tool gives critical measurements while minimizing downhole footprint.
The BlackBox Eclipse tool reads sensor data at rates up to 800Hz and records statistical data (maximum, minimum, mean, and RMS) to memory at user-configurable rates, providing unmatched accuracy and value, small footprint, and versatile deployment options. Burst is also available and configurable by the end user to meet individual client needs.
Features and Benefits
- Flexible deployment options—carrier sub sizes range from 4.75 to 9.5-in. OD:Allows for various data collection techniques
- Gyro RPM sensors :Provides accurate data at all speeds and with all carrier sub sizes
- Three-axis vibration measurement :Captures detailed downhole behavior
- Continuous and burst data :Captures high-frequency data for analysis
- User-configurable data rates :Enhances flexibility to enable use in complex projects
- Field-replaceable electronics :Minimizes tool downtime
Advanced vibration, rotation, and temperature measurements allow for customized solutions and optimized drilling performance
As the newest revision of the BlackBox family of tools, NOV’s BlackBox Eclipse tool is capable of recording accurate RPM, three-axis vibration, and temperature in downhole drilling environments. Our memory-mode logging tool is capable of being deployed in various size carrier subs for maximum placement flexibility in the BHA or drillstring. With its compact design and the similar size of prior BlackBox Plug models, the BlackBox Eclipse tool gives critical measurements while minimizing downhole footprint.
The BlackBox Eclipse tool reads sensor data at rates up to 800Hz and records statistical data (maximum, minimum, mean, and RMS) to memory at user-configurable rates, providing unmatched accuracy and value, small footprint, and versatile deployment options. Burst is also available and configurable by the end user to meet individual client needs. The BlackBox Eclipse tool facilitates the identification of a variety of drilling inefficiencies, including:
- Lateral downhole vibration in multiple positions
- Torsional and RPM oscillations (stick-slip)
- Procedural issues, such as damaging off-bottom practices
The BlackBox Eclipse tool will increase a well’s operational cost-effectiveness by improving performance, drilling efficiency, and well quality on future wells by providing comprehensive memory data for post-well analysis. By optimizing drilling aspects such as vibration management, torsional oscillations, and parameter selection, the BlackBox Eclipse tool can reduce the potential to damage future drillstrings and the number of required trips. Showcasing its enormous utility, the tool can be run with any combination of additional BlackBox family memory tools or other eTools located at the bit, BHA, or drillstring.