

招标单位:Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd(ONGC)
招标内容:Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 04 Nos. of Mud Tanks System
Category: Mechanical Equipment

标书费:1000 USD
投标保证金:18,82,400.00 INR
投标截止日期:2016.7.11 2:00pm
开标时间:2016.7.11 3:00pm

Following documents should be submitted in physical form also, in a sealed envelope so as to reach to the purchaser’s office (as indicated in Invitation to Bid) through the e-bidding portal, i.e. by 18.07.2016-1500 Hrs. (IST), after opening of bids (submitted through the e-bidding engine):
1. The original bid security.
2. The “Power of Attorney” or authorization, or any other document consisting of adequate proof of the ability of the signatory to bind the bidder, in original, when the power of attorney is a special “Power of Attorney” relating to the specific tender of ONGC only.
3. “Integrity Pact” duly signed.
4. Backup authority letter in original from the Manufacturer authorizing the bidder to market their product.
5. Any other document required to be submitted in physical form as per tender requirement.
