Diamond公司推出的Stack View服务可显著提高防喷器的监测能力。
Diamond海上钻井公司宣布推出Stack View服务,这是首个集成了全天候实时监控、数据可视化与高级分析的解决方案,可识别整个钻井平台BOP的变化趋势,并监测其生产性能是否发生异常。Stack View服务得出的领先指标可实现预测性维护,防止发生意外停机问题,提高钻井效率,降低建井的总成本。
Stack View应用中,底层技术会不断收集、分析实时数据,并与历史数据进行对比或“堆叠”,随后应用数据可视化、趋势分析以及高级分析,来预测BOP组件何时会失效或何时需要维护。从基于时间的维护转向基于预测的维护,可以减少起出防喷器的次数,避免因维护造成的问题,并且取决于水深与油井复杂性,Stack View能够将非生产时间缩短多达50%。
Diamond Offshore总裁兼首席执行官Marc Edwards表示:“水下设备的维修与保养仍然是造成钻机非生产时间的主要因素,给开发商和作业人员带来了巨大困难,导致高昂的成本。我们将继续寻找提高作业效率、降低作业者总成本的方法,以提高海上钻井的经济效益。利用Stack View服务,我们能够监控与分析每个BOP的健康状况。因此,井队将可以实时制定出更多基于数据的决策,从而进一步节约成本,提高业绩。”
这款定制的Stack View平台与仪表板是Diamond Offshore公司与Deepwater Subsea有限公司合作开发,将于2020年初投入使用。开发商可在任何地点,通过移动设备或计算机访问该平台,提高了BOP性能的透明度。
Stack View平台可根据客户需求配置,在未来,还可集成于Diamond Offshore公司的Sim Stack服务与BOP故障报告数据库,这两者都提供了BOP健康与状态的滞后指标。综合考虑,这些系统将为BOP的健康状况,以及过去与未来性能提供一个更全面的视角,使作业者能够升级为基于条件的维护,从而进一步降低成本,同时提高海底设备的可靠性。
此外,这些综合解决方案还将支持作业者满足安全和环境执法局(BSEE)对21天防喷器压力测试频率的要求,这是一个直接影响钻井作业效率的重大优势,因为目前在墨西哥湾的要求是14天。基于Stack View服务中的领先指标,可实现预测性维护,预防海底停机,提高钻井效率,降低建井的总成本。
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Diamond Offshore Drilling announced the launch of its Stack-View service, a first-of-its-kind solution that applies 24/7 real-time monitoring, data visualization, and advanced analytics to identify trends and detect anomalies in BOP performance across its rig fleet. The leading indicators derived from the Company’s Stack-View service enables predictive maintenance and subsea downtime prevention, increasing drilling productivity and lowering the total cost of the well.
The real-time data gathered and analyzed by the underlying technology in Stack-View is continuously overlaid or “stacked” with historical data, then data visualization, trending, and advanced analytics is applied to predict when BOP components will fail or when maintenance is required. This shift to predictive maintenance from time-based maintenance mitigates stack pulls and maintenance-induced issues, with the ability to reduce non-productive time by up to 50% depending on the water depth and well complexity.
“Subsea equipment repairs and maintenance continues to be a major contributor to a rig’s non-productive time, resulting in great expense to both drillers and operators,” said Marc Edwards, president and CEO of Diamond Offshore. “We continue to look for ways to improve operational efficiencies and reduce operators’ total cost of ownership to make the economics of offshore drilling more competitive. With our Stack-View service, we will be able to monitor and analyze the health of each BOP across our fleet in real-time to make more data-driven decisions that create further cost-savings and performance improvement.”
Developed in partnership with Deepwater Subsea, LLC, the customized Stack-View platform and dashboards will be accessible from any mobile device or computer and any location by early 2020, allowing for greater transparency on BOP performance with customers.
The Stack-View platform is fully configurable and has the future capability to integrate with Diamond Offshore’sSim-Stack service and its BOP failure reporting database—both of which provide lagging indicators of BOP health and status. Combined, these systems will provide a holistic view of a BOP’s health as well as past and future performance, allowing the Company to transition to conditioned-based maintenance to further reduce costs while increasing subsea equipment reliability. Additionally, the combined solutions will support operators in meeting BSEE’s requirements for 21-day BOP pressure testing frequency, which is a substantial benefit directly impacting the operational efficiency of a drilling campaign.
The leading indicators derived from our Stack-View service enables predictive maintenance and subsea downtime prevention, increasing drilling productivity and lowering the total cost of the well.